1D chain with loads of disorder

In summary, the conversation is about a person wanting to write a program to simulate a 1D lattice with motion. They are stuck at a certain point and are looking for help on how to initialize the problem. They want the simulation to be as general as possible and to introduce random disorder. Another person offers to provide code for this kind of problem using ODE solvers. They also offer to help with setting parameters and initial conditions. The code can output trajectories of particles or frames for a film.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm wanting to write a small program simulating a 1D lattice with some motion. I have the equation:

[tex]m_{n}\frac{d^{2}u_{n}}{dt^{2}}= k_{n,n+1}(u_{n+1}-u_{n})+k_{n-1,n}(u_{n-1}-u_{n})[/tex]

Then using a simple trial plane wave ([tex]u_{n}=Ae^{-i\omega t}[/tex]). It boils down to:

[tex]- \omega^{2} m_{n}u_{n}= k_{n,n+1}(u_{n+1}-u_{n})+k_{n-1,n}(u_{n-1}-u_{n})[/tex]

This is the point that I'm really stuck at, I don't really know how to initialize the problem, without loosing generality. Looking at most textbooks like Hook & Hall, they only solve problems of this type with some kind of repeated lattice where either all masses are the same or at most they alternate between two types of mass. Although in most cases they find the dispersion relation (which I'm not actually interested in).

I want the simulation as general as possible as I want to introduce random mass/spring constant disorder and see how this effects the amplitudes of the masses along the chain. Could someone give me some hints on how to start, as obviously nothing will happen if the masses are at equilibrium at the start of the simulation.

Sorry if this appears very vague,
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  • #2
Instead of using a plane wave ansatz, why not "integrate" the equations of motion directly? I've written some code in C for precisely this kind of problem. I'll give it to you if you're interested. It's base on the ODE solvers from the GSL:


You only have to provide (i) the right hand side of the first-order system -- but I could give you a skeleton to start from -- and (ii) a bit of code to set the parameters and initial conditions. I assume you're only interested in a small number of particles, say, at most 10^3. My code provides for two kinds of output: the trajectories of all particles versus time, or a sequence of "frames" that can be used to create a film with gnuplot. All in a couple hundred lines of quick-and-dirty (but documented!) C.
  • #3

Hello Seb,

I understand your interest in simulating a 1D lattice with motion and disorder. It is important to note that introducing random mass and spring constant disorder can greatly affect the behavior of the system and may lead to unpredictable results.

To start, I would suggest considering the initial conditions of the system. As you mentioned, nothing will happen if the masses are at equilibrium at the start of the simulation. Therefore, it may be beneficial to introduce some initial perturbation or disturbance to the system in order to observe the effects of the disorder.

Additionally, you may want to consider using a Monte Carlo approach in your simulation. This method involves randomly selecting values for the masses and spring constants within a given range, and then running the simulation multiple times to observe the overall behavior of the system. This can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of disorder on the lattice.

Furthermore, you may want to look into non-linear dynamics and the effects of disorder on systems. Disorder can lead to chaotic behavior in systems, so incorporating non-linear equations into your simulation may better capture the behavior of the lattice with disorder.

I hope these suggestions help you in your simulation and I wish you the best of luck in your research.

Best regards,

FAQ: 1D chain with loads of disorder

1. What is a 1D chain with loads of disorder?

A 1D chain with loads of disorder refers to a one-dimensional chain structure where the atoms or molecules are not arranged in a regular pattern and exhibit a high level of disorder or randomness.

2. How is a 1D chain with loads of disorder different from a regular 1D chain?

Unlike a regular 1D chain, a 1D chain with loads of disorder does not have a uniform and predictable arrangement of atoms or molecules. Instead, it has a high degree of variability and randomness in the distribution of its components.

3. What causes disorder in a 1D chain?

Disorder in a 1D chain can be caused by various factors such as impurities, defects, or external forces. These can disrupt the regular arrangement of atoms or molecules and introduce disorder into the chain.

4. What are the implications of disorder in a 1D chain?

Disorder in a 1D chain can affect its physical and chemical properties, such as its mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. It can also influence the behavior and interactions of the chain with its surroundings.

5. How is disorder in a 1D chain studied?

Scientists use various experimental and theoretical techniques to study the disorder in a 1D chain, such as X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, and computer simulations. These methods can provide insights into the structure and behavior of the chain at the atomic level.
