How Does a Prism Affect the Angle Between Two Emerging Light Rays?

  • Thread starter Twigs
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In summary, the conversation focused on calculating the angle between two parallel light rays after they emerge from a prism with a refractive index of n and angles A equal to theta. The formula n_1*sin(theta)=n_2*sin(theta_2) was discussed and applied to find the angle. However, the initial answer was found to be incorrect and further steps were taken to solve the problem using Snell's law and applying geometry principles. The final answer was given as 2*arcsin(n*sin(theta))+pi/2.
  • #1
A prism shown i has a refractive index of n, and the angles A are theta. Two light rays m and n are parallel as they enter the prism.

What is the angle between them after they emerge?(In radians)


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  • #3
I assume you use n_1*sin(theta)=n_2*sin(theta_2).

And since its 90 degrees, it would just be equal to 1, so I get 1=n_2*sin(theta_2) but I am afraid that I am assuming too much. Then you do it again for the light going out of the prism.
  • #4
Because of the normal incidence,the rays enter the prism nondeviated...You must apply Snell'-Descartes law for the outgoing...

  • #5
I get angle(rads.)= arcsin(n*sin(theta))
  • #6
no, that's answer is wrong, any help?
  • #7
I'm really sorry,i cannot give you any more details,because it's basically a geometry problem.The incident angle is "\theta" for both rays...Compute the reflection angle,which is indeed "\arcsin (n\sin\theta)" and then use the symmetry of the problem and basic geometry knowledge to solve it...

  • #8
heres my new answer.
  • #9
I'm getting [itex] angle=2[\arcsin (n\sin\theta)-\theta] [/itex]


FAQ: How Does a Prism Affect the Angle Between Two Emerging Light Rays?

1. What is a prism refracting problem?

A prism refracting problem is a physics problem that involves the use of a prism to refract light. This type of problem typically requires the use of Snell's Law to calculate the angles of refraction and reflection.

2. How do I solve a prism refracting problem?

To solve a prism refracting problem, you will need to use Snell's Law, which states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the speed of light in the first medium to the speed of light in the second medium.

3. What information do I need to solve a prism refracting problem?

To solve a prism refracting problem, you will need to know the index of refraction of the materials involved, the angle of incidence, and the angle of refraction. You may also need to know the speed of light in each medium.

4. What are some real-world applications of prism refracting problems?

Prism refracting problems have several real-world applications, such as in the design of lenses for optical instruments, the study of rainfall and rainbows, and the creation of spectrums in spectroscopy.

5. Are there any tips for solving prism refracting problems?

One tip for solving prism refracting problems is to draw a diagram to visualize the path of the light through the prism. It can also be helpful to use the law of conservation of energy to check your calculations.
