Distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane

In summary, the problem is finding the length of the shortest line segment between a point on the sphere (x-1)^2 + (y-2)^2 + (z-3)^2 = 9 and a point on the plane x + 2y + 2z = 28. The solution involves finding the normal vectors to both the plane and the sphere, finding the intersection point of these two normals, and using the distance formula to find the shortest segment. Another approach is to find the shortest distance between the plane and the center of the sphere, then subtracting the radius of the sphere to find the length of the segment on the surface. Both methods require knowledge of vector calculus and equations from the Stewart book.
  • #1
Hi everyone here is the original question:

Find the length of the shortest line segment which can be drawn from a point on the sphere (x-1)^2 + (y-2)^2 + (z-3)^2 = 9
to a point of the plane x + 2y + 2z = 28.

I am having a lot of difficulty with this:

what I'm trying is to find some way to write the arclength equation for
all the lines between those points lying on the sphere and those in the plane,
then minimize the arclength equation using
d/dt(L(p)) = 0

How could I go about doing this problem?

The answer in the book is 8/3.
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  • #2
The segment is normal to both the plane and the sphere.
  • #3
ahh well that's understandable now--- but I am still stuck on it.
  • #4
You can read off the equation of the nornal of the plane. You can use your vector calc to find the normal to the sphere, those two normal must be parallel. You can thus work out the point(s) where this normal occurs, you've then got to find the distance between two planes (the orginal, and the tangent plane to the sphere), and i'll wager there's a formula for that in your notes...
  • #5
After you get the normal to the plane, draw a straight line from the center of the sphere along this direction toward the plane. Where this line hits the plane and the sphere will give you the end points of the shortest segment. (I am assuming the plane does not intersect the sphere).
  • #6
My latest (and easiest) idea is:

Find the shortest length between the given plane and the sphere's center, call that D1.
Then the shortest line segment from the plane to a point on the sphere's surface is simply
D2 = D1 - radius.

There's an equation in the Stewart book for finding the shortest distance between a plane and a point, and it uses the scalar projection onto the planes normal vector.
  • #7
yep, that seems like a much better way of doing it.

FAQ: Distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane

1. What is the distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane?

The distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane is the shortest distance between the two points, measured along the surface of the sphere. This distance can be calculated using the Haversine formula, which takes into account the curvature of the sphere.

2. Can the distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane be negative?

No, the distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane cannot be negative. This is because distance is a measure of length and cannot be negative. However, the direction of the distance vector can be positive or negative.

3. How does the radius of the sphere affect the distance calculation?

The radius of the sphere does affect the distance calculation. As the radius increases, the distance between two points on the sphere also increases. This is because a larger radius means a larger surface area, which results in a longer distance between two points.

4. Can the distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane be greater than the radius of the sphere?

Yes, the distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane can be greater than the radius of the sphere. This can occur if the point on the plane is located outside of the sphere or if the point on the plane is closer to the opposite side of the sphere.

5. How is the distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane useful in real-world applications?

The distance from a point on a sphere to a point on a plane is useful in many real-world applications, such as navigation, geodesy, and astronomy. It can help determine the shortest distance between two locations on Earth, the distance between a satellite and a ground station, and the distance between celestial objects in space.

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