What Makes Natural Breasts the Size They Are?

  • Thread starter Therian
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In summary, breasts are made up of various tissues such as fat, muscle, glandular tissue, blood supply/vascular tissue, fibrous tissue, and connective tissue. The composition can vary depending on genetics, hormonal/lactational status, age, and nutritional status. The primary function of breasts is to provide energy and nutrition to newborn babies, but our culture places a strong emphasis on size and shape. This has led to many women feeling compelled to undergo breast implants, which is seen as a tragedy by some and a crime by others due to the potential negative effects on the intended function of breasts and the pressure from society to conform to a certain standard of beauty.
  • #1
What makes (Natural, not implants) breasts the size they are, percentage-wise I mean? (Eg is it (for example) 10% fat, 10% hormones, 10% genetics?) (Would the amount things affect breast-size, percentage-wise, vary with genetics?)
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Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Mostly genetics.
  • #3
Lured me in and shot me down. ha!
  • #4
Therian - you female?

Breasts change through life. You know that.

They are somewhat larger during menstruation, in general, and they really get big during pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of milk folllowing childbirth can be a considerable percentage of breast volume.

Many of us females experience depressing changes in breast size, and altitude, with age.

I just have trouble believing that you don't know some of this stuff?

So although it's hard to put a percentage on how much of a breast is this, or due to that, obviously hormones play a part, and it varies from one person to the next and from one stage of life to the next.

How about penises? What makes them big or small? (Wicked grin)
  • #5
I'd have to say genetics, but certainly pregnancy (hormones) affects them.

Given that breasts are simply mammary glands/organs, whose primary function is to supply milk/nutrition to newborn human babies, it is a shame that our culture places so much emphasis on the size and shape.

IMO, that women feel compelled to undergo breast implants is a tradgedy, although I certain understand and appreciate the psychological aspects.
  • #6
I'm not sure Therian is asking why different women have different sized breasts, but what the composition of breast tissue is. So, since folks have covered the different size issue, I'll cover the composition side of things, which will vary with size and hormonal/lactational status, to some extent. Much of breast tissue is fat (adipose tissue), there's also some muscle present (not much, and contrary to those silly exercises women did back in the 60's, you're not going to increase breast size by building those muscles; usually vigorous exercise has the disappointing effect of burning fat and shrinking breast size), and a lot of glandular tissue for producing milk during lactation. Of course, as with any part of our body, there's also a blood supply/vascular tissue.
  • #8
Yes, sorry, what I wanted to know was the composition of breasts tissue. Thanks Moonbear

So are breasts only composed of:

fat (adipose tissue),
glandular tissue
blood supply/vascular tissue
fibrous tissue
connective tissue
(Aside from what may be in artificial breasts)

I mean, are they (natural breasts) ever composed of anything more than that?

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  • #9
Therian said:
I mean, are they ever composed of anything more than that?
Did you have something else in mind you were wondering about being there?
  • #10
no, I basically just wanted to know all the things that natural breasts could be composed of, that's why I was asking if they could be composed of anything else
  • #11
Therian said:
no, I basically just wanted to know all the things that natural breasts could be composed of, that's why I was asking if they could be composed of anything else
Okay. I think the only thing left off that list would be connective tissue. Technically, fat is considered connective tissue as well, but there would be other types just holding everything together. That would be negligible in terms of affecting size though.

Worth noting is that males also have the same breast tissues, although there is substantially less fat deposition (due to different hormonal regulation), so they do not become enlarged like female breasts do, hence the very obvious physical differences between male and female breasts.
  • #12
So could you tell me what percentage of fat breasts are composed of, or does that vary with genetics, etc?
  • #13
Therian said:
So could you tell me what percentage of fat breasts are composed of, or does that vary with genetics, etc?

That's going to vary a lot, including with genetics and nutritional status.
  • #14
I would say that diet plays a larger role than is realized.
  • #15
Muscle, also reduces size and fat content, if you work out lots and are athletic often your breasts will shrink.
  • #16
Whats the smallest percentage of fat that breasts would have to constantly be composed of? Is there one?
  • #17
Astronuc said:
Given that breasts are simply mammary glands/organs, whose primary function is to supply milk/nutrition to newborn human babies, it is a shame that our culture places so much emphasis on the size and shape.

This is not correct at all. The primary function of the breast is to feed energy to the baby. The breast milk is the observable physical component of the energy.

It is not a shame that culture places an emphasis on breast size. Breast size is an indicator of the health of the woman and an indicator of her suitabilitiy for motherhood. Breast size in many cases can be used to measure the "womanness" or "femininity" of a woman. Using breast size to judge the woman for suitablility for motherhood is a normal and expected thing from any society that wishes it's children to be strong and healthy.

Astronuc said:
IMO, that women feel compelled to undergo breast implants is a tradgedy, although I certain understand and appreciate the psychological aspects.

It is not a tragedy, it is a crime. These women have no idea what they are doing to themselves. They do not understand why the breasts are the size they are. They do not understand that the breasts will naturally change shape on their own. They do not understand the intended function of the breast and most of all they do not understand how boob surgery will affect this intended function.

IMHO, breast surgery is torture inflicted on women for profit. If you were to tell someone about a woman whom doctors took knives to and cut her breasts, they would think you were describing a crime or torture. Until you mentioned breast implants. IMHO the doctors and manufacturers are fully aware of what they are doing. They are making money from uninformed woman who are pressured by society to go thru this disfiguring process.

It angers me, saddens me and makes me nauseous to think how these bad men take advantage of ignorant women. I am the kind of person who would describe their actions as evil. Knowing, purposeful evil.
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  • #18
Happeh said:
IMHO, breast surgery is torture inflicted on women for profit. If you were to tell someone about a woman whom doctors took knives to and cut her breasts, they would think you were describing a crime or torture. Until you mentioned breast implants. IMHO the doctors and manufacturers are fully aware of what they are doing. They are making money from uninformed woman who are pressured by society to go thru this disfiguring process.

It angers me, saddens me and makes me nauseous to think how these bad men take advantage of ignorant women. I am the kind of person who would describe their actions as evil. Knowing, purposeful evil.

don't you think this is all being a bit dramatic?

some women wish to augment their appearance, doctors are willing to provide this service...where's the problem?

and if you are thinking of the whole silicone/saline thing, don't even go there...
  • #19
quetzalcoatl9 said:
don't you think this is all being a bit dramatic?

some women wish to augment their appearance, doctors are willing to provide this service...where's the problem?

and if you are thinking of the whole silicone/saline thing, don't even go there...

Sure it is dramatic. Cutting people with a knife is dramatic.

The problem is women do not understand the basic nature of their body. They do not understand how the surgery is affecting them.

Drug dealers are willing to provide drugs. Most people think that is taking advantage of weakness. Those doctors are making a fortune taking advantage of the weak self esteem of these women.
  • #20
These women are adults and sign informed consent forms.
  • #21
If the implants are safe, why is it any worse to augment breasts than straighten teeth? We all do things for cosmetic value.
  • #22
Too large pumpkins are uncomfortable, and men do not always like women with too large (o)(o). I said so because there are also people who like to inflate their breasts to keep up with their neighbors, which is not safe at all, because i think any chemical changes will gradually cause more or less harm to the body. Something natural might attract more people. Besides genetics, women can also take care of their breasts with exercises, sufficient food, nutrient supply, etc. Plus, choice of bras should also be considered.
As a final note, too small doubles are not generating high sensitivity from a man. I prefer medium size.

I now join a class in body building, took also some lectures on blood circulation, health and sports at my school, I really like them and learn what I said from those classes. Losing what you have is always easy but keeping it by your side is far more difficult than you can imagine.
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  • #23
Emieno said:
Besides genetics, women can also take care of their breasts with exercises, sufficient food, nutrient supply, etc. .
You make them sound like pets! :smile:
  • #24
Happeh said:
Sure it is dramatic. Cutting people with a knife is dramatic.

The problem is women do not understand the basic nature of their body. They do not understand how the surgery is affecting them.

Drug dealers are willing to provide drugs. Most people think that is taking advantage of weakness. Those doctors are making a fortune taking advantage of the weak self esteem of these women.

You have a very narrow view of reality.
  • #25
Math Is Hard said:
You make them sound like pets! :smile:
Perhaps because we live in diffrent world, different culture, that would explain.
I realize it by people's precaution to their loss of properties. :smile:

Human judgments I think are mostly influenced by cultural and religious background, but diversity is always there and it is still quite hard to make any conclusion about how and what behaviors a certain person you are trying to observe is going to have. Women and men are two different types of high-level sexed organisms on Earth that come together to seek for each other's properties, not for good genes. Theory of materials is what pops up in Western culture, whereas it is that of spirituals in the East. A saturated point between the two is possible to reach only in a perfect condition, since again human behaviors are controlled by surroundings and such. When we say, Poverty, we are binding ourselves to economy comparisons but i truly think it is just another branch in a development tree in general and of course in a lower branch of economical development model.
I say that because i don't glue my mind in a specific problem that I have, and sure it might sound more of theories to several people but anyway, diversity is just something like that...
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  • #26
Happeh said:
This is not correct at all. The primary function of the breast is to feed energy to the baby. The breast milk is the observable physical component of the energy.
What do you mean it's not correct? You just said the same thing.

It is not a shame that culture places an emphasis on breast size. Breast size is an indicator of the health of the woman and an indicator of her suitabilitiy for motherhood. Breast size in many cases can be used to measure the "womanness" or "femininity" of a woman. Using breast size to judge the woman for suitablility for motherhood is a normal and expected thing from any society that wishes it's children to be strong and healthy.
Actually, this is not true. A woman with small breasts can provide just as much milk for her baby as a woman with large breasts. The glandular portion increases in size and prepares to produce the milk during pregnancy. And, actually, a woman who is morbidly obese is likely to have very large breasts, and that would be an indicator that she is unhealthy, not healthy. Likewise, a very healthy, physically fit woman may have small breasts and have no problem at all with fertility nor would that make her less maternal.
  • #27
Monique said:
These women are adults and sign informed consent forms.

What if the consent forms do not contain complete information? The woman reads the list of what can happen but it is missing some things. She is signing based on incomplete information.
  • #28
Happeh said:
What if the consent forms do not contain complete information? The woman reads the list of what can happen but it is missing some things. She is signing based on incomplete information.
A properly written informed consent form will state something about potential for unforseen complications and that all surgery has some risk. I don't think anyone goes into surgery thinking it's totally safe.

Although, I do agree to some extent that it also seems to me to be pretty extreme for a perfectly healthy person to undergo surgery for purely cosmetic reasons (as opposed to breast restoration after a mastectomy). It's especially unfortunate when the real underlying problem is low self-esteem, and the surgery doesn't cure that. I wish that such a decision required psychological counseling before the final decision and signing of informed consent was done.
  • #29
Moonbear said:
What do you mean it's not correct? You just said the same thing.

I am differentiating between energy, like an invisible energy passing between the two, and milk, which also provides chemical energy etc I suppose. If you do not believe in energy, can we be polite and say we disagree instead of name calling or ridiculing?

It is my concern that implants would interfere with the continued proper growth of the breast. Material from inside of the body would try to grow into the breast. Instead of encountering normal body material thru which it could penetrate and entertwine, the new material encounters the impenetrable and unnatural plastic. This new material cannot penetrate the dead plastic of the implant. What happens? How does this affect the woman's health?

I had a hard time above remembering what I wanted to say about energy. Breast implants interfere with the proper transmission of the bodies energy thru the breast. If you are trained to see energy or have the natural ability, when you look at plastic breasts, they look dead. Healthy breasts give off life energy, you are dying to get ahold of them because you want the life energy. Plastic breasts look big, but they are dead. They give off no life energy. There is nothing appealing about them. You see a blotch where the implant is under the skin of the breast. Same thing happens with plastic surgery.

If you cannot see energy, all you see is size like most young men, then you just see big breast and you are happy.
  • #30
Happeh said:
I am differentiating between energy, like an invisible energy passing between the two, and milk, which also provides chemical energy etc I suppose. If you do not believe in energy, can we be polite and say we disagree instead of name calling or ridiculing?

It is my concern that implants would interfere with the continued proper growth of the breast. Material from inside of the body would try to grow into the breast. Instead of encountering normal body material thru which it could penetrate and entertwine, the new material encounters the impenetrable and unnatural plastic. This new material cannot penetrate the dead plastic of the implant. What happens? How does this affect the woman's health?

I had a hard time above remembering what I wanted to say about energy. Breast implants interfere with the proper transmission of the bodies energy thru the breast. If you are trained to see energy or have the natural ability, when you look at plastic breasts, they look dead. Healthy breasts give off life energy, you are dying to get ahold of them because you want the life energy. Plastic breasts look big, but they are dead. They give off no life energy. There is nothing appealing about them. You see a blotch where the implant is under the skin of the breast. Same thing happens with plastic surgery.

If you cannot see energy, all you see is size like most young men, then you just see big breast and you are happy.

Well, since this is a biology forum, and not a "new age" or whatever forum, we should stick with issues of chemical energy and nutrition here, not whatever "life energy" you're talking about. Breasts are mammary glands, that's it. If you want to talk about something other than nutrients, that's a topic for Skepticism and Debunking, not Biology.
  • #31
and it seems like you would have issues with women bottle-feeding babies instead of breast-feeding them as well..
based on what you said...
  • #32
Happeh, what are your motivations in this discussion? I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask: do you feel that the need for women to flaunt large breasts contradicts some religious view of yours?

Happeh said:
Those doctors are making a fortune taking advantage of the weak self esteem of these women.

Hmm, I don't know about this. I think that it is only natural that people want to be considered attractive to the opposite sex, and if they have the money to spend to make that happen then they will. i don't think that is necessarily "weak self esteem" any more than women buying expensive dresses that flatter themselves or dying their hair. What is the example of a woman with good self-esteem, covered in a burlap sack?

FAQ: What Makes Natural Breasts the Size They Are?

1. What factors determine the size of natural breasts?

The size of natural breasts is primarily determined by genetics. Other factors that may play a role include hormones, weight, and overall body composition.

2. Can diet or exercise affect the size of natural breasts?

No, diet and exercise do not directly affect the size of natural breasts. However, maintaining a healthy weight and overall body composition may help to maintain the size and shape of the breasts.

3. Do natural breasts continue to grow or change size over time?

Yes, natural breasts can continue to grow or change size over time due to hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy. However, the extent of these changes varies from person to person.

4. Is there a "normal" or average size for natural breasts?

There is no one "normal" or average size for natural breasts. Breast size varies greatly among individuals and can range from very small to very large.

5. Can breast size be altered without surgery?

No, breast size cannot be altered without surgery. There are no proven methods to increase or decrease breast size without undergoing a surgical procedure.

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