Ordinary (Or Partial) Differential Equation Unique Solution

In summary, the student attempted to find a solution to a homework equation using a combination of guesswork and recommendations from other students. After some difficulty, they were able to find a solution that involved solving for y = 2 sin(x).
  • #1

Homework Statement

(d4y)/(dx4) = y. Find the Unique solution y = y(x).

Homework Equations

Boundary Conditions: y(0)=0, y'(0) = 2, y''(0) = 0 , y([tex]\pi[/tex]) = 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I really don't know where to start. I first started off with the guess that y = c1*sin(Ax) + c2*cos(bx). I got some discrepencies that say that c1 was not equal to c1. I also tried getting the characteristic equation, and then seeing if lambda was an eigenvalue, however I"m not completely sure about how to do this.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
that is the same as


constant coefficients, so try y=emx
  • #3
It doesn't work because y(0) is never going to be zero, unless the coeffcient in front of it is 0, this y=0. However, usually this is a trivial solution, but in this case that doesn't even work because y'(0) is not = 2
  • #4
Your equation is satisfied by four functions:

ex, e-x, cos(x), sin(x)

What other possible solutions can you construct?
  • #5
Isnt there a systematic way of solving these? or is it just going to be a bunch of guesses?
  • #6
So far, my only success at this problem has been when y = 2 sin(x). And i believe that's the end of it. I was just looking for some mathematical way to solve the system.
  • #7
Basically, a differential equation of degree n will have n "linearly independent" solutions that form a basis. What that means is that it has n functions that are basically distinct from each other, and every other solution can be constructed by summing multiples of those solutions. ex, e-x, cos(x), sin(x) are all different, so any solution to your differential equation must be of the form

[tex] y=Ae^x + Be^{-x} + Ccos(x) + Dsin(x)[/tex] where A,B,C and D are arbitrary numbers

If you use your four initial conditions, you get four equations and four unknowns.
  • #8
Ahh, thank you. I think I knew this, I suppose I just need some clarification. I do believe that y = 2sinx is the only thing that is left after applying all of the intial conditions. Thank you much. =)
  • #9
Actually trying what Office Shredder suggested, instead of complaining that you can't gives, with y= emx, m4emx- emx= 0 or, dividing through by emx which is never 0, m4- 1= 0 or m4= 1. That has four solutions. What are they?
  • #10
The four solutions are 1, -1 -i and i.
  • #11
highcoughdrop said:
The four solutions are 1, -1 -i and i.

good so putting these together gives the equation Office_Shredder posted as

[tex]y(x)=Ae^x + Be^{-x} + Ccos(x) + Dsin(x)[/tex]

Now use y(0)=0, y'(0) = 2, y''(0) = 0 , y(π) = 0 to get the values of A,B,C and D
  • #12
There are 4 equations to solve and they are :
y(0) = 0 ---> A +B + C = 0
y(pi) = 0 ---> Ae^pi + Be^(-pi) - C = 0
y'(0) = 2 - -> A - B + D = 2
y''(0) = 0 ---> A + B-C = 0
  • #13
yes now solve, it shouldn't be too difficult to do it
  • #14
After all of the mathematical shenanigans, I get A = B = C = 0 and D = 2. Therefore, y = 2sinx. and I never complained. lol

FAQ: Ordinary (Or Partial) Differential Equation Unique Solution

1. What is an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)?

An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a variable and its derivatives. It is used to model various physical phenomena such as motion, heat transfer, and population growth.

2. What is the difference between Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations?

The main difference between Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations is the number of independent variables. ODEs involve only one independent variable, while Partial Differential Equations involve multiple independent variables.

3. What does it mean for an ODE to have a unique solution?

A unique solution means that there is only one possible solution to the ODE that satisfies the initial conditions. This solution is the only one that accurately describes the behavior of the system.

4. How can I determine if an ODE has a unique solution?

An ODE will have a unique solution if it meets certain conditions, such as being first-order or having continuous coefficients. These conditions can be checked using various mathematical techniques, such as the existence and uniqueness theorem.

5. Can an ODE have multiple solutions?

No, an ODE can only have one unique solution. This is because the solution to an ODE is determined by the initial conditions, and there can only be one set of initial conditions for a given system.
