Orientating objects to align with a specific axis

In summary, the conversation is about someone seeking help with aligning objects to arbitrary axes in computer graphics. They mention their lack of knowledge in this area and the use of inverse matrices. They also mention finding a helpful resource online for solving their problem.
  • #1

I'm well into the world of computer graphics. Love to say it was great but well, it isn't.

I would like to know how I can take any object and have it orientate so its centre aligns perfectly with any arbitrary axis.

Think of a cylinder at the origin pointing down the x-axis. Well I would like to know how I can rotate it so it points directly down an axis denoted by say (1,1,0) essentially in this theoretical case rotating it 45 degress. I haven't got a clue how to do this and I'm a bit thick too at times.

I know it has something to do with inverse matrices and such. I can get all the required inverse, determinant stuff from DirectX hard-coded functions so I don't even need to do much math I just need the solution method.

Any ideas? Naturally I can get a unit vector pointing down the required axis easily enough but how do I go about acquiring the necessary transform matrix to get something to go from its present position to be aligned with a new axis? Sure I know it's a concoction of X,Y, & Z rotations but hell which order to apply them in even if I did have the necessary rotations? I'm proper confused!

Thanks a lot for any help offered :wink:
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi this resource:


Question 39 I believe firmly answers the question ;o)
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FAQ: Orientating objects to align with a specific axis

1. What is orientating objects to align with a specific axis?

Orientating objects to align with a specific axis is the process of adjusting the position of an object so that it is aligned with a defined axis or direction. This is often done to achieve a desired orientation or to ensure proper functionality of the object.

2. Why is orientating objects to align with a specific axis important in scientific research?

Orientating objects to align with a specific axis is important in scientific research because it allows for precise measurements and calculations. By aligning an object with a specific axis, researchers can accurately analyze the data and draw meaningful conclusions.

3. What are some common methods for orientating objects to align with a specific axis?

There are several methods for orientating objects to align with a specific axis, including using a compass or protractor, using a laser or optical alignment tool, and using mechanical fixtures such as v-blocks or angle plates.

4. Can orientating objects to align with a specific axis be done manually?

Yes, orientating objects to align with a specific axis can be done manually, but it may not always be the most accurate method. It is important to use precise measuring tools and techniques to ensure the object is aligned with the desired axis.

5. Are there any limitations to orientating objects to align with a specific axis?

Yes, there can be limitations to orientating objects to align with a specific axis, such as the precision of the measuring tools used, external factors like temperature or vibrations, and the complexity of the object's shape or design. It is important to consider these limitations and use the appropriate methods and tools for each specific situation.
