Physical meaning of tensor contraction

In summary, the predictions of GR are expressed as contracted tensors, or scalars, which are coordinate independent. These scalars represent measurements of physical quantities, with tensors dual representing measurement devices in a certain state of motion. The concept of "frame-dependence" can be clarified by using frame fields, where the components of any vector or tensor are just contractions with the unit vectors of the frame. Overall, any number used in relativity physics can be specified as a scalar invariant formed by contracting the appropriate vectors and tensors.
  • #1
Gold Member
I have seen PeterDonis state that predictions of GR are expressed as contracted tensors i.e. scalars. And they are coordinate independent.
So I have a question what these scalars represent physically?
Could it be that they represent measurements of physical quantities (with tensors dual representing measurement device in certain state of motion)? Because measurements of physical quantities are coordinate independent while physical quantities are coordinate dependent.
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  • #2
zonde said:
I have seen PeterDonis state that predictions of GR are expressed as contracted tensors i.e. scalars. And they are coordinate independent.
So I have a question what these scalars represent physically?
Could it be that they represent measurements of physical quantities (with tensors dual representing measurement device in certain state of motion)?

Basically this is the idea, yes (note that the term "tensors" includes vectors, which are just (1, 0) tensors, and their duals, which are (0, 1) tensors). For example, say I measure the frequency of a light beam. The light beam is described (in the simplest case) by a 4-momentum vector [itex]k^{a}[/itex], and the frequency I measure is given by the contraction of that 4-momentum with my 4-velocity [itex]u^{b}[/itex], thus: [itex]\hbar \omega = g_{ab} k^{a} u^{b}[/itex]. (More precisely, the 4-velocity is that of the device that measures the frequency; I call it "my" 4-velocity because I'm assuming the measuring device is at rest relative to me.) The components of the 4-vectors are frame-dependent, but the measured frequency is a frame-invariant scalar.

zonde said:
Because measurements of physical quantities are coordinate independent while physical quantities are coordinate dependent.

The term "coordinate-dependent" or "frame-dependent" is often used in a way that tends to confuse the issue; for example, people say that the frequency of a light beam is frame-dependent. What they really mean is that, as is obvious from the above, the measured frequency depends on the 4-velocity of the measuring device. But given the 4-velocity of the measuring device, the measured frequency is an invariant; even if the device is moving relative to me, I can still use the components of its 4-velocity in my frame, along with the components of the photon's 4-momentum in my frame, to calculate the [itex]\omega[/itex] measured by the device and get the same answer.

In fact, even those "components" of vectors can be specified in frame-invariant terms. In GR, the tools used to do this are called "frame fields" and are well worth studying; for example, see here:

Basically, a "frame" is a set of one timelike unit vector (which can be thought of as the 4-velocity of a measuring device) and three spacelike unit vectors (which can be thought of as three spatial axes defined by the measuring device and carried along with it). The "components" of any other vector (or tensor) in the "frame" are just the contractions of that vector with the unit vectors of the frame. So in the above example, if I defined a frame using the 4-velocity [itex]u^{b}[/itex] as the timelike unit vector, then the measurement result [itex]\hbar \omega[/itex] is the "time component" of the photon's 4-momentum [itex]k^{a}[/itex] in that frame. Similarly, contracting [itex]k^{a}[/itex] with the three spacelike unit vectors of the frame gives the components of the photon's ordinary spatial momentum.

So really, *any* number we use in relativity physics can be specified as a scalar invariant formed by contracting the appropriate vectors and tensors; and anything that is "frame-dependent" is really just dependent on which particular vectors and tensors we choose to contract it with.

FAQ: Physical meaning of tensor contraction

1. What is the physical meaning of tensor contraction?

Tensor contraction is a mathematical operation that involves combining two tensors to create a new tensor with fewer indices. In physics, it is often used to simplify equations and express physical quantities in a more compact form.

2. How is tensor contraction related to the concept of covariance and contravariance?

In the context of tensor calculus, covariance and contravariance refer to how a tensor's components change under coordinate transformations. Tensor contraction is closely related to this concept as it allows for the manipulation of tensors in a way that preserves their covariance and contravariance properties.

3. Can you provide an example of tensor contraction in physics?

One common example of tensor contraction in physics is in the calculation of stress and strain tensors. The stress tensor is a second-order tensor with three indices, and the strain tensor is a second-order tensor with two indices. By contracting the stress tensor with the strain tensor, we can obtain the work done on a material, which has physical significance in mechanics and material science.

4. How does tensor contraction relate to the dot product and cross product?

The dot product and cross product are both special cases of tensor contraction. The dot product involves contracting two first-order tensors to obtain a scalar, while the cross product involves contracting two second-order tensors to obtain a vector. In general, tensor contraction can be used to manipulate and combine tensors of any order.

5. What are some real-world applications of tensor contraction?

Tensor contraction has numerous applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. It is commonly used in fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, and general relativity to simplify equations and express physical quantities in a more concise form. It is also used in computer graphics and image processing to manipulate and analyze data from images and videos.

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