Functional variation of Lagrangian densities

In summary, when finding a stationary solution for the action, we treat a scalar field phi and its derivatives as independent variables. This allows for a more general solution and also allows for the correct description of dynamics. The Lagrangian, which is usually seen as the KE-PE function, needs to be a function of positions and velocities treated as independent variables in order to apply the Hamiltonian formalism and properly describe the dynamics. This approach also aligns with the fundamental variational principle of Hamilton, which selects physically realizable mechanical states and the solutions of Lagrange equations.
  • #1
Why do we treat a scalar field phi and its derivatives as being independent when trying to find a stationary solution for the action?

Doesn't that give too general solutions?

Where does the restriction that (d_mu phi) is dependent on phi come back in?
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  • #2
That's the idea. We take things as general as possible. The Lagrangian needs to be a function of positions and velocities treated as independent variables as to allow the passing to the Hamiltonian formalism on one hand and account for the correct description of dynamics on the other. I mean we usually see the lagrangian as the KE-PE function and the KE part involves time derivatives of position (generalized velocities), while the PE part is allowed to depend only on "x" and "t", and not on [itex] \frac{dx}{dt} [/itex].

Setting things so general we have to use the fundamental variational principle of Hamilton which selects the physically realizable mechanical states,which are of course the solutions of Lagrange equations.

  • #3

Functional variation of Lagrangian densities refers to the process of varying the fields in the Lagrangian density to find the equations of motion that yield a stationary action. This is a necessary step in solving physical systems using the principle of least action.

When treating a scalar field phi and its derivatives as independent variables, we are essentially considering all possible variations of the field and its derivatives. This allows us to find a general solution that satisfies the equations of motion for a given system. This is important because it allows us to find the most general and complete solution for a physical system.

The restriction that (d_mu phi) is dependent on phi comes back in when we plug the general solution into the equations of motion. This is because (d_mu phi) represents the momentum of the field and is dependent on the field itself. Therefore, when we solve for the equations of motion using the general solution, we are taking this dependence into account.

It is important to note that while treating phi and its derivatives as independent variables may seem to give too general solutions, it actually allows us to find the most complete and accurate solution for a physical system. This is because it takes into account all possible variations of the field and its derivatives, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the system.

FAQ: Functional variation of Lagrangian densities

1. What is a Lagrangian density?

A Lagrangian density is a mathematical expression used in theoretical physics to describe the dynamics of a system. It is a function of the system's variables, such as position and velocity, and is used to determine the equations of motion for the system.

2. How is functional variation used in Lagrangian densities?

Functional variation is a mathematical technique used to find the minimum or maximum value of a functional, which is a function of a function. In Lagrangian densities, functional variation is used to find the equations of motion for a system by minimizing the action functional, which is the integral of the Lagrangian density over time.

3. What is the significance of functional variation in Lagrangian densities?

Functional variation is significant in Lagrangian densities because it allows us to find the exact equations of motion for a system, rather than just approximate solutions. This is important in theoretical physics as it allows us to accurately predict the behavior of complex systems.

4. Can functional variation be applied to all Lagrangian densities?

Yes, functional variation can be applied to any Lagrangian density, as long as the equations of motion for the system can be derived from it. However, the process of finding the equations of motion using functional variation may be more difficult for some Lagrangian densities compared to others.

5. How does functional variation differ from other mathematical techniques used in Lagrangian mechanics?

Functional variation is different from other mathematical techniques, such as the calculus of variations, because it involves finding the minimum or maximum value of a functional, rather than a function. This allows for more accurate solutions to be obtained for complex systems. Additionally, functional variation is specifically used in Lagrangian mechanics, while other techniques may be used in other areas of mathematics and physics.
