Why metals are often used in the form of alloys?

  • Thread starter little princess
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In summary, Metals are often used in the form of alloys because it allows for the tuning of important properties such as strength, density, ductility, corrosion resistance, melting point, wear resistance, elastic modulus, machinability, and thermal/electrical conductivity. Wood's metal is a prime example of an alloy with a low melting point, while high carbon steel and silicon alloys are used for their strength and properties in solar panels. Gold is alloyed with copper for cost-effectiveness. There are standard references available for alloy properties, such as MatWeb and ASM International's Metals Handbook, but detailed information can also be found in specific standards from organizations such as ASTM or SAE. It is important to note that alloy properties can vary greatly depending
  • #1
little princess
Why metals are often used in the form of alloys? Is that becuz the metals become stronger only...or there r other reasons.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Strength is often the most important reason for alloying, but there are several other properties that can also be tuned by alloying, such as : density, ductility, corrosion resistance, melting point, wear resistance, elastic modulus, machinability, thermal/electrical conductivity (and several others).
  • #3
Wood's metal is a metal alloy that melts at an astonishingly low temprature, about 158 degrees Farenheit, it is an alloy of Bismuth, lead, tin, and cadmium.
Iron alloys like high carbon steel make them stronger.
Silicon alloys of Si and P along with Si and B are used together to make conventional solar panels.
  • #4
Gold is alloyed with copper because copper is cheaper (less expensive).

Mechanical properties (strength, fracture toughness, hardness . . .) and corrosion resistance are the two main reasons that metals are alloyed. Interestingly, an alloy composition which is great for strength may not be great for corrosion, and vice versa.
  • #5
There must be a standard reference for properties of alloys?
  • #6
On-line there is MatWeb.

I use ASM International's Metals Handbook, Desk Addition.

For detailed information, I'll go a particular standard from ASTM or SAE or other technical society responsible for that material. However, in many cases, the alloy properties are based on fully annealed material. Cold worked material will have greater strength and less ductility.

Also, if one looks at alloy composition, one will notice a range for the portions of principal alloying elements and usually an upper limit for 'impurities'. Mechanical properties, such as fracture toughness, and corrosion can vary significantly with composition variations, particularly when variations in thermomechanical schedules introduced. Thermophysical properties are less affected.

FAQ: Why metals are often used in the form of alloys?

1. Why are metals often used in the form of alloys?

Metals are often used in the form of alloys because they have improved properties compared to pure metals. These properties include increased strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and melting point. Alloys also have a wider range of applications and can be tailored to meet specific needs.

2. What is an alloy?

An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals or a metal and another element. The resulting material has properties that are different from the individual elements and can be designed to have specific properties for different applications. For example, steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, which is stronger and more durable than pure iron.

3. What are the advantages of using alloys?

The main advantages of using alloys are their improved properties, such as increased strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance. Alloys can also be more cost-effective, as they can be designed to have the desired properties without using expensive pure metals. Additionally, alloys have a wider range of applications due to their diverse properties.

4. Are all metals used in the form of alloys?

No, not all metals are used in the form of alloys. Some metals, such as gold and silver, are often used in their pure form for jewelry and other decorative purposes. However, even these metals can be alloyed with other elements to improve their properties for certain applications.

5. How are alloys made?

Alloys are typically made by melting and mixing the different metals or elements together. The mixture is then cooled and solidified, forming the alloy. The proportions and types of metals used can be varied to create different alloys with specific properties. Some alloys may also undergo additional processes, such as heat treatments, to further enhance their properties.
