Optimal Aperture Width for Solar Eclipse Pinhole Camera

  • Thread starter Pacopag
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In summary, a pinhole camera with depth R = 0.1 m is used to observe a solar eclipse. The sunlight has a wavelength of \lambda = 5.8 \times 10^{-7} m. To determine the optimal value of the aperture width w, the geometrical distortion of the image must be balanced against the spread of an image point due to single-slit diffraction. The approximate spread due to diffraction is {2R\lambda \over w}, while the spread due to hole diameter is simply the diameter of the hole. By adding these two spreads and using calculus to minimize the total, the optimal size is approximated to be hole radius <= sqrt(f lambda), where f is the focal length.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a pinhole camera with depth R = 0.1 m used to observe a solar eclipse. Suppose the sunlight has wavelength [tex] \lambda = 5.8 \times 10^{-7}[/tex] m. Estimate the optimal value of the aperture width w.

Homework Equations

Hint: balance the geometetrical distortion of the image, which goes to zero as w goes to zero, against the spread of an image point due to single-slit diffraction.

The Attempt at a Solution

I determined that the approximate spread due to diffraction is [tex]{2R\lambda \over w}[/tex].
But I can't seem to find any mathematical formalism for the geometrical distortion. All I can find are statements about how the image becomes sharper as the aperture becomes smaller (i.e. the statement in 'relevant equation'). But this really doesn't give the precise dependence on w. For example, w and w^2, w^3, w^4... are all possible since they all go to zero as w goes to zero.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The answer is approx, hole radius <= sqrt(f lambda) where f is focal length (R in this case)

Some pretty smart cookies have spent a lot of time calculating the optimal size, see http://photo.net/pinhole/pinhole.htm
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  • #3
Awesome. Thank you very much.
  • #4
I think MGB gave you the answer without explaining how to get it. You already did the hard part of the job by finding the spread due to diffraction. The spread due to hole diameter is actually easy if you think about it: it's just the diameter of the hole. Think of the image you would get from a point at infinity passing through a hole of diameter w.

Then just add together the two spreads and use calculus to minimize the total, which is the direction you seemed to be heading in.
  • #5
Thank you Marty. That's exactly what I need.
  • #6
But when I do as you said, I get an extra factor of [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]. This comes from my diffraction calculation.
  • #7
You can't worry TOO much about small constant factors. The idea of spread caused by diffraction is an inexact concept, since the boundaries of the spread are indistinct. So I would say that your basic calculation is sound.
  • #8
Cool. Thank you very much for your replies.

FAQ: Optimal Aperture Width for Solar Eclipse Pinhole Camera

1. What is an optimal pinhole camera?

An optimal pinhole camera is a type of camera that uses a small hole to project an image onto a surface. It is often used in photography and consists of a light-tight box with a small hole on one side, a photosensitive material on the opposite side, and a lens or viewing screen in between.

2. How does an optimal pinhole camera work?

An optimal pinhole camera works by allowing light to pass through a small hole and project an inverted image onto the photosensitive material. The smaller the hole, the sharper the image will be. The image is then captured by the photosensitive material and can be developed into a photograph.

3. What are the advantages of using an optimal pinhole camera?

There are several advantages of using an optimal pinhole camera, including its simplicity, portability, and low cost. It also allows for a greater depth of field and can produce unique, artistic photographs due to its unconventional image quality.

4. Are there any limitations to using an optimal pinhole camera?

Yes, there are some limitations to using an optimal pinhole camera. The main limitation is the long exposure time needed to capture an image, which can result in blurry photos if the camera is not held steady. Additionally, the small aperture can limit the amount of light entering the camera, making it difficult to capture sharp images in low light situations.

5. Can an optimal pinhole camera be used for scientific purposes?

Yes, an optimal pinhole camera can be used for scientific purposes such as studying the properties of light and optics. It can also be used for imaging in fields such as astronomy and microscopy. However, due to its limitations, it may not be the most practical option for scientific research and is often used as a teaching tool instead.

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