Constrained Extremes of z=2x^2+y^2 over Cosine Circles

  • Thread starter Telemachus
  • Start date
In summary, the problem is to find the constrained extremes for the function z=2x^2+y^2 over the family of circles with radius r=\sqrt[ ]{k \pi}, satisfying the equation \cos (x^2+y^2)-1=0. To solve this, the function F(x,y,\lambda)=2x^2+y^2-\lambda(cos(x^2+y^2)-1)=0 is used, and the equations (1), (2), and (3) are obtained. After some calculations, it is determined that the maximum occurs when x=0 and the minimum occurs when y=0, with an absolute minimum when k=0=x=y. This is also confirmed by the
  • #1
I have some trouble with this exercise. It says as follows: Find the constrained extremes for [tex]z=2x^2+y^2[/tex] over [tex]\cos (x^2+y^2)-1=0[/tex]

I think that difficult of this problem is that I have a family of circles that satisfies [tex]\cos (x^2+y^2)-1=0[/tex], the family of circles with radius [tex]r=\sqrt[ ]{k \pi}[/tex].

This is what I did.

[tex]\cos (x^2+y^2)-1=0\Rightarrow{x^2+y^2=k \pi},k\in{Z}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{Bmatrix}F_x=4x+2\lambda x \sin(x^2+y^2)=0 & & (1)\\F_y=2y+2\lambda y \sin(x^2+y^2)=0 & & (2)\\F_{\lambda}=\cos(x^2+y^2)-1=0 & & (3)\end{matrix}[/tex]

From (1) and (2): [tex]4x-2y+(2\lambda \sin(x^2+y^2))(x-y)=0\Longrightarrow{2\lambda\sin(x^2+y^2)=\displaystyle\frac{4x-2y}{x-y}}[/tex] (*)

Replacing in (1)

[tex]4x+x \displaystyle\frac{4x-2y}{x-y}}=0\Rightarrow{4x(x-y)+x(4x-2y)=0}\Longrightarrow{x^2-4xy=0\longrightarrow{y=\displaystyle\frac{-x}{4}}}[/tex]

Replacing in (3)

[tex]x^2+(\displaystyle\frac{-x}{4})^2=k\pi\Rightarrow{x=\pm{\sqrt[ ]{\displaystyle\frac{16}{17}k\pi}}}[/tex]

Well, I'm not sure if this is okey. If it is, how should I proceed?
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  • #2
On the first glance, it seems alright.

So you have found the candidate extremes [tex]\pm{\sqrt[ ]{\displaystyle\frac{16}{17}k\pi}}}[/tex]. Now you will all have to fill them in in the function 2x²+y² to see which ones are the real extrema.
  • #3
But it will depends on "k". How do I handle it?

Thx for posting micromass ;)
  • #4
Well, k is just a parameter. For every k we have a value. So letting k:1,2,3,... we have

[tex]\pm{\sqrt[ ]{\displaystyle\frac{16}{17}\pi}}},\pm{\sqrt[ ]{\displaystyle\frac{16}{17}2\pi}}},\pm{\sqrt[ ]{\displaystyle\frac{16}{17}3\pi}}},... [/tex]

So you will have an infinity of values you'll have to plug in the function.

Just try to figure out for which k 2x²+y² becomes maximal...

Hope that helped...
  • #5
You mean I should consider when k is pair and when its odd?
  • #6
Maybe it's simpler.

You wrote:
Replacing in (1): then y=-x/4

But what happens if we also replace in (2)? Then

[tex]2y+y\frac{4x-2y}{x-y}=0~\Rightarrow~ 2y(x-y)+y(4x-2y)=0~\Rightarrow~6xy-4y^2~\Rightarrow~3x=4y [/tex]

This is another constraint on x and y. Together with y=-x/4, this should limit the cases...
  • #7
mm I think what I did is wrong. I've been thinking on how it looks, and the graph of z is an elliptic paraboloid, and the restrictions are circles. Then I've realized that the minimum would be when x=0, and the maximum when y=0, because what we are looking are the maximums on the projections of this circles on the paraboloid, its obvious as the function is "larger" on the x-axis that there would be a minimum there, and a maximum on the y-axis for every circle, and the absolute minimum when k=0=x=y. I think this is the right answer, and from the equations above one can see that this holds.

From (1) one can say that x=0 or [tex]\lambda=0[/tex]
And from (2) y=0 or [tex]\lambda=0[/tex], and from there I get this same conclusion, which I actually realized with a geometrical thinking.

FAQ: Constrained Extremes of z=2x^2+y^2 over Cosine Circles

What is a constrained extreme problem?

A constrained extreme problem is a type of optimization problem where the objective function is to find the minimum or maximum value of a given function, subject to a set of constraints. These constraints limit the possible solutions and make the problem more challenging to solve.

What are some common examples of constrained extreme problems?

Some common examples of constrained extreme problems include maximizing profit while minimizing cost in business, minimizing energy consumption while maximizing performance in engineering, and minimizing risk while maximizing return in finance.

What are the main differences between constrained and unconstrained extreme problems?

The main difference between constrained and unconstrained extreme problems is the presence of constraints. In unconstrained problems, there are no limitations on the possible solutions, while in constrained problems, the solutions must satisfy a set of constraints.

How do you solve a constrained extreme problem?

There are various methods for solving constrained extreme problems, such as the Lagrange multiplier method, the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and the simplex method. These methods involve finding the critical points of the objective function while satisfying the constraints.

What are the real-world applications of constrained extreme problems?

Constrained extreme problems have numerous real-world applications, such as in engineering design, resource allocation, portfolio optimization, and production planning. They are also widely used in economics, physics, and computer science.
