Using Quarter Wave Plate in Microscopy: Hanan's Question

In summary: The condenser prism also acts as a quarter wave plate.In summary, Hanan is considering using a quarter wave plate in their microscope and is wondering if they can place it before the specimen instead of after. They have a birefringent specimen and are unsure if this will cause any issues. Other individuals have provided suggestions, but the best option may be to use a pair of prisms for DIC microscopy.
  • #1
Hello everybody,
I would like to put a quarter wave plate in my microscope (between two
crossed polarizers).

In every book i saw so far, the plate was just before the upper
polarizer, and after the specimen.

my question is - can i put the plate before the specimen?
so the path will be : light source, polarizer, plate, specimen,
note: my specimen is birefringence object.
the way i see it, phase differences are added together, so is there a

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  • #2
My initial impression is no, it shouldn't matter.

  • #3
hen said:
Hello everybody,
I would like to put a quarter wave plate in my microscope (between two
crossed polarizers).

In every book i saw so far, the plate was just before the upper
polarizer, and after the specimen.

my question is - can i put the plate before the specimen?
so the path will be : light source, polarizer, plate, specimen,
note: my specimen is birefringence object.
the way i see it, phase differences are added together, so is there a


Have you ever used a LASER to replace your light source, I did this years back when I had my old microscope, Images seem to be enhanced, but you have to make sure the LASER beam is set to an adjusted angle so the beam doesn't fully enter the lens array.

You have to be very careful or it can cause eye problems, I use to use the projector lens so I didn't have to look directly in the eye piece.

LASER light gives a much better luminous image.

it was a pocket LASER from a gift machine, had about a 1000ft range. cost me 50 cents to win.

never look directly at LASER light for fear of going blind. :smile:
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  • #4
I have a need for 2 things. One, I am told, does not exist: a broadband, zero-order, quaterwave plate (200 to 850nm) and the other is money to buy them.
If I can't buy it, I'd like to make it. Can anyone tell me whether I can make a quarterwave plate and if I can, is there a broadband version out there?
My goal is to allow a human eye to see circularly polarized light (without the aide of a camera).
  • #5
A reasonably good retarder can be made with layers of cellophane tape becasue the tape is birefringent. Calibrate the tape by placing it between crossed polarizers.

A broadband zero-order quarterwave device exists- a Fresnel rhomb.

I can't help you with the money part.
  • #6
hen said:
Hello everybody,
I would like to put a quarter wave plate in my microscope (between two
crossed polarizers).

In every book i saw so far, the plate was just before the upper
polarizer, and after the specimen.

my question is - can i put the plate before the specimen?
so the path will be : light source, polarizer, plate, specimen,
note: my specimen is birefringence object.
the way i see it, phase differences are added together, so is there a


What are you trying to do? Putting the quarter wave plate prior to the speciment will simply illuminate the sample with (for example) circularly polarized light, depending on the orientation of the plate. Putting it after the specimen would be more interesting, I would expect.

DIC microscopy uses a pair of prisms rather than retarders, becasue it uses interference to increase the contrast.

FAQ: Using Quarter Wave Plate in Microscopy: Hanan's Question

1. What is a quarter wave plate?

A quarter wave plate, also known as a quarter wave retarder, is an optical device that alters the polarization of light passing through it. It is typically made of a birefringent material, which means that it has two indices of refraction and can split a beam of light into two perpendicular polarizations.

2. How does a quarter wave plate work in microscopy?

In microscopy, a quarter wave plate is used to manipulate the polarization of light passing through the sample. This can enhance contrast and provide more detailed information about the sample's structure. It can also be used in combination with other optical components to create 3D images and to eliminate glare and reflections.

3. What are the advantages of using a quarter wave plate in microscopy?

Using a quarter wave plate in microscopy can provide several advantages. It can improve image contrast, reduce glare and reflections, and enhance the visualization of structures that are difficult to see with other techniques. It is also a cost-effective and versatile tool that can be used in a wide range of microscopy applications.

4. How do you choose the right quarter wave plate for microscopy?

The choice of a quarter wave plate for microscopy depends on several factors, including the wavelength of light used, the desired level of polarization, and the type of microscope being used. It is important to carefully consider these factors and select a quarter wave plate that is compatible with your specific needs and equipment.

5. Can a quarter wave plate be used in other applications besides microscopy?

Yes, quarter wave plates have many other applications besides microscopy. They are commonly used in optical communication systems, laser systems, and spectroscopy. They can also be used for polarization control in various scientific and industrial processes, such as in the production of liquid crystal displays.
