EFT & change or coupling constants

In summary, the running of coupling constants is necessary for consistent calculations and the Standard Model provides strong evidence that there are no additional particles beyond what we observe. This is supported by observations such as the democratic decay of W and Z bosons, particle-antiparticle creation from high energy photons, fitting of collider data, unitarity of the CKM matrix, and the lack of breakdown in equations up to high energies. The exclusion of right-handed neutrinos and other particles is due to Occam's Razor and the fact that they are not needed to explain any observed phenomena.
  • #1
I understand that by uncertainty relations, it is possible use an EFT to a range of energy, forgotten the interactions for bigger energies. But, ¿ why change the values of coupling costants?

And, ¿ how can tell that there is no intermediate particle that happens with low probability in scatterings that don´t let found the effective lagrangian? ¿ How we can that no more particles in standard model?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The running of the coupling constants is necessary because this is what you observe when you look at EM, weak force and strong force interactions at high energies. The fact that it flows naturally from the procedures you to renormalize and hence to make it possible to do calculations is just an added bonus.

The strongest evidence to date that there are no more particles in the Standard Model are:
(1) W and Z boson decay are "democratic" which is to say that they produce all mass-energy conservation permitted particles in equal amounts (subject to some well understood tweaks). So, weakly interacting particles lighter than the W or Z boson are forbidden. Also, if there was a weakly interacting particle with mass lighter than half the Higgs boson mass and more than half the Z boson mass, the Higgs decays would also be much different than those observed.
(2) Particle-antiparticle creation from high energy photons provides similar assurance with regard to charged particles.
(3) We are able to fit all of the collider data with the particle set of the Standard Model (of course, fitting astronomy observations such as dark matter and inflation and gravity is another matter entirely).
(4) The experimentally observed unitarity of the CKM matrix leaves very little room for additional particles along the lines of SM4.
(5) With a Higgs boson of the mass observed, the equations of the SM don't break down anywhere up to GUT scale energies (as the would at some other Higgs boson masses). So, we don't need a new particle, for example, to keep the probabilities unitary up to an arbitrarily high level.

The SM exclusion of right handed neutrinos and other particles is simply Occam's Razor at work. The SM doesn't need them to explain what is seen so a minimal particle set and force set is assumed until we learn otherwise. For several decades, we needed to Higgs boson for the SM to work even though we didn't see it, so it was inferred. But, no data requires more than three generations of fermions, and no data requires more than the known bosons to explain anything but gravity/astronomy.
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  • #3
The coupling constants "run" because they incorporate the physics of those "forgotten" interactions that you integrate out. The running of the coupling constants is necessary to ensure that the observable physics does not depend on the renormalization scale.

FAQ: EFT & change or coupling constants

1. What is EFT?

EFT stands for Effective Field Theory. It is a theoretical framework used in particle physics to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions with each other.

2. What are change or coupling constants in EFT?

Change or coupling constants in EFT represent the strength of the interactions between particles. They determine the probability of particles interacting and contribute to the overall behavior and properties of a system.

3. How do change or coupling constants affect particle interactions?

The value of the coupling constants determines the strength of the interaction between particles. A higher value indicates a stronger interaction, while a lower value indicates a weaker interaction. In EFT, these constants can vary depending on the energy scale and the specific particles involved in the interaction.

4. Can change or coupling constants be measured experimentally?

Yes, change or coupling constants can be measured experimentally through various methods, such as particle colliders or high-precision experiments. These measurements help to validate the theoretical predictions of EFT and provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe.

5. How do change or coupling constants change with energy scale?

In EFT, change or coupling constants are not fixed and can vary with the energy scale at which the interaction takes place. This phenomenon is known as the running of coupling constants, and it is a crucial aspect of EFT that allows for a more accurate description of particle interactions at different energy levels.

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