Is There a Y-Component of Velocity in Fully Developed Pipe Flow?

In summary, the v-component of velocity is generated because the fluid near the wall is slowed down while the fluid near the center needs to speed up to "make up" for the tardines of the fluid near the wall.
  • #1
Let's say we have a horizontal pipe with steady, incompressible, two dimensional flow. There is friction at the top and bottom of the pipe which causes viscous effects.
The flow is fully developed. The velocity profile is parabolic.

Obviously there is an x-component (u) of velocity.

Is there also a y-component of velocity (v), in this fully developed region?

My intuition says no, but from reading my book it implies that there is, although it is not very well explained.

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  • #2
If there was a 'y' component, where would it go?

EDIT: To expand on that...

Draw a control volume inside the pipe. You have no velocity crossing the boundary on either the top or the bottom. If you have any sort of 'y' velocity inside the volume, it will cause a curl in the flow field, and you've already stated that the flow is fully developed.

Which book are you using, and how does it imply that there is?
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  • #3
Apart of the integral explanation of enigma...

Take continuity equation:

[tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}=0[/tex]

If the flow is fully developed: [tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=0[/tex]

Therefore [tex]\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}=0[/tex]

and integrating it from 0 to y:

[tex]v(y)=v(0)[/tex]. Taking into account there is no suction-inflow through walls [tex]v(y)=v(0)=0[/tex]

As an advice, try to work out a steady solution when there is flow suction through walls [tex] v(0) \neq 0[/tex] and see what happens. It is very easy.
  • #4
thanks for your replies.

i understand the part of the continuity equation that says
change in u / change in x =0 when fully developed. This makes sense because the velocity is now constant.
And i understand why u is slowing down initially (because of friction).
So according to the continuity equation, if u is slowing down, v has to be speeding up. and since v initially reaches zero, it must be a negative number to start with. correct?

the part i don't understand is that its supposed to be LAMINAR flow. so if i took any particle in the stream and followed it through the pipe, it would always be running horizontally (and not have any v component).
So i understand why there is a v-component to satisfy the continuity equation, but not if i try to picture what is going on in the pipe.
  • #5
The continuity equation is actually

What is going on in the pipe is that the wall slows the fluid down and the fluid near the center needs to speed up to "make up" for the tardines of the fluid near the wall. Note that viscosity and a velocity gradients also generates vorticity. however the assumtion is that the fuid elements translate horizontally while rotating, just like a bunch of ball bearings on top of each other
  • #6
Thanks guys (or gals), i understand it now.

FAQ: Is There a Y-Component of Velocity in Fully Developed Pipe Flow?

1. What is the definition of fluid mechanics?

Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of fluids, which are substances that can flow and have no definite shape. It involves the study of how fluids move, the forces that act on them, and the effects of these forces on their motion.

2. What are some examples of fluids?

Some common examples of fluids include water, air, oil, and blood. However, any substance that can flow and conforms to the shape of its container is considered a fluid.

3. What are the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics?

The fundamental principles of fluid mechanics include the conservation of mass, the conservation of momentum, and the conservation of energy. These principles govern the behavior of fluids and are essential for understanding and predicting fluid flow.

4. What is the difference between a liquid and a gas in terms of fluid mechanics?

Liquids and gases are both considered fluids, but they have different properties. Liquids are relatively incompressible and have a defined volume, while gases are compressible and expand to fill their container. In terms of fluid mechanics, this means that liquids are affected more by external forces and tend to flow in a more ordered manner, while gases are more easily influenced by thermal and pressure gradients and can flow more chaotically.

5. How is fluid mechanics used in real-world applications?

Fluid mechanics has numerous applications in everyday life, including in the design of vehicles, airplanes, and ships, the study of weather patterns, the development of plumbing and ventilation systems, and the design of medical devices such as prosthetics and artificial organs. It is also essential in the fields of engineering, physics, and chemistry.
