Logic Question: Mathematician's Life Depends on Next Statement to Cannibals

  • Thread starter almoo
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In summary, a mathematician is stranded on an island and is captured by cannibals who give him a choice of death based on his next statement being true or false. The mathematician says, "You will hang me," resulting in a paradox where the cannibals must either shoot or hang him. The outcome depends on their belief in the statement's truthfulness. Ultimately, the mathematician's life depends on the cannibals' beliefs rather than the statement's actual truth or falsehood.
  • #1
Honestly, I have no clue how to answer this question. A professor sent this out in a email, but I don't have a class with her so I don't think its homework. Care to throw some ideas? Is it really simple...? Apparently its a logic question, but it seems illogical to me.

"A mathematician is stranded on an island and is captured by a group of cannibals. They tell him that he gets to choose his way to die. The cannibals will shoot him if the next statement he says is true, and they will hang him if the next statement he says is false. The mathematician makes a statement and the cannibals have to let him go. What did the mathematician say?"
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  • #2
I guess something like, "this statement is false", which is a sort of paradox, so because it can be neither true nor false, they release him.
  • #3
It's called a http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LiarsParadox.html" .

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  • #4
almoo said:
"A mathematician is stranded on an island and is captured by a group of cannibals. They tell him that he gets to choose his way to die. The cannibals will shoot him if the next statement he says is true, and they will hang him if the next statement he says is false. The mathematician makes a statement and the cannibals have to let him go. What did the mathematician say?"

The mathematician just said:
"You will hang me."
  • #5
Rogerio said:
The mathematician just said:
"You will hang me."

So they shot him as he hung.
  • #6
Well, the question is who decides what is truthfull, the cannibals or the mathematician? (-:
  • #7
He could also decide not to talk, and then nothing happens.
  • #8
loop quantum gravity said:
He could also decide not to talk, and then nothing happens.

The riddle states that he makes a statement and then they let him go.

  • #9
As Rogerio says, he says "you will hang me". If the cannibals believe that is true, then they must shoot him which makes his statement false and so they must hang him. If the cannibals believe that is false, they must hang him which makes it true so they must shoot him. Either way violates what they said.
  • #10
Thanks guys. I think i can follow what Rogerio said. Makes sense to me.
  • #11
If he tells them look ,every Sunday i play football, what will the cannibals do??
  • #12
poutsos.A said:
If he tells them look ,every Sunday i play football, what will the cannibals do??

This answer doesn't help him...
If the cannibals believe him, they whill shoot him.
And if they don't, they will hang him.
  • #13
Anyway, he will stop to play football.
So, I guess the cannibals will hang him.
  • #14
Does his life depend on what the cannibals believe or not??or whether the statement is true or false??
  • #15
poutsos.A said:
Does his life depend on what the cannibals believe or not??or whether the statement is true or false??

If the statement is true, then the cannibals will shoot him.
But what specifically would be driving the cannibals? A magical force? A lie detector?
How can they know? Maybe they are very sensitive, and they can "feel" that?
Well, I prefer to think that the cannibals themselves decide whether the statement is true or not.
  • #16
Anyway, his life (or death) depends on what the cannibals believe.
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FAQ: Logic Question: Mathematician's Life Depends on Next Statement to Cannibals

What is a logic question?

A logic question is a type of question that requires reasoning and critical thinking skills to solve. It often involves a set of premises or statements and asks for the conclusion or outcome based on those premises.

Why are logic questions important?

Logic questions are important because they help develop analytical and problem-solving skills. They also encourage logical thinking and the ability to make sound judgments based on evidence and reasoning.

How do I solve a logic question?

To solve a logic question, you need to carefully read and understand the given premises or statements. Then, use deductive or inductive reasoning to determine the conclusion. It is also helpful to draw diagrams or make charts to visualize the problem.

What are some common types of logic questions?

Some common types of logic questions include syllogisms, logical puzzles, and brain teasers. These can range from simple to complex, and often require different approaches to solve.

Can logic questions have more than one correct answer?

It is possible for logic questions to have more than one correct answer, especially in cases where there are multiple valid conclusions based on the given premises. However, some logic questions may have only one correct answer, depending on the specific context and wording of the question.

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