Synthetic vs. Natural Diamonds: Is There a Difference?

  • Thread starter Imparcticle
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In summary, a news episode discussed the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds, with a focus on the emotional and symbolic value of natural diamonds. However, the physical properties of both types of diamonds are the same, with the only difference being the time it takes to create them. The high value of natural diamonds is maintained by a diamond cartel, but if technology allowed for the creation of more beautiful artificial diamonds, they may become more desirable. Ultimately, the value of a diamond is a personal and subjective matter.

What do you think, is a synthetic diamond better a natural or vice versa?

  • Yes, a synthetic diamond is "better" than a naturally occuring diamond

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, a synthetic diamond is not "better" than a naturally occuring diamond

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • There is no difference

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • I am unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I just viewed a news episode concerning synthetic and natural diamonds. Scientifically, there is no difference. But, according to a certain man (whose name escapes me) who examines the clarity of natural diamonds and makes sure they're ready for sale..., there is a difference--an emotional one. He argues, would a woman choose a synthetic diamond, one made in the lab in a short while or a natural diamond that has taken millions of years to make?
He also argues that synthetic diamonds are not the real thing because it does not occur naturally.

But, in my opinon, a diamond is a diamond. From what I have gathered, a synthetic diamond (besides its close-to-perfect features) has all the features that make a diamond a diamond (like carbon).

So is there a difference between synthetic and naturally occurring diamonds? (besides emotional ones)
Physics news on
  • #2
isn't 'mother nature' or the universe neat!

just when we have to deal with the complexities of 'cloning' humans, we are given an innocent subject such as this to exercise what we really think about 'fake' this or that.

to me, WHO CARES! remember, we are promoted into believing that diamonds are special for saving and/or investment. the size and cost of a diamond engagement ring reflects how much we love the other person. being practical, i'd say whichever is easier and/or cheaper to get, gets my vote. They are the same. If Debeers buys the process, there won't be any change in price/ct.

now, cloning on a wider scale looms.

love and peace,
olde drunk
  • #3
A diamond is not a diamond when it is a symbol.
If you want a diamond only for it's physical qualities, then there is no difference, as you have said.
But, if it is symbollic of something, like a relationship or wealth, there is possibly a difference.
I don't wear jewelry, but I might, as a reminder of an adventure or something; if I made the diamond, dove for the pearl, etc.
Happy thoughts
  • #4
spend less on the diamond and more on the ring that holds that diamond
  • #5
olde drunk brings up a good point. (like artificial pearls and artificial insemination? hehe)

I don't wear people, but I might, if I could make them myself :smile:
  • #6
honestrosewater said:
olde drunk brings up a good point. (like artificial pearls and artificial insemination? hehe)

I don't wear people, but I might, if I could make them myself :smile:
LOL, i tried (twice), women don't wear well on me. LOL :smile:

love and peace,
olde drunk
  • #7
A diamond is a diamond. Natural and artificial diamonds are made the same way. I saw the same bit on the news (probably). The "expert" said something like "Do you want a natural diamond or something that was made with heat and pressure?" How does he think natural diamonds are made? The only difference is whether the Earth provides the heat and pressure or a machine. Man made gemstones will soon surpass naturally occurring stones. Pearls, ironically, are the exception. While cultured pearls were the first artificial gems, they do not compare to the best natural pearls.

  • #8
Njorl said:
Pearls, ironically, are the exception. While cultured pearls were the first artificial gems, they do not compare to the best natural pearls.

Why ironic? I don't think artificial insemination compares to the best natural insemination either :smile:
Sorry, I'm quitting smoking- strange moods.
  • #9
Ironic because it was the first way to make artificial gems.

  • #10
honestrosewater said:
A diamond is not a diamond when it is a symbol.
If you want a diamond only for it's physical qualities, then there is no difference, as you have said.
But, if it is symbollic of something, like a relationship or wealth, there is possibly a difference.

Is the symbolic difference greater because it takes a considerably longer time to make a diamond compared to the time it takes a machine to make a diamond?
What kind of difference is there? I mean, historically. Why are diamonds so valuble to us? What in our past induced us to favor diamonds so much? Their some rare radioactive material? Is it their proclaimed beauty that influences us (like most things in a social role based society)? :confused:
  • #11
Natural diamonds are controlled by a cartel, which has links to many governments. The de Beers company is the largest member of the cartel. They keep diamonds artificially scarce. This is the sole reason that natural diamonds have such high prices. The cartel has used advertising for over a century to make this high price, and the artificial rarity which produces it, the reason to desire diamonds. If he can buy that expensive thing for you he is either comfortably rich or else really in love with you. Same idea as the peacock's tail; see under "animal signals" .
  • #12
Natural and artificial diamonds are physically the same. Their value differs, however, due to various subjective reasons. If the diamond cartel fell apart, and diamonds were much more common, would we still value them so much? I doubt that.. If technology allowed to make artificial diamonds more beautiful than natural ones (perhaps it is already possible), would we prefer those over the natural ones? Quite possibly..

THANOS said:
spend less on the diamond and more on the ring that holds that diamond
Spend less on the ring and more on the person that wears it. We are obsessed with money and other material things. But is it really that important?
  • #13
"Time Diamonds"

There would be quite a great difference in a diamond made by the Earth's natural weight than by a modern synthetic pressure device.

The difference is, eons of time. Do you value antiques? :wink:
  • #14
Imparcticle said:
Is the symbolic difference greater because it takes a considerably longer time to make a diamond compared to the time it takes a machine to make a diamond? :confused:

For some, possibly. I think the symbollism is personal. I imagine Feynman would find the artificial diamond more precious- out of appreciation for the science and technology that produced it ;)
There is a similar debate over whether science/scientific knowledge detracts from the beauty of nature.
Happy thoughts
  • #15
Nikes are still cooler than any genaric brand. Why? Consensus reality perhaps?

Regardless if a cartell creates an "artificial" demand or not on genuine (earth-made) diamonds, it does not negate from the fact that it is a demand none the less. If I am convinced that earth-made diamonds are harder to come by, or are for some reason better than synthetic ones, then I will most likely pay more for them, and they will be more fashionable - "cooler".

what is "cool", man?

Nike still has a chance to get eaten up when a once-generic brand becomes mainstream. Why? Fashion is a function of cultural orthodoxy. Why are not synthetic diamonds worth more than earth-made ones? They are the epitome of human dedication to somethingorother...a reflecion of human progress!(least I could market them as such).

Not everything has to do directly with how hard something is to come by - what is worth? It's not that High-water pants and pocket-protectors aren't fashionable because the market was flooded with them...

FAQ: Synthetic vs. Natural Diamonds: Is There a Difference?

What is the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds?

Synthetic diamonds are man-made in a laboratory setting, while natural diamonds are formed in the Earth's mantle over millions of years.

Are synthetic diamonds considered "real" diamonds?

Yes, synthetic diamonds have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds and are considered "real" diamonds. They are also visually identical to natural diamonds and can only be differentiated through specialized testing.

What are the benefits of choosing synthetic diamonds?

Synthetic diamonds are typically more affordable than natural diamonds and have a smaller environmental impact. They also have a more predictable and consistent quality compared to natural diamonds.

Do synthetic diamonds have the same value as natural diamonds?

The value of a diamond is determined by its size, cut, color, and clarity, regardless of whether it is synthetic or natural. However, natural diamonds tend to hold their value better over time due to their rarity.

How can I tell if a diamond is synthetic or natural?

Without specialized testing, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between a synthetic and natural diamond. However, synthetic diamonds are typically sold with a certificate from the lab where they were created, making it easier to identify them.

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