What was the first mineral formed in the universe?

  • Thread starter Whalstib
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In summary, when the universe was created, all matter that existed at the time was approximately (By mass) 75% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, and a smattering of other others such as Lithium and Beryllium, about 10^-10 of a percent of the latter 2 though. Elements such as Silicon, Oxygen, Carbon, ETC were all created by nucleosynthesis inside the first stars. While it is true that the ratio of elements does tend to follow the periodic table, there are some significant differences due to the different methods of fusing elements together, stability of certain elements, and other effects. For example, Oxygen is ranked
  • #1

This is more complicated the more I consider all the variables.

Klein defines a mineral as:
“A mineral is a naturally occurring homogeneous solid with a definite (but generally not fixed) chemical composition and a highly ordered atomic arrangement. It is usually formed by inorganic processes.”

SiO2's are most common on Earth and seem to be so based on stability. Meteorites have species of SiO2 and I'm wondering if one of those is considered the first mineral forme din the universe.

What do you think?

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3

Well it would have to be solid and one would have to determine the time line for 0°C to exist as water is not a mineral except under 0°C...right?

That's why I wondering about what elements tend to bond stable at higher T and P.

I'm a geology student and unsure about chemistry/physics at this level but aren't all elements assumed to have "evolved" from H? It would follow they would sort themselves based on the periodic table and heavier elements forming later. Electronegativity etc would play a roll.

At any rate you are saying T was at or below 0° C before any other minerals could form...High T & P silicates etc...? Higher P would make lower T more difficult to obtain right?

I'm unconvinced but plead ignorance as well. If you've a mind could you elaborate?


  • #4
Whalstib said:
I'm a geology student and unsure about chemistry/physics at this level but aren't all elements assumed to have "evolved" from H? It would follow they would sort themselves based on the periodic table and heavier elements forming later. Electronegativity etc would play a roll.

After the universe was created, all matter that existed at the time was approximately (By mass) 75% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, and a smattering of other others such as Lithium and Beryllium, about 10^-10 of a percent of the latter 2 though. Elements such as Silicon, Oxygen, Carbon, ETC were all created by nucleosynthesis inside the first stars. While it is true that the ratio of elements does tend to follow the periodic table, there are some significant differences due to the different methods of fusing elements together, stability of certain elements, and other effects. For example, Oxygen is ranked as the third most abundant element yet is the 8th element. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abundance_of_the_chemical_elements
  • #6
Almost certainly the first mineral would have been Lithium Hydride as the ingredients, Lithium and Hydrogen, were created in the Big Bang hundreds of thousands of years before the first stars and millions of years before the first supernovae, the real engines of nucleosynthesis.
  • #7
Whalstib said:

Well it would have to be solid and one would have to determine the time line for 0°C to exist as water is not a mineral except under 0°C...right?

Uh. OK. I guess I assumed its solid state at a given temperature and pressure was one of the things you'd be least interested in.

Thing is, "solid" is an agglomerate property of a mass of atoms, not a property of atoms themselves. Almost anything in the early stages of the universe would have been gaseous until such time as it could cool enough and massive enough to begin to clump together under gravity.

So, by your strict definition even your SiO2 and Blibbler's HLi would not have been solid - let alone minerals - until they could clump into pebbles, rocks and planetesimals.

So, your question is malformed. It is more meaningfully: When the first substances were finally able to conglomerate into solids, what might those solid proto-rocks have been composed of?

Note that, by the time this happened, there were surely multiple substances floating in gaseous form available to form solids, which means there would have been no single "first".

first materials were formed that (when they eventually could reach a certain temp & pressure) would tend toward solids - there would have been myriad substances in this category
then the conditions arose for them to form all solids simultaneously.
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  • #8
Carbon I'm guessing

FAQ: What was the first mineral formed in the universe?

What was the first mineral formed in the universe?

The first mineral formed in the universe is believed to be a type of silicate called olivine. Olivine is made up of magnesium, iron, and silicon and is thought to have formed in the hot, dense cores of stars before they exploded as supernovas.

How did olivine form in the universe?

Olivine is believed to have formed through a process called nucleosynthesis, where elements such as magnesium, iron, and silicon were created through nuclear fusion in the cores of stars. When these stars exploded as supernovas, the elements were scattered into space and eventually combined to form olivine and other minerals.

When was the first mineral formed in the universe?

The first mineral formed in the universe is estimated to have been around 13.8 billion years ago, shortly after the Big Bang. This is based on the age of the oldest known minerals found on Earth, which are about 4.4 billion years old.

Where was the first mineral formed in the universe?

The first mineral formed in the universe is thought to have originated in the cores of stars and then spread throughout the universe through supernova explosions. These minerals may have then been incorporated into other celestial bodies such as planets and asteroids.

Why is olivine considered the first mineral formed in the universe?

Olivine is considered the first mineral formed in the universe because of its abundance in the cosmos and its role in the formation of other minerals and celestial bodies. It is also one of the most stable minerals, able to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making it likely to have formed in the early universe.

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