The Physics of Michael Jordan's Air Walk & Jumping Higher

In summary, Michael Jordan's ability to air walk was due to his mastery of moving his body in specific ways while in the air, giving the illusion of hang time. This is determined by the laws of physics and his trajectory follows a parabola. To jump higher, one needs more push off and stronger leg muscles, particularly the quads. Being lean also helps in achieving greater altitude.
  • #1
As you know, Michael Jordan is well known for his ability to air walk. However, how was he able to do this? Can u explain this in Physics?

By the way, how can people jump higher?
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  • #2
Michael Jordan could jump high and far and he moved his legs while in the air. That's all. Long-jumpers do it too.
  • #3
While in the air, it is possible to move your body in ways that gives the impression of hang time, or air walk. The center of gravity describes a parabolla, but the head might not (if hands and feet don't). An example is bringing the ball from above your head to stomach level while in mid air. Another is straightening your forward leg from a forward postion to an underneath position. As far as the upper body is concerned, there is a second "jump" while in the air in both cases. MJ mastered both, in addition to having pure jumping power. When I personnally try to be like Mike, I can do it just sufficiently to feel the hang effect.

Although I've never done it, it would be interesting to chart the trajectory of a red dot on MJ's waist and one on his head from video. The waist should form a nice parabolla, the head a distorted one (hands and feet even more so).
  • #4
darkar said:
As you know, Michael Jordan is well known for his ability to air walk. However, how was he able to do this? Can u explain this in Physics?

Jordan, like everyone else, is constrained by the laws of physics the moment he leaves the ground. His trajectory is a parabola determined by his speed and direction at take off. Anyone or anything that leaves the ground with the same force and direction will follow exactly the same arc. While he creates an admirable illusion of looking like he's hanging in the air longer than normal (Gonzolo's description nicely describes this illusion), the fact is, he does not. It's a myth.

darkar said:
By the way, how can people jump higher?

More push off. That's it. Oh, and maybe wings.
  • #5
darkar said:
how can people jump higher?

just wondering, whitch might help help one jump higher? exercising the leg muscles (calf, that stuff) or exercising the ancle muscles? after all, while the legs give you the main push, the ankles give the final jump to it, ever try jumping without using your ankles campared to with? its different,

although my parents are doctors, i soppose i should be asking them lol

  • #6
Roughly, gluts straighten the upper leg, quadriceps straighten the knee, calves straighten the ankle. I would say quads make most of the jump though. While stronger over a short range, calves alone doesn't give much altitude. Of course, the leaner the entire body, the better. I've never seen a fat dunker.

FAQ: The Physics of Michael Jordan's Air Walk & Jumping Higher

1. How does Michael Jordan defy gravity and jump so high?

Michael Jordan's incredible jumping abilities can be attributed to a combination of factors such as his genetic makeup, rigorous training, and perfecting his technique. He also had a strong core and leg muscles, which allowed him to generate more force and propel himself higher.

2. What is the physics behind Michael Jordan's famous "Air Walk" move?

The "Air Walk" move, also known as the "Moonwalk" or "Glide," is a result of the principle of conservation of angular momentum. As Jordan takes off and extends his body horizontally, he shifts his center of mass closer to his feet, increasing his angular velocity and allowing him to maintain his balance and appear to "glide" through the air.

3. Can anyone jump as high as Michael Jordan with the right training?

While not everyone may be able to reach the same heights as Michael Jordan, it is possible to improve one's jumping abilities through dedicated training and proper technique. Jordan's training regimen was intense and focused on building strength, explosiveness, and agility, which are essential for jumping higher.

4. How does air resistance affect Michael Jordan's ability to jump?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can significantly impact a person's ability to jump. However, Jordan's strong and explosive leg muscles allowed him to generate enough force to overcome air resistance and continue his upward momentum.

5. Is there a limit to how high a person can jump?

According to the laws of physics, there is a limit to how high a person can jump. This limit is determined by factors such as the strength and power of the individual's muscles, the amount of force they can generate, and the effects of air resistance. However, it is difficult to determine a specific limit as it can vary greatly among individuals.

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