Unleashing a Lost Passion - A 16 Year Old's Journey in Physics

In summary, The conversation is about a 16-year-old who is interested in physics and astrophysics and is looking for book recommendations to educate themselves further. They have lost touch with the subject due to focusing on other activities but have recently regained their passion. They are currently on a student exchange and have time to learn more about physics. They are looking for recommendations for introductory textbooks and have been suggested some titles by other forum members. They are also planning to start studying calculus to better understand the subject.
  • #1
Hello Everyone!

I too am a new member in this forum. I would like to thank Karkas for starting a thread on a topic, I spent the chief of today looking for on the internet, but, without much success.

I too am a 16 year old, and my interests are somewhat similar to Karkas's with an addition of Astrophysics. I, since I was 3 have been interested in Physics, more specifically, the ways of the Universe. As a matter of fact, as a toddler, the pictures in an Isaac Asimov's encyclopedia interested me to such an extent that it played a major part in how I taught myself to read.

All went well till I was 11. I knew about supernova's, dark matter, the bending of light and other such things, you'd find in basic encyclopedias pretty throughly. My enthusiasm was to such an extent that I usually used to get thrown out of class for two reasons primarily- for asking too many questions, or for answering to many, enthusiastically despite repeated warnings from the teacher about not asking out of my turn.

Then, I joined a boarding school.

This is when I saw a catastrophic change in my choice of passions. Owing to a few bad grades in Physics and the general requirement of the school to excel in as many activities you can, I began focusing more and more on sports, music and studies in general.

Though I do not regret the amount I achieved, being an above average student and learning to play the piano along with being a district champion in athletics, I lost touch with the subject, which I today, regard as the most important thing to ever happen to me- The Universe.

I am on student exchange at the moment, and having enough time to do according to my wishes without worrying about the academic pressure, I watched a BBC Documentary about called Atom last week.

Such was its effect that, it has rekindled in me a passion, I'd once lost. I've been watching as many documentaries as I can till today, having just finished one. And I feel that I really want to learn about Physics all again.

Each passing day finds me more and more interested in the subject, but it as a whole but two specific topics of it, or I should say three. Nuclear, Astro and Quantum.

I really don't want to lose this interest again, and for that I want to educate myself as much as I can.

Having gone through the previous posts, I figured one thing out. That you have to have an understanding of Calculus among many other things. For this, I will start with my Calculus tomorrow itself. I am supposed to be taught Calculus this year anyways, but owing to my rocketing interest and the sense of conciousness that I cannot make a further leap into the subjects without a better understanding, I plan to pre-pone my plans a bit.

Can you suggest a book which will come in Handy. A book which I can rely on to educate myself a bit more than my class? Any answers would be very welcome.

I hope you excuse me for this horribly wrong post, but I feel very strongly for the subject and couldn't think of any other way to tell you more about myself.

Any replies would be immensely appreciated.

Thank You! :)
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  • #2

For general interest, I can recommend:

Feynman - 6 Easy Pieces / 6 Not So Easy Pieces

At a slightly more advanced level, but still very readable, I can recommend,

Liddle - An Introduction To Modern Cosmology
Coughlan - The Ideas Of Particle Physics

I used both books as part of my third year undergraduate studies, but they don't assume much prior knowledge, and offer good explanations alongside the mathematical derivations, to the extent that you can understand most of the material in principle without the need to follow all the mathematical detail.

It's difficult to suggest a good introductory textbook, as most of the ones I've come across have been big textbooks that guide the reader through the entirety of a first year undergraduate physics course, which is a little uninspiring - though obviously very important.

FAQ: Unleashing a Lost Passion - A 16 Year Old's Journey in Physics

1. What inspired you to write about your journey in physics at such a young age?

I have always been fascinated by the wonders of the universe and have been passionate about science since a young age. As I began to delve deeper into the subject of physics, I realized that there were not many resources or stories out there about teenagers exploring this field. I wanted to share my own experiences and inspire other young minds to pursue their interests in physics.

2. What challenges did you face while learning and exploring physics at a higher level?

One of the biggest challenges I faced was the lack of resources and support for young students interested in physics. It was difficult to find mentors or peers who shared the same passion and could guide me in my studies. I also struggled with complex mathematical concepts and had to put in extra effort to understand them.

3. What kept you motivated to continue pursuing your passion in physics?

Despite the challenges, I was constantly amazed by the wonders of physics and how it explained the world around me. Every new concept I learned felt like a puzzle piece falling into place, and that kept me motivated to keep learning and exploring. I also had a few supportive teachers and mentors who encouraged me to keep going.

4. How did you balance your academic studies with your passion for physics?

It was definitely challenging to balance my academic studies with my passion for physics. I had to be very organized and manage my time efficiently. I would prioritize my school work and complete it first, and then spend my free time studying and experimenting with physics. It was all about finding a balance and staying disciplined.

5. What advice do you have for other young students who are interested in pursuing physics?

My advice would be to never give up on your passion and to seek out resources and mentors who can support you in your journey. Don't be afraid to ask questions and explore different areas of physics. Also, don't get discouraged by difficult concepts, keep practicing and seeking help when needed. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the wonders of physics!

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