Determine if series 3/n*sqrt(n) converges or diverges.

  • Thread starter NastyAccident
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In summary, the conversation discussed the convergence of the series \sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{3}{n^{1+\frac{1}{n}}}. The comparison test and limit comparison test were used to determine that the series diverges, with the limit comparison test being used to show that the series is equivalent to the harmonic series, which is known to diverge. The proper choice for b_n was established using mathematical induction, and the use of L'Hopital's rule was mentioned in evaluating the limit.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Comparison Test
Limit Comparison Test
Test of Convergence (Just to show it doesn't immediately diverge)

The Attempt at a Solution

I sort of just would like to check to make sure I'm getting a proper [tex]b_{n}[/tex]

Manipulating the Series:



Test of Convergence:
limit n->infinity [tex]\frac{3}{n^{\frac{n+1}{n}}}[/tex]

limit n->infinity [tex]\frac{3}{n^1}}[/tex]

limit ->infinity [tex]0[/tex]

The series MAY or MAY NOT be convergent.

Comparison Test
*Note* This series only contains positive terms*
From the looks of it, I'm going to GUESS that this series DIVERGES.
[tex]a_{n} = \frac{3}{n^{1+\frac{1}{n}}}, b_{n} = \frac{1}{n}[/tex]
[tex]a_{n} \geq b_{n}[/tex]

Since the series is [tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=1} \frac{1}{n}[/tex], it is a p-series and it diverges because p [tex]\leq[/tex] 1.

By the Comparison Test, [tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{3}{n\sqrt[n]{n}}[/tex] also diverges.

Limit Comparison Test

From the looks of it, I'm going to GUESS that this series DIVERGES.
*Note* This series only contains positive terms*
[tex]a_{n} = \frac{3}{n^{1+\frac{1}{n}}}, b_{n} = \frac{1}{n}[/tex]

limit n->infinity [tex]\frac{\frac{3}{n^{\frac{n+1}{n}}}}{\frac{1}{n}}[/tex]

limit n->infinity [tex]\frac{3n}{n^{\frac{n+1}{n}}}}[/tex]

limit n->infinity [tex]\frac{3}{n^{\frac{1}{n}}}}[/tex]

limit n->infinity [tex]0[/tex]By the Limit Comparison Test, [tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{3}{n\sqrt[n]{n}}[/tex] is divergent since 0 > 0.

My questions:
Did I pick the right [tex]b_{n}[/tex]? If not, what did I do wrong in picking [tex]b_{n}[/tex]?
Any hints for picking the proper [tex]b_{n}[/tex]?
Was there a step that I missed or was unclear?

As always, any and all help is appreciated and will be greatly thanked! =) (I'm getting a 96% in Calc II thanks to the help I am receiving from this community in understanding concepts! [Nailed a 56/60 on a 20% exam!])
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  • #2
Your bn seems great for your tests.

[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{3}{n^{\frac{n+1}{n}}}[/tex] does have a limit; look at the denominator n1 + 1/n as n→∞
  • #3
For your comparison test, with an being the terms in your series, and bn being the terms in the harmonic series, you said that an >= bn. That very well may be true, but you would need to establish this inequality instead of merely stating it.

For your work using the limit comparison test, you concluded that
[tex]\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{a_n}{b_n}~=~0[/tex]
(with an and bn still as defined above), which is not true.

In your work you show [tex]\frac{\frac{3}{n^{1 + 1/n}}}{\frac{1}{n}}~=~\frac{3}{n^{1/n}}[/tex]
which is correct, but in evaluating the denominator limit you got an incorrect value. Here's how that goes, looking just at the limit of the denominator:
[tex]Then~ln~y~= ln (n^{1/n})~=~1/n*ln~n~=~\frac{ln~n}{n}[/tex]
Taking the limit of both sides, we have
[tex]\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}ln~y~=~\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{ln~n}{n}[/tex]
[tex]=~\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{1/n}{1}~=~0[/tex]
The last limit was evaluated using L'Hopital's Rule.
Since lim ln y = ln lim y = 0, this means that lim y = 1.

The upshot of all this is that lim 3/(n1/n) = 3, and not 0 as you wrote.

This shows that your series diverges, which is in agreement with your instincts.
  • #4
Mark44 said:
For your comparison test, with an being the terms in your series, and bn being the terms in the harmonic series, you said that an >= bn. That very well may be true, but you would need to establish this inequality instead of merely stating it.

For your work using the limit comparison test, you concluded that
[tex]\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{a_n}{b_n}~=~0[/tex]
(with an and bn still as defined above), which is not true.

In your work you show [tex]\frac{\frac{3}{n^{1 + 1/n}}}{\frac{1}{n}}~=~\frac{3}{n^{1/n}}[/tex]
which is correct, but in evaluating the denominator limit you got an incorrect value. Here's how that goes, looking just at the limit of the denominator:
[tex]Then~ln~y~= ln (n^{1/n})~=~1/n*ln~n~=~\frac{ln~n}{n}[/tex]
Taking the limit of both sides, we have
[tex]\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}ln~y~=~\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{ln~n}{n}[/tex]
[tex]=~\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{1/n}{1}~=~0[/tex]
The last limit was evaluated using L'Hopital's Rule.
Since lim ln y = ln lim y = 0, this means that lim y = 1.

The upshot of all this is that lim 3/(n1/n) = 3, and not 0 as you wrote.

This shows that your series diverges, which is in agreement with your instincts.

Attempt to satisfy #1 (I'm assuming I do not have to do mathematical induction):
[tex]a_{n} = \frac{3}{n^{1+\frac{1}{n}}}, b_{n} = \frac{1}{n}[/tex]

[tex]a_{n} \geq b_{n}[/tex]




Attempt to satisfy #2 (Please note, I lacked knowledge on Le'Hospital's rule prior to this year since my AB teacher did not teach it.):

"[URL form
[/URL] shows that this is infinity to the 0 power case...

Transformation is:

Which matches what you did... So =) Thanks for directing me to pull out the Indeterminate forms... I'll be studying them this weekend!

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FAQ: Determine if series 3/n*sqrt(n) converges or diverges.

1. What is the general formula for determining if a series converges or diverges?

The general formula for determining if a series converges or diverges is to take the limit of the series as n approaches infinity. If the limit is equal to a finite number, the series converges. If the limit is equal to infinity or negative infinity, the series diverges.

2. How do you determine if a series with a polynomial in the denominator converges or diverges?

To determine if a series with a polynomial in the denominator converges or diverges, you can use the comparison test. This involves comparing the series to a known series with a simpler form, such as a p-series or a geometric series. If the known series converges, then the given series also converges. If the known series diverges, then the given series also diverges.

3. What is the specific formula for determining the convergence or divergence of the series 3/n*sqrt(n)?

The specific formula for determining the convergence or divergence of the series 3/n*sqrt(n) is to take the limit of the series as n approaches infinity. This can be done by simplifying the series to 3/sqrt(n) and then taking the limit. The limit will be equal to 0, which means the series converges.

4. Can the divergence or convergence of a series change if the series is rearranged?

No, the divergence or convergence of a series should not change if the series is rearranged. This is known as the rearrangement theorem and it states that if a series converges absolutely, then the rearrangement of its terms will also converge to the same limit. However, if a series only converges conditionally, then the rearrangement of its terms can change the limit or cause the series to diverge.

5. Are there any other tests that can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of a series?

Yes, there are several other tests that can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of a series. Some common tests include the ratio test, the integral test, and the alternating series test. These tests can be used in specific cases where the comparison test may not be applicable. It is important to understand and be familiar with multiple tests in order to determine the convergence or divergence of a series accurately.

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