Quantum Mechanics: Exploring Energy Spectrums and Operator Theory in DE Subforum

  • Thread starter jostpuur
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    Energy Qm
In summary: The article is about a result in quantum mechanics called the Landau levels. For a Hamiltonian, there are two basic types of eigenvalues: the Landau levels and the Riemann zeros. A Hamiltonian has a Landau level if and only if the eigenvalue is a multiple of the energy of the level. A Hamiltonian has a Riemann zero if and only if the eigenvalue is the zero of the Riemann zeta function.
  • #1
This is about quantum mechanics, but it is sufficiently difficult existence question dealing with DE and operator theory, that I think it fits the DE subforum the best:

Let [tex]E:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{R}[/tex] be an arbitrary map, but so that [tex]\textrm{Im}(E)[/tex] is bounded from below. Does there exist a measurable function [tex]V:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}[/tex] such that the eigenvalues of the operator

H = -\frac{1}{2}\partial_x^2 + M_V

are the given [tex]E(n)[/tex]?

Here [tex]M_V:\mathbb{C}^{\mathbb{R}}\to \mathbb{C}^{\mathbb{R}}[/tex] is the multiplication operator [tex](M_V\psi)(x) = V(x)\psi(x)[/tex].

For the sake of rigor we can give the following definition for the domain of H,

D(H) = \{\psi\in L^2(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C})\;|\; \psi\;\textrm{is piece wisely}\;C^2\quad\textrm{and}\quad \int dx\;\Big|-\frac{1}{2}\partial_x^2\psi(x) + V(x)\psi(x)\Big|^2 < \infty\}

So H is a mapping [tex]H:D(H)\to L^2(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C})[/tex].
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  • #2
I'm not a math person, so just a wild question:is your question equivalent to asking whether a Hamiltonian exists whose eigenvalues are the zeros of the Riemann zeta function?
  • #3
I don't know enough of Riemann zeta function to answer that. I'll say that I don't know how precisely my question would be related to it now.

If [tex]T:\mathcal{H}\to\mathcal{H}[/tex] is some linear operator on some inner product space, we can define a new non-linear mapping

f:\mathcal{H}\to\mathcal{H},\quad f(\psi) = T\psi - \frac{(\psi|T\psi)}{\|\psi\|^2}\psi

which has the property

f(\psi)=0\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad T\psi\propto\psi,

so in this sense every eigenvalue problem is related to a problem of finding zeros of some function. So... who knows?
  • #4
Now I read your post more carefully. You were speaking about eigenvalues being zeros of some function, and I was about eigenvectors being zeros of some function. So this seems to be different thing.
  • #5
jostpuur said:
Now I read your post more carefully. You were speaking about eigenvalues being zeros of some function, and I was about eigenvectors being zeros of some function. So this seems to be different thing.

Let's see, I understood your question to be:
Given a countable set of real numbers, does a Hamiltonian exist such that its eigenvalues are the elements of the given set?

(A little more strictly, you asked if a V(x) exists such that the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are the elements of the given set.)
  • #7
I see. So the problem I described, seems to be similar to the Berry Conjecture.
  • #8
jostpuur said:
I see. So the problem I described, seems to be similar to the Berry Conjecture.

Hmm, reading the Berry conjecture, it seems they need a more general form of the Hamiltonian than in your problem. I wonder whether they've already ruled out "nice" Hamiltonians, and if so, how they did that.
  • #9

FAQ: Quantum Mechanics: Exploring Energy Spectrums and Operator Theory in DE Subforum

1. What is an energy spectrum in quantum mechanics?

An energy spectrum in quantum mechanics is a representation of the different possible energy levels that a quantum system can have. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to describe the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

2. How is an energy spectrum measured in quantum mechanics?

The energy spectrum of a quantum system is measured through a process called spectroscopy. This involves analyzing the interaction of the system with different types of energy, such as light or radiation, and observing the resulting changes in the system's energy levels.

3. What are the implications of an energy spectrum in quantum mechanics?

An energy spectrum has important implications in quantum mechanics as it provides a way to understand and predict the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It also helps to explain phenomena such as the discrete nature of atomic energy levels and the stability of matter.

4. Can the energy spectrum of a quantum system change?

Yes, the energy spectrum of a quantum system can change under certain conditions. For example, when a particle interacts with another particle or with external energy, its energy levels may shift. This is known as energy level splitting and is an important concept in quantum mechanics.

5. How is the concept of energy spectrum used in practical applications?

The concept of energy spectrum is used in a variety of practical applications, such as in the design of electronic devices, the development of new materials, and in the study of chemical reactions. It is also used in fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, and medical imaging to understand the behavior of particles and energy at the smallest scales.

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