Questions about the ASME Student Design Competition 2014.

In summary, the ASME Student Design Competition for 2014 involves building a UAV that can navigate an obstacle course and drop a 1 gram payload into a target zone. The scoring criteria includes navigating the course in the fastest time, carrying the maximum cargo, releasing a simulated 1 gram water bladder, and hitting the target with the canister. There are also penalties for hitting or touching the gates and not providing proper evidence and documentation. The key aspect of the competition is creating a craft that is "lighter than air" and can carry the maximum amount of weight while still being able to navigate effectively. However, there is some confusion over the points awarded for carrying weight and whether it is limited to 1 gram or 1 kilogram
  • #1
This years ASME Student Design Competition is building a UAV to navigate a simple obstacle course and drop a 1 gram payload into a target zone.

My question is, is anyone able to decipher their scoring criteria?

The problem statement, guidelines, and rules:
(The ASME official link is down and their FAQ page has yet to work.)

Tasks to be accomplished.
1. Navigate through the gates in the fastest time.
2. Teams will be scored on the maximum cargo carried.
3. Bonus: Release a simulated 1-gm water bladder. (Note: Use a bag of sand.)
4. Bonus: Does the canister hit the intended fire? Target is 1-m in diameter.
5. Hitting or touching the gates will incur a penalty.
6. Provide photographic visual evidence of the construction of your vehicle.
7. Signed Ethical Statement that you constructed the vehicle.
8. One page Design Calculations.
Run Score = Max(300 s – Trial Time, 0)
+ (Number of gates successfully negotiated)x200
+ (Number of grams carried) x50
+(release of bladder)x20
+(bladder hits target)x100
+(Lighter than air)x100
-(number of gates hit)x20
-(unacceptable design calculations)x100

My interpretation is that they want us to create a craft that is "lighter than air", meaning a craft with positive buoyancy when the power is turned off. (likely using a helium balloon.)

However, there is disproportionate points being awarded for "Number of grams carried". It will not take much to make a quadcopter capable of carrying 500 grams (at the given size restriction); thus making all the other points awarded (including the coveted time score) worthless.

One of my team members thinks that the max points awarded by "Number of grams carried" is restricted the one gram payload; thus 50 points max. If that is the case the resulting design of the craft is significantly different in order to take advantage of the other possible points being awarded.

I contacted ASME with currently no help with this issue and my design team and professor are stumped. I realize the only one that can give a definitive answer is ASME, but I was hoping this discussion found a conclusion elsewhere and someone is able to share it with us.

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  • #2
Could that be kgs instead of grams?

A 1 gm sand bag sounds a tad silly and small for a 1 m target.

Then the points make sense?
  • #3
The thread title says "2014 competition" but the OP's link says "2013". So don't enter a year to late or a year too early.

rollingstein said:
Could that be kgs instead of grams?
A 1 gm sand bag sounds a tad silly and small for a 1 m target.

If you successfully dropped a 1kg mass from a UAV small enough to go through a 0.71 m diameter hoop, I think your next control problem would be to stop the UAV hitting the roof of the building :smile:
  • #4
AlephZero said:
If you successfully dropped a 1kg mass from a UAV small enough to go through a 0.71 m diameter hoop, I think your next control problem would be to stop the UAV hitting the roof of the building :smile:


The link to the PDF is not mine, but it is for the 2014 competition as verifiable on the ASME website. (
  • #5

I can understand your confusion and frustration about the scoring criteria for the ASME Student Design Competition. It is important for competitions to have clear and fair scoring systems in order to accurately evaluate the participants' designs.

Based on my understanding of the scoring criteria provided, it seems that the main objectives of the competition are to navigate the obstacle course and successfully drop the 1 gram payload into the target zone. The other tasks, such as carrying a maximum amount of cargo and hitting the target with a simulated bladder, are bonuses and not the main focus of the competition.

I agree that the points awarded for the number of grams carried may seem disproportionate, but it is possible that the competition organizers have taken into account the difficulty and technicality of designing a craft that can carry a specific weight while also completing the main objectives. It is also possible that the maximum points awarded for carrying a maximum amount of cargo is limited to the 1 gram payload, as you mentioned.

It is unfortunate that the ASME website and FAQ page are not functioning, as they could have provided more clarity on the scoring criteria. However, I suggest reaching out to other teams or past participants of the competition to see if they have any insights or clarifications on the scoring system. Additionally, it would be helpful to have a discussion with your team and professor to brainstorm different design strategies that can potentially maximize your points in all categories.

In the end, it is important to remember that the main goal of the competition is to challenge and showcase your design skills and creativity. While the scoring criteria may be a bit unclear, it is ultimately up to your team to come up with the best design that meets the objectives and requirements of the competition. I wish you and your team the best of luck in the competition.

FAQ: Questions about the ASME Student Design Competition 2014.

What is the ASME Student Design Competition 2014?

The ASME Student Design Competition is an annual event organized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) to encourage innovation and creativity among engineering students. It challenges students to design, build, and test a device that solves a real-world engineering problem.

Who can participate in the ASME Student Design Competition 2014?

The competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are members of the ASME. Each team must have at least one ASME member, and there is a maximum of 10 members per team.

What is the theme for the ASME Student Design Competition 2014?

The theme for the 2014 competition was "Designing for Sustainable Impact." This theme focused on creating innovative solutions that address environmental, social, and economic challenges.

How are projects evaluated in the ASME Student Design Competition 2014?

Projects are evaluated based on several criteria, including originality and creativity, design feasibility, technical approach, and potential impact. Judges also consider the team's presentation and documentation of their project.

What are the prizes for the ASME Student Design Competition 2014?

The winning team receives a cash prize of $10,000, and the second and third place teams receive $5,000 and $2,500, respectively. In addition, all finalists receive a travel stipend to attend the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) where the final round of the competition takes place.
