Mass spectometer and relativity

In summary, the mass of an electron measured by a mass spectrometer will equal B^2*e*R/E, where B is the magnetic field, e is the charge of the electron, R is the radius of the circle it travels in (one-half the distance from the end of the velocity filter to the plate that catches the electrons at the end), and E is the electric field. If you have to take its derivative, it'll get really ugly... unless you don't need to take the derivative of the lorentz part.
  • #1
Hi, I had a homework question in my physics class that I'm not totally sure about. We're supposed to design (not actually build, just explain on paper) a mass spectrometer that can measure the speed of electrons going at .998c, so taking into account special relativity. Here are my questions:

Would it basically be the same as a normal spectrometer, same design?

How would you account for relativity? I think you would assume that the mass would get bigger in your reference frame, so you would have to divide by that lorentz factor to get the object's rest mass. Is this right? What about length contraction? Do you just multiply r by the lorentz factor?

Also, how would you actually set up the magnetic field and the electric field?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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  • #2
Your mass spectrometer would basically still have the same design. I think the problem has to do with where the electrons will land after their partial orbit of the magnetic field so the only change necessary is in the equation of motion for the electron. So instead of "mass times acceleration" you will use
[tex]\frac{d\vec p}{dt}[/tex].

The Lorentz force (due to the magnetic field) should remain unchanged. You will also have to consider how large to make the device and what the magnetic field strength will be to accommodate that size.
  • #3
Thanks for your prompt reply! So the distance they travel would change? Would it just be multiplied by the lorentz factor? I'm still a little confused.
  • #4
evelyncanarvon said:
Thanks for your prompt reply! So the distance they travel would change? Would it just be multiplied by the lorentz factor? I'm still a little confused.


[tex]\vec p = \gamma m_0 \vec v [/tex]
  • #5
Hmmm... I still don't totally understand. Here's what I have so far.

Not taking into account relativity, the mass of the electron measured by the spectrometer will equal


where B is the magnetic field, e is the charge of the electron, R is the radius of the circle it travels in (one-half the distance from the end of the velocity filter to the plate that catches the electrons at the end), and E is the electric field.

How do I adjust this for relativity?

There would be length contraction for the electron, so would I have to divide R by the lorentz factor? Or would I just assume that the M measured would be too large and divide the entire thing by the lorentz factor?

Sorry, but I don't understand what I can do with your previous statement.
  • #6
Okay, Tide, I kinda get what you're saying.

dp/dt = qvB

p= mv/(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2

but how do you translate these to make them equal each other?

How do you transform the second equation to become a variation of mv^2/r ?

If you have to take its derivative, it'll get really ugly... unless you don't need to take the derivative of the lorentz part. Is that just a constant?
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  • #7
evelyncanarvon said:
Okay, Tide, I kinda get what you're saying.

dp/dt = qvB

p= mv/(1-v^2/c^2)^1/2

but how do you translate these to make them equal each other?

How do you transform the second equation to become a variation of mv^2/r ?

If you have to take its derivative, it'll get really ugly... unless you don't need to take the derivative of the lorentz part. Is that just a constant?

Make sure you recognize that the differential equation is a VECTOR equation! Namely,
[tex]\frac {d \vec p}{dt} = q \vec v \times \vec B[/tex]

You should have no trouble deducing that [itex]p^2[/itex] is a constant which means that [itex]v^2[/itex] is a constant and, therefore, so is [itex]\gamma[/itex].

You end up with (after a little rearranging)
[tex]\frac {d \vec v}{dt} = \frac {q}{\gamma m} \vec v \times \vec B[/tex]

Now, remember [itex]\gamma[/itex] is a constant so you can solve the differential equations it just like you did for the nonrelativistic case.
  • #8
Thanks for your help! :smile:

FAQ: Mass spectometer and relativity

1. What is a mass spectrometer and how does it work?

A mass spectrometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the mass of particles in a sample. It works by ionizing the particles in the sample and separating them according to their mass-to-charge ratio. This allows scientists to identify the different types of particles present in a sample.

2. How is the theory of relativity related to mass spectrometry?

The theory of relativity, specifically the concept of mass-energy equivalence, is crucial in understanding the workings of a mass spectrometer. This theory states that mass and energy are interchangeable, and a mass spectrometer uses this principle to convert the mass of particles into energy and vice versa.

3. What is the significance of mass spectrometry in scientific research?

Mass spectrometry is an essential tool in scientific research as it allows scientists to identify and analyze the composition of various substances. This information is vital in fields such as chemistry, biology, and medicine, where understanding the composition of a substance is essential to understanding its properties and behavior.

4. Can a mass spectrometer be used to analyze all types of particles?

No, a mass spectrometer is primarily used to analyze charged particles, such as ions and electrons. It cannot be used to analyze neutral particles, such as neutrons and photons, as they do not have a charge that can be detected by the instrument.

5. How has the development of mass spectrometry impacted scientific discoveries?

The development of mass spectrometry has greatly impacted scientific discoveries in various fields. It has allowed scientists to identify new elements, analyze the composition of compounds, and study the behavior of particles at the atomic level. It has also played a crucial role in drug development, environmental studies, and forensic investigations.
