Earthquake Prediction for 2004,for the World

In summary, the conversation discusses earthquake predictions for various countries including Japan, Mongolia, Algeria, Greece, Italy, China, Iran, and Turkey. The dates and potential "earthquake storms" are mentioned for each country. The speaker also mentions a claim about there not being an earthquake in California on September 5th, 2004 and provides links for further information.
  • #1
Dear Sirs,
I send you the next earthquake prediction for the
World for 2004.
15th of September,8th of October,10th and 19th and
21th and 25th of November(maybe earthquake storm),7th
and 19th of December
Mongolia:28th of September
Algeria:7th-8th of September,28th of October
17th and 27th of September,1st-2nd and 10th and 12th
and 16th 29th of October(maybe earthquake storm),6th
and 12th and 19th of November,19th of December
4th of September,14th and 27th of October,6th and
21,22,23,24,25 of Novenber(maybe earthquake storm),4th
and 10th and 16th and 22th of December
14th of October,
7th of November,
From 19th to 24th of November(maybe earthquake storm),
6th of December
30th of August,from 18th to 23th of November,9th and
16th of December
11th and 29th of October,13th and 19th of
November,23th of December
I claim that in California,Los Angeles do not earthquake on the 5th of September 2004.
If you are interested earthquake prediction in the past you can open in here:"earthquake prediction by Boyko Iliev".
You can open[/URL]
Thank you. :eek: :devil: :zzz: :biggrin:
With Respect: Boyko Iliev
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Physics news on
  • #2
Would it be too much trouble to give us the winning lottery numbers for next week?

FAQ: Earthquake Prediction for 2004,for the World

What is earthquake prediction and why is it important?

Earthquake prediction is the process of forecasting the timing, location, and magnitude of potential earthquakes. It is important because it can help governments, communities, and individuals prepare for and mitigate the effects of seismic events.

Can earthquakes be predicted accurately?

While there have been some successful earthquake predictions in the past, the science of earthquake prediction is still in its early stages and it is difficult to make accurate predictions. Predictions are based on scientific research and analysis of historical data, but there is no foolproof method for predicting earthquakes.

What methods are used for earthquake prediction?

Scientists use a variety of methods to predict earthquakes, including seismic monitoring, geological observations, and statistical analysis. Some researchers also study animal behavior and changes in the Earth's magnetic field as potential indicators of imminent earthquakes.

Are there any warning signs before an earthquake occurs?

There are certain warning signs that may precede an earthquake, such as unusual animal behavior, changes in water levels, and unusual geological activity. However, these signs are not always present before an earthquake and may not always be reliable predictors.

Can earthquake prediction prevent earthquakes from occurring?

No, earthquake prediction does not have the ability to prevent earthquakes from occurring. However, it can help communities and individuals prepare for earthquakes and minimize the damage and loss of life. It is important to have emergency plans in place and to follow earthquake safety guidelines to help mitigate the effects of seismic events.

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