Why the Six Generators of the Restrict Lorentz Group

In summary, the six generators of the restricted Lorentz group are made up of three rotation generators (angular momentum) and three boost generators. The number of parameters can be deduced from the conditions and the interpretation of the parameters as boosts and rotations can be found in books such as Weinberg's QFT book.
  • #1
Why the six generator of the restrict lorentz group are the three rotation's generator(angular momentum) and the three boost's generator?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The Lorentz group is a group of linear transforms, so it preserves the origin. If you want a more general transform that includes translations as well as rotations and boosts, then you want the Poincare group. That is a group of affine transforms, so it doesn't preserve the origin.
  • #3
martyf said:
Why the six generator of the restrict lorentz group are the three rotation's generator(angular momentum) and the three boost's generator?

What exactly is it that you would like to know? There are at least four different things that could be your main concern: The number of independent parameters, the interpretation of the parameters as boosts and rotations, the topology of the group (i.e. what well-known set it can be continuously and bijectively mapped onto), and the commutation relations satisfied by the generators.

The number of independent parameters follows immediately from the condition [itex]\Lambda^T\eta\Lambda=\eta[/itex]. The fact that 3 parameters correspond to rotation parameters follow from the fact that restricted Lorentz transformations that leave [itex]x^0[/itex] unchanged are rotations (the components of such a [itex]\Lambda[/itex] that aren't on the 0th row or 0th column form a 3x3 orthogonal matrix). The fact that 3 parameters correspond to a velocity change follow from the fact that [itex]\Lambda[/itex] takes the time axis to some other straight line to the origin. (The slope of that line can be interpreted as a speed, and its projection onto the x-y-z hyperplane defines a direction). The topology stuff and the commutation relations involve too much typing for me to include those details here. You can find them in lots of books, e.g. Weinberg's QFT book (vol.1, the appendix to chapter 2).
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  • #4
I wanted to know the imterpretation of the parameters as boosts and rotations!

FAQ: Why the Six Generators of the Restrict Lorentz Group

1. Why is the Lorentz group important in science?

The Lorentz group is important in science because it is a fundamental symmetry group that describes the relationship between space and time. It plays a crucial role in the theories of special relativity and quantum field theory, which are essential for understanding the fundamental laws of physics.

2. What are the six generators of the Restrict Lorentz Group?

The six generators of the Restrict Lorentz Group are the three spatial rotations (around the x, y, and z axes) and three boosts (in the x, y, and z directions). These generators represent the possible transformations between frames of reference in relativity.

3. Why is the number of generators in the Restrict Lorentz Group limited to six?

The number of generators in the Restrict Lorentz Group is limited to six because this is the minimum number needed to preserve the structure of the group. Any additional generators would result in redundant transformations that do not add any new information.

4. How do the six generators of the Restrict Lorentz Group relate to each other?

The six generators of the Restrict Lorentz Group are related to each other through a set of commutation relations, which describe how the generators combine to form new transformations. These relations are important for understanding the structure and properties of the group.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Restrict Lorentz Group?

The Restrict Lorentz Group has many real-world applications, including in high-energy physics, cosmology, and engineering. It is used to describe the behavior of particles traveling at high speeds, the structure of spacetime, and the design of systems that involve time and space coordinates, such as GPS technology.

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