Solving Laplace Transform Homework: Equations 1 & 2

In summary, the conversation revolves around finding ways to manipulate equations to match something from a table. The equations in question involve the Laplace transform and the attempt at a solution involves using partial fractions and completing the square. It is possible to use complex numbers in the Laplace transform, but it is best to avoid it if possible to reduce the chance of making mistakes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Im having trouble finding ways to manipulate equations to fit something from the table

The two I'm stuck on are these

1. [itex]\frac{1}{s^{2}- 2s + 3} (\frac{1+(s^{2}+1)e^{-3\Pi S}}{(s^{2}+1)})[/itex] = Y(s)

2.[itex]\frac{1}{s^{2}- 2s + 2} (\frac{s}{s^{2}+1} + s - 2)[/itex] = Y(s)

Homework Equations

These are the IVPs i got them from
1. y" - 2y' + 3y = sint + [tex]\delta[/tex](t - 3*pi)
y(0) = 0
y'(0) = 0

2. y'' - 2y' + 2y = cost
y(0) = 1
y'(o) = 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried all sorts of things like multiplying the equations out
i still can't seem to find a way to comfortably manipulate it to match anything on the laplace table
can some one help or give me a tip?
Physics news on
  • #2
The first thing I would recommend to do is write:

s^{2}-2s+3=(s-1)^2+2,\quad s^{2}-2s+2=(s-1)^2+1

Then I think the transform looks like a convolution doesn't it?
  • #3
Use partial fractions to break them up.
  • #4
You can't use partial fractions here.
  • #5
hunt_mat said:
You can't use partial fractions here.

Yes, you can. Some of the denominators remain quadratic in s if you restrict yourself to reals, but can be fully expanded out to linear factors if you use complex roots.

  • #6
I see i see
but how did you get the equations to look like that?

and could you get the inverse laplace transforms with complex numbers??
  • #7
popo902 said:
I see i see
but how did you get the equations to look like that?
Do you mean what hunt_mat did? If so, he just completed the square.
and could you get the inverse laplace transforms with complex numbers??
Yes, you can, but it's usually best to avoid that if possible. Sign mistakes are bad enough, but when you start throwing factors of i around, you increase your chance of making a mistake immensely. You can definitely invert the transform without resorting to using complex algebra.
  • #8
yeh i saw that after about 30 minutes of just staring at the problem haha
however, when you do carry j's into your laplace and get the inverse, they will still be complex right?
so technically you could have a laplace shifted by a complex value using the e^at rule, where a = some j?

thank you all though, it really helped
  • #9
If you do everything correctly using complex algebra, it will simplify down to a purely real result. In other words, the math is consistent. If it doesn't come out real, you made a mistake somewhere.

FAQ: Solving Laplace Transform Homework: Equations 1 & 2

1. What is a Laplace transform?

A Laplace transform is a mathematical tool used to solve differential equations. It converts a function of time into a function of complex frequency, making it easier to solve and analyze. It is often used in engineering and physics to model and solve dynamic systems.

2. How do I solve Laplace transform equations?

To solve a Laplace transform equation, you must first take the Laplace transform of both sides of the equation. This will convert the equation into a simpler algebraic equation that you can solve for the unknown variable. Then, take the inverse Laplace transform to find the solution in the time domain.

3. What is the Laplace transform of a constant?

The Laplace transform of a constant is simply the constant itself divided by the s variable, where s is the complex frequency. This is represented as 1/s in the Laplace transform notation. For example, the Laplace transform of the constant 3 would be 3/s.

4. Can Laplace transform be used for any type of function?

Yes, Laplace transform can be used for any function that is piecewise continuous and decays fast enough as t approaches infinity. This includes most functions encountered in engineering and physics, such as exponential, trigonometric, and polynomial functions.

5. What are some common applications of Laplace transform?

Laplace transform is commonly used in control systems, circuit analysis, signal processing, and heat transfer. It is also used in solving differential equations in physics, such as in the study of vibrations and fluid dynamics. Additionally, Laplace transform is used in probability theory to find the moment generating function of a random variable.
