Summer Heat: Would You Like 105 F Instead?

In summary, yesterday was hot and muggy with oppressive humidity, and today is looking like it will be just as bad.
  • #246
We're expecting more thunderstorms this afternoon/evening. After several days of rain last week - the ground is again dry, and it is back again to being hot.

I cut the top off another dead pine tree yesterday. It didn't go down as planned, but it missed the neighbor's shed and car, and I have some new scratches.
Physics news on
  • #247
We might be under the gun for more T-storms, too. The weather feels very unsettled, with winds swirling in from about every direction, alternately. When Duke doesn't want to go for walks, it's too hot and humid. After a couple of minutes, his tongue is hanging out.
  • #248
It is supposed to hit 104F here today. Oregonians measure temp in dog degrees, so that's like 728 to us!

Never heard of dog degrees? That's what you get on a dog-day afternoon. :-p
  • #249
Uh, I just checked the temp online and saw the the high today has been reduced by 14 degrees! Yay! Around here, at 90 degrees we just melt instead of bursting into flames.
  • #250
Weather here is bizarre, during the day, temps in the 90's, at night in the 60's and tonight it may even dip into the upper 50's! At least I have a few dormant tomato blossoms finally showing tiny tomatoes appearing. But we're not getting nearly enough rain. We were supposed to get violent storms yesterday and nothing. I got a few sprinkles when I got outside, I'm talking 4 raindrops. Not as bad as the drought we had for several years in the early 2000's, but it's bad. The cracks in the ground were so deep that you couldn't find the bottom, even my basement walls cracked.
  • #251
National weather service doppler radar continued to indicate a line of severe thunderstorms capable of producing damaging winds in excess of 60 mph. These storms were located along a line extending from jimmy's front yard to his back yard... Moving east at 15 mph.
  • #252
Jimmy Snyder said:
National weather service doppler radar continued to indicate a line of severe thunderstorms capable of producing damaging winds in excess of 60 mph. These storms were located along a line extending from jimmy's front yard to his back yard... Moving east at 15 mph.
Good luck!
  • #253
It was too hot to pull garlic today, but it had to be done. The humidity has been brutal. The first round of T-storms missed us, but it looks like we might get another one tonight.
  • #254
We're having beautiful weather! We finally got a break, below normal temps, very breezy. High today of 84F, low tonight 62F, high tomorrow 81F, low 59F.
  • #255
Evo said:
We're having beautiful weather! We finally got a break, below normal temps, very breezy. High today of 84F, low tonight 62F, high tomorrow 81F, low 59F.
And last night missed rain again by a storm cell less than a miles from here. :mad:
  • #256
dlgoff said:
And last night missed rain again by a storm cell less than a miles from here. :mad:
We need more rain!

Fall is going to be really disappointing this year, the trees have almost no leaves left!

How are your temps? You always seem to be hotter in summer and colder in winter.
  • #257
Evo said:
We need more rain!

Fall is going to be really disappointing this year, the trees have almost no leaves left!

How are your temps? You always seem to be hotter in summer and colder in winter.
I think on the average your and my temps are about the same. The biggest problem here is not even getting the 0.1 inch rains.
  • #258
We are heading for the hottest day in the year. It's already 28ºC (82.4F) at 11am right here. The all time record measured in the Netherlands is 38,6ºC (101.5F) at Warnsveld, 23 Augustus 1944. I don't think we'll get there, but who knows.
  • #259
It's not hot, but at ~60 deg F it's pretty warm for this time of year. We have heavy rains and T-storms tonight and have had power interrupted over and over again. The interruptions have not been confined to back roads, because when that happens, you have to call the power company, and they dispatch (eventually) a crew to check the safeties. If they find no wires down or grounded on trees, they eventually backtrack and start closing those safeties. These outages are probably due to hits on major transmission lines and transformers.
  • #260
It's about the same here turbo; 62ºF. Tomorrow is forecast to be about 80ºF. But but by Thursday, I'll probably be posting in the "Baby it's cold outside" thread.
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  • #261
I've had the air conditioner on all day.
  • #262
70 degrees in the shade today. Good day for tilling and cleaning out gardens.
  • #263
I'm in Toronto. It's 7oC outside and the angels are relieving themselves on us.