Side Stream Filters - preferential flow through side stream without using a pump

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of side stream filtration and the possibility of using a valve to create a pressure drop for preferential flow. The person is trying to establish if a side stream filter can be installed off a 6" pipeline using a 1" or 2" side stream with an actuated valve. The question also raises concerns about the effect of pressure drop on the flow through the side stream. The speaker provides a general explanation of how pressure drop works in this scenario.
  • #1

I am trying to understand side stream filtration.

Iv been finding it really hard to find out anything on preferential flow (multiphase) through a side stream using a valve to create a pressure drop (general info for my understanding)

Im trying to do this without the need for a pump as there is a high gas fraction.

What I am trying to establish is whether or not I can install a side stream filter off a 6" pipeline using say a 1" OR 2" side stream (flexible hose) using an actuated valve to create a pressure drop to obtain some flow through the filter on the side stream.

Will the pressure drop across the filter affect the pressure drop required for flow through the side stream to the filter?

General pressure drop info would be appreciated

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  • #2
It's like anything else, your liquid will follow the path of least resistance. Obviously a 6 inch pipe impedes the flow of your fluid less than a 2 inch line would. So you put a valve and partially close it so that there is a greater pressure drop and the fluid wants to go through the 2" just as much as it would like to go through the 6" valve.

FAQ: Side Stream Filters - preferential flow through side stream without using a pump

1. What is a side stream filter?

A side stream filter is a type of filtration system that diverts a small portion of the flow in a larger pipeline or process stream to be filtered separately. This allows for continuous filtration without disrupting the main flow.

2. How does a side stream filter work?

A side stream filter works by diverting a small portion of the flow from the main pipeline or process stream through a separate filtration unit. The filtered liquid is then returned to the main flow, while the debris and contaminants are collected in the filter for disposal.

3. What is preferential flow in a side stream filter?

Preferential flow refers to the natural tendency of a liquid to flow through the path of least resistance. In a side stream filter, this means that the liquid will flow through the filter medium, leaving behind any contaminants or debris in the process.

4. Why is a pump not needed for side stream filters?

A pump is not needed for side stream filters because the flow of liquid is already present in the main pipeline or process stream. The diversion of a small portion of this flow does not require any additional pressure or pumping.

5. What are the benefits of using a side stream filter?

There are several benefits to using a side stream filter, including improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By continuously filtering a smaller portion of the flow, there is less strain on the main filtration system, resulting in cleaner, more consistent liquid. Additionally, side stream filters can extend the lifespan of the main filtration system and reduce maintenance costs.
