Why do rocket engines work in the vacuum of space?

In summary, a rocket in space pushes on a vaccuum, a vaccuum can push back. This results in thrust. If you're as lazy as I am, however, it's a lot easier to temporarily disconnect your oxygen supply hose and direct it rearward.
  • #1
I have a feeling someone is going to be like "Duhhh" on this one. But I got to thinking.

I recall reading somewhere that the guy that came up with the rocket engine for use in space got an F on his paper because "I think" the professor said that there would be nothing to push back on the rocket in space.

So I got to thinking, I know Einstein said for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction... well.. for example I push a wall, it's pushing back on me with equal force.

However a rocket in space pushes on well.. a vaccuum, a vacuum can push back?

In the same way I know that if I was surrounded by air and waved my arms around in a gravityless room with air inside I would move. But if I was in a space suit in space and did this I feel that I wouldn't move, because their is nothing to push back.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
A rocket pushes on it's fuel
  • #3
Sephiroth2088 said:
...I know Einstein said for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
No. No. No. Try Newton.
  • #4
A rocket expels part of it's own mass (burnt fuel) at a very high rate of speed. The spent fuel goes one direction, the rocket goes the other direction.
  • #5
In 1920 the New York Times stated that rockets would not work beyond the atmosphere (they published a correction in 1969)
  • #6
Sephiroth2088 said:
However a rocket in space pushes on well.. a vaccuum, a vacuum can push back?
A rocket engine (or any other reaction engine) only "pushes" on the fluid stream inside it. It carries both fuel and oxidizer (for a bi-propellant system) on board so it can operate in an atmosphere like space.

The ignition of the fuel creates an acceleration in the fluid stream which causes the exhaust stream to exit at a much higher velocity. Due to Newton's 3rd law, the reaction of accelerating that fluid stream to a higher velocity creates a reaction force in the opposite direction, i.e. thrust.
  • #7
Perhaps a simpler picture is to imagine the exploding fuel pushing on the top of the fuel tank as it jets out of the bottom.
  • #9
mgb_phys said:
Perhaps a simpler picture is to imagine the exploding fuel pushing on the top of the fuel tank as it jets out of the bottom.
That certainly is a more simple picture. Although, any burner designer would cringe at you using the word "exploding." There is a desired and controlled combustion process that happens but let's not get picky.
  • #10
Sephiroth2088 said:
In the same way I know that if I was surrounded by air and waved my arms around in a gravityless room with air inside I would move. But if I was in a space suit in space and did this I feel that I wouldn't move, because their is nothing to push back.

You're right you wouldn't move. What you need to do to move in space is reach into the duffel of tennis balls you cleverly brought with you and start throwing them away from you one at a time as hard as you can**. That will get you moving. And by logical extension of thrown tennis balls to thrown atoms of gas, you can see why a rocket works quite well.

**BTW, you don't need vacuum to use this technique. It will work nicely sitting on an office chair or on an ice rink too (at least, in principle).
  • #11
DaveC426913 said:
What you need to do to move in space is reach into the duffel of tennis balls you cleverly brought with you and start throwing them away from you one at a time as hard as you can**.

If you're as lazy as I am, however, it's a lot easier to temporarily disconnect your oxygen supply hose and direct it rearward. (Note that the term temporary is very important to the success of the manoeuvre.)
  • #12
FredGarvin said:
Although, any burner designer would cringe at you using the word "exploding."

It's the memory of my mechanics professor, with a very strong Austrian accent - after calculating the burn rate needed to get a Satrun V off the ground ( something like 20t/s) he says "Zis is not burning - zis is exploding"
Not chemically correct but a good description of 20t of rocket fuel a second going bang!

FAQ: Why do rocket engines work in the vacuum of space?

What are rocket engines used for in space?

Rocket engines are used to propel spacecraft and satellites into orbit and to travel through space. They are also used for making course corrections and adjustments during space missions.

What types of rocket engines are used in space?

There are several types of rocket engines used in space, including chemical, nuclear, and electric engines. Chemical engines use a reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer to produce thrust. Nuclear engines use the energy from nuclear reactions to heat a propellant and create thrust. Electric engines use electrical energy to ionize and accelerate a propellant, producing thrust.

How do rocket engines work in space?

Rocket engines work by expelling exhaust gases at high speeds in a specific direction, according to Newton's third law of motion. This creates an opposite and equal force, propelling the spacecraft or satellite in the opposite direction.

Why are rocket engines more efficient in space compared to on Earth?

Rocket engines are more efficient in space because there is no air resistance to slow down the exhaust gases. On Earth, rocket engines have to work harder to overcome air resistance, making them less efficient.

Can rocket engines work in a vacuum?

Yes, rocket engines can work in a vacuum, as they do not require air or oxygen to operate. They carry their own propellants and can operate in the vacuum of space or in low-pressure environments, such as the moon or other planets without an atmosphere.

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