React of K2Cr2O7 & C2H6O: Product & Difference

  • Thread starter pivoxa15
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In summary, Acidified potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7 reacts with ethanol, C2H6O to form chromium(III) oxide, Cr2O3, and water.
  • #1
How does acidified potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7 react with ethanol, C2H6O ? What is the resultant product?

And as an aside question what is the difference between acidified potassium dichromate and potassium dichromate?
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  • #2
pivoxa, this is a standard textbook problem and belongs in the Homework section.

Acidified dichromate is a solution of dicromate mixed with a suitable dilute acid. Acidification increases the oxidation potential of the dichromate ion.
  • #4
symbolipoint said:
This helps to verify result of ethanoic or acetic acid:

I've seen this site but what are the half reactions?

For chromium, it's (Cr2O7)2- + 14H+ + 6e- -> 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

For ethanol on the surface it looks like C2H5OH + O2 -> CH3COOOH + H2O
but where is the electron in this half reaction?
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  • #5
C2H5OH + H2O + ---> CH3COOH + (H+) + (e-)
Balance and premultiply as required to complete.

Alternatively, to your above second reaction, add the third reaction:
H2O ---> O2 + (H+) + (e-) and balance the lot of them.
  • #6
The two half reactions are
((Cr2O7)2- + 14H+ + 6e- -> 2Cr3+ + 7H2O ) * 2
C2H5OH + H2O -> CH3COOH + 4(H+) + 4(e-) * 3

Net reaction is:
3C2H5OH + 2(Cr2O7)2- + 16H+ --> 3CH3COOH + 4Cr3+ + 11H2O

The trick was in determing that the product of C2H5OH is CH3COOH. The rest can be done by balancing water, H+ and e-. Are there ways of working out which product will form or do people usually look at tables. FOr predicting complex reactions is the best way to look up in a table? If so is there a large table on the web? I have seen ones in the textbook but many reactions seem to be missing from them.

FAQ: React of K2Cr2O7 & C2H6O: Product & Difference

1. What is the product of the reaction between K2Cr2O7 and C2H6O?

The product of this reaction is Cr2(C2H5O)6, also known as chromium ethoxide.

2. How is the product of this reaction different from the reactants?

The product is different from the reactants in terms of color, as K2Cr2O7 is orange while the product is a dark green color. The product also has a different chemical composition and properties compared to the reactants.

3. What is the purpose of using K2Cr2O7 and C2H6O in this reaction?

K2Cr2O7 and C2H6O are used as reagents in this reaction to produce a new compound, chromium ethoxide. The reaction is often used in organic synthesis to create new molecules with specific properties.

4. Can the product of this reaction be used in any applications?

Yes, chromium ethoxide has several applications in organic synthesis, such as in the production of dyes, pigments, and other industrial chemicals. It can also be used as a catalyst in certain reactions.

5. Is the reaction between K2Cr2O7 and C2H6O dangerous?

The reaction itself is not necessarily dangerous, but both K2Cr2O7 and C2H6O are hazardous chemicals and should be handled with care. It is important to follow proper safety protocols when conducting this reaction in a laboratory setting.
