Can You See Light in a Black Hole?

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of light and matter near a black hole, particularly within the event horizon. It is believed that everything near the black hole, including light, will be pulled towards it and may eventually be converted to mass. It is also mentioned that light follows null geodesics and will add to the gravity of the black hole once it enters. The conversation also touches on the concept of time dilation near a black hole and the possibility of the universe being inside a black hole.
  • #1
U see, everything near the black hole or within event horizon will be attract towards the black hole, even light cannot escape it.
But since light is also puuled inside, imagine u are standing on the black hole looking outward, will u see the light? Or will the light change to mass?
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  • #2
I'm pretty sure that you'd loose your molecular structure before you even begin to care. Probably, light would go so fast into the black hole once it reaches a certain point and continusuly accelerate into the black hole.
  • #3
Well, i know the molecular structure will change, that's why i say imagine u are they, doest mean u are really there watching. Just imagine what u can see from there.

By the way, isn't that the light is already at light speed? why will it accelerate again? U said that it will continue accelerates into black hole, so what happen when it reach there? And do light actually exist there?

I am thinking that eventually that those light will eventually being converted to mass in black hole.

  • #4
Light will follow null geodesics on its way to the black hole. That is, it won't feel any acceleration locally, but its path will look curved from far away. Light that does make it through the event horizon into the black hole will, indeed, add its energy to the gravity of the black hole. There's a theorem called the "no-hair" theorem that says everything that falls into a black hole just shows up as gravity.

Some light that doesn't quite fall into the horizon goes into orbit, and the black hole is surrounding by a shell of these orbiting photons.
  • #5
So if you're inside the event horizon looking out, the universe will look pretty normal? Of course, you'd notice that matter - and light - near the event horizon seems to be in grip of a very massive object (or just a very dense one?), but otherwise nothing dramatic.

You couldn't be 'standing on the black hole'; apart from anything else, we already know that our physics *cannot* correctly describe what happens there :frown:
  • #6
One can't just sit on the event horizon. Need a rocket going at sufficient power, aimed away from the black hole center. Once it runs out of fuel, off into the hole you go.

This is a simulation of physics near the event horizon of a dust-free black hole:
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  • #7
I think that once you're on the horizon, no rocket will help you.
  • #8
Originally posted by Nereid
So if you're inside the event horizon looking out, the universe will look pretty normal? Of course, you'd notice that matter - and light - near the event horizon seems to be in grip of a very massive object (or just a very dense one?), but otherwise nothing dramatic.

Wow. Your consciousness of time would not be altered?
If you are looking inward, then everything is frozen right? Why is it that when you look outward its all "normal"?
  • #9
Tail, I didn't mean right ON the horizon, and I was thinking of a supermassive black hole.
  • #10
Originally posted by SquareItSalamander
Wow. Your consciousness of time would not be altered?
If you are looking inward, then everything is frozen right? Why is it that when you look outward its all "normal"?
Come with me on a journey into a black hole. As we get closer, we both think that time goes just as fast (or slow) as it always does. We send outandbeyond2004 a series to signals to tell him (her?) that our clocks are just fine. What does he see? What do we think about the rate of rate of his clocks?
  • #11
Nereid, have you seen the website that I linked to in a previous post?

Assuming that I am far from the event horizon, I should see you gradually fall into the black hole with your clock getting slower and slower. You will never quite reach the event horizon from my perspective. In fact, I will die long before I see you get close. An eternally youthful Nereid.
  • #12
Originally posted by outandbeyond2004
Tail, I didn't mean right ON the horizon, and I was thinking of a supermassive black hole.
Well, you SAID "on the event horizon".
  • #13
Originally posted by outandbeyond2004
Nereid, have you seen the website that I linked to in a previous post?

Assuming that I am far from the event horizon, I should see you gradually fall into the black hole with your clock getting slower and slower. You will never quite reach the event horizon from my perspective. In fact, I will die long before I see you get close. An eternally youthful Nereid.
That is a cool website! When I first visited it, I wasn't able to view it properly (browser or something problem), and hadn't realized that it contains a view of the universe from the POV of the unfortunate souls falling into the BH too.

BTW, from my perspective (falling into the BH), life is short, and I get ripped to atoms by the 'tidal force' "long" before I pass through the event horizon [b(]
  • #14
Nereid, if it were a supermassive black hole, the event horizon tidal forces are rather small. You would have to get close to the bh center before they get nasty, well within the eh. By the way, the universe's Schwarzschild radius (= that of the event horizon of a black hole with the same "mass" as the universe) is larger than the universe's radius. So, maybe we are in a black hole. You should be fine anyway.
  • #15
Originally posted by outandbeyond2004
Nereid, if it were a supermassive black hole, the event horizon tidal forces are rather small. You would have to get close to the bh center before they get nasty, well within the eh. By the way, the universe's Schwarzschild radius (= that of the event horizon of a black hole with the same "mass" as the universe) is larger than the universe's radius. So, maybe we are in a black hole. You should be fine anyway.
That's nice to know :wink:

I guess that also means that, falling into a 109 Msol BH, all those relativistic effects described in the website will shrink to invisibility (to the eye anyhow).

For the universe as BH, what test could we use, re light falling in? Where would the 'singularity' be? What would it look like?
  • #16
Well, the observable universe could be a very small part of the black hole interior. If so, the universe would seem pretty flat, like Earth would look flat in the large to an ant. Tidal effects would not be measureable.

The apparent destination of the solar system's trajectory through space (as shown by the dipole in the CRB measurement (redshifted in one direction, blue-shifted in the other)) does not appear extraordinary.

I am close to my limits of understanding here, I think.

FAQ: Can You See Light in a Black Hole?

1. Can light escape from a black hole?

No, light cannot escape from a black hole. The gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong that it traps all forms of light, including visible light, making it impossible to see anything inside a black hole.

2. What is the event horizon in relation to light and black holes?

The event horizon is the point of no return for light and any object approaching a black hole. Once an object crosses the event horizon, it is pulled into the black hole and cannot escape, including light.

3. Are there any ways to indirectly see light from a black hole?

Yes, there are ways to indirectly see light from a black hole. For example, the intense gravitational pull of a black hole can cause surrounding matter to heat up and emit X-rays, which can be detected by telescopes.

4. Is it possible for light to orbit a black hole?

Yes, it is possible for light to orbit a black hole. This phenomenon is known as a photon sphere, where light particles are trapped in a circular orbit around the black hole at a specific distance from the event horizon.

5. Can we ever know for sure what happens to light inside a black hole?

No, we cannot know for sure what happens to light inside a black hole. The laws of physics as we know them break down at the singularity, the point at the center of a black hole where the gravitational pull becomes infinite. Therefore, we cannot make any definite conclusions about the behavior of light inside a black hole.
