QG plasma and gamma ray bursters

In summary: Mass, which determines how particles interact with the strong and weak nuclear forces.7. Spin-1/2 particles, which form the strong nuclear force.8. Spin-3/2 particles, which form the weak nuclear force.9. Top quark, bottom quark, anti-bottom quark.10. Electron, proton, neutron.In summary, the quantum numbers of fundamental particles determine how they couple to various fields. The electric charge, color, flavor, mass, and lepton number of a particle determine its interactions with the strong and weak nuclear forces.
  • #1
Would a quark-gluon plasma reflect x rays and gamma rays
and would such a plasma exist in gamma ray bursters and black holes?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
No. Quark-gluon transactions only occur in the domain of the strong nuclear force. It is mathematically impossible for them to interact beyond a very short distance.
  • #3
Um... I'm pretty sure quarks interact via the EM force as well as the strong force. So it is possible they can reflect some type of EM waves. Whether it will be x-rays or gamma rays I don't know.
  • #4
I was wondering if a short gamma ray burst could be attributed to a quark-gluon plasma forming briefly and then reflecting light towards Earth - especially if a concave cavity of some kind formed in an exploding star.
  • #5
Entropy said:
Um... I'm pretty sure quarks interact via the EM force as well as the strong force. So it is possible they can reflect some type of EM waves. Whether it will be x-rays or gamma rays I don't know.

No way. EM does not interact with the strong force.
  • #6
kurious said:
I was wondering if a short gamma ray burst could be attributed to a quark-gluon plasma forming briefly and then reflecting light towards Earth - especially if a concave cavity of some kind formed in an exploding star.

That is unlikely. The mechanism for forming a concave reflective cavity is not possible under current theory. It requires a 'gravity burst' of some form. If you think about it, you will realize that has many other observable consequences.
  • #7
No way. EM does not interact with the strong force.

Its not interacting with the strong force, quarks contain an electric charge and therefore will interact via the EM force.
  • #8
Just waiting to see who wins the debate :smile:
  • #9
It is impossible for a quark to carry an electrical charge. It can only carry a 1/3 charge potential.
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  • #10
Chronos said:
It is impossible for a quark to carry an electrical charge. It can only carry a 1/3 charge potential.

1) The quarks carry electric charge, the same kind of electric charge that the electron carries, but different in quantity. Quarks are affected by the EM force.

2) Some quanrks carry a charge 1/3 that of the electron, and others carry a charge of 2/3 that of the electron. Antiquarks of course carry negatives of these.

3) Quarks also carry color charges of the strong force.
  • #11
That is unlikely. The mechanism for forming a concave reflective cavity is not possible under current theory.


What if a supernovae explosion impacted on another star nearby?
  • #12
There is a picture for that Kurious? :smile:
  • #13
Do binary stars ever become supernovae simultaneously?
  • #14
kurious said:
Do binary stars ever become supernovae simultaneously?

That's a interesting question.

I can't help but think of Taylor and Hulse, and then wonder.
  • #15
kurious said:
That is unlikely. The mechanism for forming a concave reflective cavity is not possible under current theory.


What if a supernovae explosion impacted on another star nearby?
This will happen quite often (most stars are in binary systems, not alone like the Sun). IIRC, it's been modeled in some detail; the answer is 'it depends' :wink: Sufficiently far away, the other star merely suffers a severe case of sunburn; closer it depends on how dense the star is - a red giant will have a considerable part of its atmosphere ripped away; a white dwarf will merely suffer a gentle, warm breeze (though the total matter dumped onto it may lead to some interesting fireworks).

In all cases, the sudden change in the mass of the SN will result in a quite different orbit for the pair :smile:
  • #16
selfAdjoint said:
1) The quarks carry electric charge, the same kind of electric charge that the electron carries, but different in quantity. Quarks are affected by the EM force.

2) Some quanrks carry a charge 1/3 that of the electron, and others carry a charge of 2/3 that of the electron. Antiquarks of course carry negatives of these.

3) Quarks also carry color charges of the strong force.
I very well may have this all wrong, so please feel free to set me straight. My comments were founded on the premise EM interactions are transacted solely through photon exchanges. Quarks in unbound states [which can only exist under quark-gluon plasma conditions] cannot absorb or produce photons, only gluons.
  • #17
For me the constant reminder is how we see http://wc0.worldcrossing.com/WebX?14@84.E3fWccciAdj.21@.1ddf905d/0 and given the first expalnation really helped. Two posts follow in above link that are really good to look at.

Now if you wanted to understand the standard model better, how could we have extended our view? Phase transitions from the early universe?

So we learn to map this?

[URL="https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=201464&postcount=2]The quantum numbers of fundamental particles are:

1. Spin, which is intrinsic angular momentum.

2. Electric charge, which determines how particles couple to EM fields.

3. Color, which determines how particles couple to gluon fields.

4. Flavor (including isospin up/down, strangeness, charm, bottomness and topness), which determines how particles couple to massive vector boson fields.

5. Lepton number (and also electron number, muon number, and tauon number)--which are conserved for some reason unbeknownst to us at this time.

6. Baryon number--Also conserved for some unknown reason.

7. Parity--Which describes how a particle transforms under spatial reflection.

8. C-Parity--Which describes how a particle transforms under charge conjugation.

Another one that could be added is "T-Parity" (if I may coin a term), which describes how particles transform under time reversal. However, this is usually not listed in the Particle Data Group because the product PCT (Parity, Charge Conjugation, and Time Reversal, respectively) is conserved under any circumstance, so specifying P and C automatically determines T.[/URL]

Self adjoint said:
Parity for spinning particles depends on their handedness, which should be described in the tables. C-parity is just based on electric charges; +1 for positive charges and -1 for negative charges and 0 for neutral particles.

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  • #18
Question remains. Do quarks interact via EM transactions? If they do, I have quantum physics all wrong. Explicitly, do photon exchanges occur between quarks? I think not. Do gluons have 'closet' photon transactions? I doubt that. I am, however, willing to learn. If so, how do how quarks exchange fractional charges. QCD color change dynamics are not relevant to the issue.

This is not an argument with SA: He is fundamentally sound in what he said. I am only arguing the point based on the original question. If you assume a quark-gluon 'soup' you must also assume the burden of predicting the accompanying interactions. I admit it is much easier to object than demonstrate any evidence of workable models.
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  • #19
Nereid said:
This will happen quite often (most stars are in binary systems, not alone like the Sun). IIRC, it's been modeled in some detail; the answer is 'it depends' :wink: Sufficiently far away, the other star merely suffers a severe case of sunburn; closer it depends on how dense the star is - a red giant will have a considerable part of its atmosphere ripped away; a white dwarf will merely suffer a gentle, warm breeze (though the total matter dumped onto it may lead to some interesting fireworks).

In all cases, the sudden change in the mass of the SN will result in a quite different orbit for the pair :smile:

Just wondering if this plate would be a valid way in which to further image what you are saying?

FAQ: QG plasma and gamma ray bursters

1. What is QG plasma?

QG plasma, or quantum gravity plasma, refers to a hypothetical state of matter that is predicted to exist at extremely high energy densities, such as those found in the early universe or near black holes. It is thought to be a combination of plasma and quantum effects, and could potentially provide insights into the fundamental nature of space and time.

2. How are gamma ray bursters related to QG plasma?

Gamma ray bursters, also known as gamma ray bursts, are extremely energetic explosions that release high levels of gamma rays. These events are thought to be associated with the collapse of massive stars or the coalescence of neutron stars. QG plasma is believed to play a role in the intense gamma ray emissions that are observed during these events.

3. What is the current status of research on QG plasma and gamma ray bursters?

Research on QG plasma and gamma ray bursters is ongoing, and there are many unresolved questions and debates in this field. Scientists are using a variety of observational and theoretical approaches to better understand the properties and behavior of both QG plasma and gamma ray bursters.

4. How could studying QG plasma and gamma ray bursters benefit humanity?

Studying QG plasma and gamma ray bursters could provide important insights into the fundamental laws of physics and the origins of the universe. This knowledge could have technological applications, such as advancements in energy production and space travel. Additionally, understanding these phenomena could help us better predict and prepare for potential threats from gamma ray bursts in our own galaxy.

5. Are there any potential dangers associated with QG plasma and gamma ray bursters?

While gamma ray bursters are incredibly powerful and could potentially cause damage if they occurred close enough to Earth, they are extremely rare and are not currently considered a major threat. However, further research on QG plasma and gamma ray bursters could potentially uncover new information about these events and their potential hazards.

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