Composition: Arithmetic is futile

In summary, the conversation discusses the individual's greatest accomplishment, which they believe will be mastering the language of mathematics. They express their struggle with verbalizing mathematical relations and share their idea of presenting an equation and logically deducing it in their paper. They are advised to post their thoughts in their personal blog.
  • #1
Please watch from 0:00 to 1:23

Goal: Complete a short essay on my greatest accomplishment achieved. I have not achieved it yet, but my greatest accomplishment will be the language of mathematics.

I thought about this last night,

"The difference between arithmetic in algebra & arithmetic in real life is that the consequences of arithmetic in algebra didn't matter."

I can express relations numerically, but to put those relations in words? I struggle.

I thought about presenting an equation (of nature!), & then logically deducing it towards the end of my paper. Like an "Oh, that's why!" factor.

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  • #2
Hi Minnesota, this should go into your personal blog. Just click on "My PF", in the upper left corner, scroll down to "Blog", and you can start your blog, if you don't already have one.

FAQ: Composition: Arithmetic is futile

1. What is the meaning of "Composition: Arithmetic is futile"?

"Composition: Arithmetic is futile" is a phrase often used in the field of mathematics and refers to the idea that purely numerical calculations cannot fully explain or capture the complexity of the natural world.

2. Is arithmetic truly futile?

While arithmetic may have limitations in certain contexts, it is still a crucial tool for solving problems and understanding mathematical concepts.

3. What are some examples of situations where arithmetic may not be sufficient?

One example is in complex systems, such as weather patterns or economic markets, where there are too many variables and factors to accurately predict outcomes using simple arithmetic calculations alone.

4. Can other forms of mathematics be used instead of arithmetic?

Yes, other branches of mathematics, such as calculus and statistics, can provide more advanced and accurate methods for solving problems that may be too complex for arithmetic.

5. How does this phrase relate to the concept of "mathematical modeling"?

"Composition: Arithmetic is futile" highlights the limitations of using only numerical calculations in mathematical modeling, and emphasizes the importance of considering other factors and variables in creating accurate models of real-world phenomena.
