Hydrogen atom eigenstate: proving orthogonality of states

In summary: I need to do something more complicated?In summary, the student is trying to find the expectation value of kinetic energy, but is not sure how to do it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hey dudes

So here's the question:
Consider the first excited Hydrogen atom eigenstate eigenstate [itex]\psi_{2,1,1}=R_{2,1}(r)Y_{11}(\theta, \phi)[/itex] with [itex]Y_{11}≈e^{i\phi}sin(\theta)[/itex]. You may assume that [itex]Y_{11}[/itex] is correctly normalized.

(a)Show that [itex]\psi_{2,1,1}[/itex] is orthogonal to the eigenstates [itex]\psi_{2,1,0}=R_{2,1}(r)Y_{1,0}(\theta,\phi)[/itex] and [itex]\psi_{2,1,-1}=R_{2,1}(r)Y_{1,-1}(\theta,\phi)[/itex] with [itex]Y_{1,0}≈cos(\theta)[/itex] and [itex]Y_{1,-1}≈e^{-i\phi}sin(\theta)[/itex].

Homework Equations

I don't think there is any...

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm completely dumbfounded here. So i have no idea...i know that orthogonality can be tested by applying the same operator on two eigenstates..for example, if we have two states [itex]\psi_{i}, \psi_{j}[/itex] that correspond to two different eigenvalues [itex]a_{i}, a_{j}[/itex] of an operator [itex]A[/itex], then [itex]A\psi_{i}=a_{i}\psi_{i}[/itex] and [itex]A\psi_{j}=a_{j}\psi_{j}[/itex]...so then [itex](a_{i}-a_{j})<\psi_{i}|\psi_{j}>=0[/itex]...right? but I don't know how to apply that here...
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  • #2
In that proof, what was the point of showing ##(a_i - a_j)\langle \psi_i \vert \psi_j \rangle = 0##?
  • #3
Okay so I think I've solved that part. Basically you have to do the integral of [itex]\psi_{2,1,1}^{*}\psi_{2,1,0}[/itex] and you should get 0, which is what I get for both.

But in the next question, i am required to find the normalization constant N, expectation value of r and uncertainty of r, given [itex]R_{2,1}(r)=Nre^{\frac{-r}{2a}}[/itex]

I just need to make sure I'm doing it right. So:

- For the normalization constant: do [itex]\int_{0}^{∞}r^{2}(Nre^{\frac{-r}{2a}})^{2}=1[/itex]

- for the expectation value [itex]<r>[/itex], i do [itex]\int_{0}^{∞}r^{2}(Nre^{\frac{-r}{2a}})r(Nre^{\frac{-r}{2a}})[/itex]

- for the expectation value [itex]<r^{2}>[/itex] i do [itex]\int_{0}^{∞}r^{2}(Nre^{\frac{-r}{2a}})r^{2}(Nre^{\frac{-r}{2a}})[/itex]

Is that correct, or am I putting in the [itex]r^{2}[/itex] for no reason? i think its meant to be there...i just get crazy powers in the integral which makes it look a bit weird...
  • #4
Btw doing what I said above gives me [itex]N=\frac{1}{\sqrt{24a^{5}}}[/itex], and [itex]\Delta r = \sqrt{5}a[/itex]...does that look right? (I used [itex]\int_{0}^{\infty}r^{n}e^{-r/c}=n!c^{n+1}[/itex]).
  • #5
That's right. You're calculating
$$\langle r^n \rangle = \int \psi^*(\vec{r})r^n\psi(\vec{r})\,d^3\vec{r}.$$ In spherical coordinates, this becomes
$$\langle r^n \rangle = \int_0^\infty \int_0^\pi \int_0^{2\pi} \psi^*(\vec{r})r^n\psi(\vec{r})\,r^2\sin\theta\,d\phi\,d\theta\,dr.$$ The factor of ##r^2## is part of the volume element in spherical coordinates. Now since ##\psi_{nlm} = NR_{nl}(r)Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)##, you get
$$\langle r^n \rangle = \int_0^\infty [NR_{nl}(r)]^* r^n [NR_{nl}(r)]\,r^2\,dr \int_0^\pi \int_0^{2\pi} Y_{lm}^*(\theta,\phi) Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)\,\sin\theta\,d\phi\,d\theta.$$ The angular integrals evaluate to 1 because of the way ##Y_{lm}## is normalized, which leaves you with the integrals you had.
  • #6
Dixanadu said:
Btw doing what I said above gives me [itex]N=\frac{1}{\sqrt{24a^{5}}}[/itex], and [itex]\Delta r = \sqrt{5}a[/itex]...does that look right? (I used [itex]\int_{0}^{\infty}r^{n}e^{-r/c}=n!c^{n+1}[/itex]).
Yes, that's what I got.
  • #7
Thanks Vela...now just one more thing...there's a so-called "Bonus" question, which asks me to evaluate the expectation value of [itex]V(r)=-\frac{e^{2}}{4\pi \epsilon_{0}r}[/itex]. I think I know how to do this, you basically just do [itex]\int_{0}^{\infty}r^{2}R_{2,1}V(r)R_{2,1}[/itex], right?

And lastly, the final question asks me to find the expectation value of kinetic energy...how do I do that one? do I just use [itex]T=\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}[/itex]? or is it relativistic...?
  • #8
Dixanadu said:
Thanks Vela...now just one more thing...there's a so-called "Bonus" question, which asks me to evaluate the expectation value of [itex]V(r)=-\frac{e^{2}}{4\pi \epsilon_{0}r}[/itex]. I think I know how to do this, you basically just do [itex]\int_{0}^{\infty}r^{2}R_{2,1}V(r)R_{2,1}[/itex], right?

And lastly, the final question asks me to find the expectation value of kinetic energy...how do I do that one? do I just use [itex]T=\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}[/itex]? or is it relativistic...?
The wave functions you're working with are the solutions to the Schrodinger equation, which is non-relativistic. There are two ways to find the expectation value of kinetic energy that come to mind. You can express the kinetic energy in terms of the momentum operator and find the expectation value of the resulting operator, or you can deduce the result using the expectation value of V and the fact that you're working with an energy eigenstate.
  • #9
So should i use [itex]T=1/2 \hat{\vec{p}}v[/itex]? I am not sure how to do that...because I would need the momentum operator in spherical coordinates right? could you explain more about the second option? because I know that [itex]E_{1}=V(r)+T[/itex]...so can i use that maybe?
  • #10
Dixanadu said:
So should i use [itex]T=1/2 \hat{\vec{p}}v[/itex]? I am not sure how to do that...because I would need the momentum operator in spherical coordinates right?
The kinetic energy is given by ##\hat{T} = \frac{\hat{p}^2}{2m}##. In the coordinate basis, this becomes
$$\hat{T} = \frac{1}{2m}\left(\frac{\hbar}i \nabla\right)^2 = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2.$$ You should recognize that as the first term in the Schrodinger equation.

So you'd need to get the expression for ##\nabla^2## in spherical coordinates, which you can easily google or find in a textbook.

Could you explain more about the second option? because I know that [itex]E_{1}=V(r)+T[/itex]...so can i use that maybe?
Yes, that's what you want to use, though I think you want ##E_2##, right? Take the expectation value of both sides.
  • #11
I found [itex]<T>=-\frac{E_{1}}{12}[/itex]...does that look good?
  • #12
What does E1 represent?
  • #13
[itex]E_{1}=-\frac{m_{e}e^{4}}{32\pi^{2}\epsilon_{0}^{2}\hbar^{2}}[/itex]...and I also got [itex]<V(r)>=\frac{E_{1}}{2}[/itex]
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FAQ: Hydrogen atom eigenstate: proving orthogonality of states

1. What is a hydrogen atom eigenstate?

A hydrogen atom eigenstate is a quantum state of the hydrogen atom that describes the distribution of the electron in the atom. It is a solution to the Schrödinger equation that characterizes the energy, momentum, and other physical properties of the electron in the hydrogen atom.

2. How can we prove orthogonality of states in a hydrogen atom?

To prove orthogonality of states in a hydrogen atom, we use the orthogonality condition, which states that the integral of the product of two eigenstates is equal to zero if the two states have different eigenvalues. In other words, the wavefunctions of two eigenstates are perpendicular to each other, and therefore, orthogonal.

3. Why is proving orthogonality of states important in a hydrogen atom?

Proving orthogonality of states in a hydrogen atom is important because it allows us to determine the energy levels of the atom. By using the orthogonality condition, we can find the allowed values of energy for each eigenstate, which helps us understand the behavior of the electron in the atom.

4. What is the significance of eigenstates in a hydrogen atom?

Eigenstates in a hydrogen atom are significant because they represent the stationary states of the atom. These states have well-defined energies and are the only states that the electron can occupy without emitting or absorbing energy. Eigenstates also play a crucial role in understanding the quantum mechanics of the hydrogen atom.

5. How does proving orthogonality of states help in understanding the hydrogen atom?

Proving orthogonality of states in a hydrogen atom helps us understand the quantum nature of the atom. By establishing that the wavefunctions of different eigenstates are orthogonal, we can explain why the electron in the hydrogen atom can only have certain discrete energy levels. This understanding is crucial for many applications, including the development of new materials and technologies.
