Upper and lower derivatives information

In summary, the upper and lower derivatives are two different limits that exist if and only if the two one-sided limits exist and are the same.
  • #1
Hello, does someone knows where I can find information about upper and lower derivatives??

For example, why they always exists and why if both have the same value L then the derivative exists and it is L ??

Thank you.
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  • #2
The "upper derivative" at x= a is just
[tex]lim_{h\rightarrow 0^+}\frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}[/tex]
while the "lower derivative is
[tex]lim_{h\rightarrow 0^-}\frac{f(a+h)- f(a)}{h}[/tex]
and, of course, the derivative is
[tex]lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(a+h)- f(a)}{h}[/tex]
By the time you get to derivatives you should have learned that the limit exists if and only if the two one-sided limits exist and are the same.
  • #3
Excuse me, but the upper and lower derivatives I refer to are not the "lateral derivatives" but

(upper derivative)

lim sup { f(x) - f(a) } / (x - a)

and the lower derivative defined with lim inf.
  • #4
My apologies. When I read "they always exists" I thought it was just poor English for "if they exist".

The lim sup and lim inf will always exist if the function f is bounded since every bounded set of real numbers has a lim inf and lim sup. There are unbounded functions for which they do not exist. If lim sup and lim inf for any function exist and are the same then it follows that the limit exists and is that common value.
  • #5
That is my question. How the equality

Lim [supremum of { (f(x) - f(a) }/ (x-a) s.t. 0< lx-al <e } ] =

Lim [ infimum of { f(x) - f(a) } / (x-a) s.t. 0< lx-al < e } ]

implies the existence of f '(a).

  • #6
I think you're just making it too complicated.

What could you say if you had:

\limsup_{x \rightarrow 0} g(x) = \liminf_{x \rightarrow 0} g(x)

  • #7
My problem is that I only know this definitions of lim sup and lim inf (those I put in my last post) and I don't see how to simplify things.
  • #8
Then your goal is to try and prove something when these two are equal!

(Or look in your book and find the relevant theorem)

If [itex]\limsup_{x \rightarrow 0} g(x) = L[/itex], what does that mean? (I bet you can guess the next question I'm going to ask)

So if they are both equal to L, then what?

This will, of course, require you to either use some theorems about sups and infs, or substitute in their definition too.
  • #9
I can only see this long way.

For some reason Latex forms can not be generated in PCs of this city (Lima).

Assume the function f is bounded in a (probably deleted) neighbourhood of "a".

Let b_n = supr. { f(x) / 0 < lx-al < 1/n }. Then the sequence (b_n) is decreasing, therefore convergent.

Let c_n = inf { f(x) / 0< lx-al < 1/n }. Then the sequence (c_n) is increasing, therefore convergent.

Let L be lim b_n. Then L = inf { b_n / n = 1,...}. Then for all e(psilon) there exists an n(e) / b_n - L < e.
That means that for all e there exists and n(e) / supr. {f(x) / 0<lx-al< 1/n} - L < e;
Then for all e there exists and n(e) / if x fullfills 0 < lx-al < 1/n -> f(x) - L < e. (1)

Suppose L is also lim c_n. Then L = sup { c_n / n = 1,...} Analogous reasoning concludes in this: for all e there exists and n(e) / if x fulfills 0 < lx-al < 1/n -> -e < f(x) - L. (2)

Joining (1) and (2) I got that for all e there exists an n(e) / if x fullfills 0 < lx-al < 1/n -> lf(x) - Ll < e. In other words, f(x) -> L (x->a).
  • #10
Hurkyl, sorry to bother, may be can you check the previous post? Thanks.
  • #11
For a hint that is a bit more direct, another name for sup is the least upper bound, and likewise, inf is the greatest lower bound. If your upper bound matches your lower bound, what does that tell you about the thing you are bounding?
  • #12
That helps. Thank you, Nimz.

FAQ: Upper and lower derivatives information

What is the difference between upper and lower derivatives?

The upper and lower derivatives refer to the limiting values of the slopes of a function as the interval over which they are calculated shrinks to zero. The upper derivative represents the greatest possible slope of the function at a given point, while the lower derivative represents the smallest possible slope.

How are upper and lower derivatives calculated?

To calculate the upper and lower derivatives, we use the definition of a derivative as the limit of the slope of a secant line as the two points on the graph get closer together. The upper derivative is found by taking the limit as the points approach from above, while the lower derivative is found by taking the limit as the points approach from below.

What is the significance of upper and lower derivatives in calculus?

The upper and lower derivatives are important in calculus because they help us determine the behavior of a function at a particular point. They also help us classify critical points as maximums, minimums, or saddle points.

Can a function have different upper and lower derivatives at a point?

Yes, a function can have different upper and lower derivatives at a point. This occurs when the function is not differentiable at that point, meaning it has a sharp corner or vertical tangent. In this case, the upper and lower derivatives will have different values.

How do upper and lower derivatives relate to concavity?

The upper and lower derivatives can be used to determine the concavity of a function. If the upper and lower derivatives are equal, the function is said to be concave up. If the upper derivative is greater than the lower derivative, the function is concave down. If the lower derivative is greater than the upper derivative, the function is not concave at that point.

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