Beat Not Pron: 0.0009% Succeed -

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In summary, the player is stuck on level 4 and is having difficulty understanding what is meant by the image.
  • #1

This is probably the hardest online game/scavenger hunt I've seen. It consists of about 60 stages. In order to pass each stage, you really have to think outside the box. This isn't just a point and click on the right spot game. You need to look at the URLs, view source, edit the pictures, google, solve riddles, translate Morse code, etc etc. The online stats show that only 0.0009% of people who have tried this game have made it to the end.

Good luck!

(I'm at stage 7 right now... I suck. lol)
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  • #2
wow! I just got past level 5, whew!
  • #3
Critical Error!

MySQL database offline, page cannot be loaded. Slap to restart MySQL!

  • #4
I got to level 5 before I had to go to bed. I haven't really tried since I first played it, though.
  • #5
Wow this is fun!
Darn it i have exam tomorrow i won't play this one pretty long..
maybe i will give it a try after exams!

Level 1,2,3 are breeze
Level 4 was a bit diff but was not very hard
Level 5 was err straightforward (i needed a bit of help from clues tho)
Level 6 ... well hints were good no probs
Level 7 was hard too hard ... too much of googling yeech!
I am on Level 8 and i am hungry
I will prolly catch up on it a bit later, but when will i study for the exam :cry:

**Blames check for all these**

-- AI
  • #6

i'm stuck on the #4. guess, i m not any good at this, but i still want to do it. if anyone of you is kind enough, then pls pm me the username and password.
  • #7
dont give up so soon!
The level 4 is pretty easy but you need to have sharp eyes ...
The image is the only important thing here ...
I might suggest brightening up your monitor because the "message" may not be seen properly ..

-- AI
PS -> i am on level 16 now oh brother i must stop myself or i will fail my exam tomorrow :cry:
  • #8
This game is awesome.
I was going to study today, but I`m not going to now.

I just got to level 8.
  • #9
dammit i can't figure out this number 4. :mad:
  • #10
did u brighten up the image as i suggested ?
did u see something peculiar in the image ... something u feel looks odd and shouldn't be there?

-- AI
  • #11
the only thing i saw was dots on the drower, but i can't read what it says. My screen only brightens a little, .
  • #12
cdhotfire said:
the only thing i saw was dots on the drower,
Thats the message :wink:

a hint to proceed
::think SOS

-- AI
  • #13
Man I'm stuck on no. 3. I feel sooo stupid!
  • #14
DeathKnight said:
Man I'm stuck on no. 3. I feel sooo stupid!

dont feel that way ... many ppl get stuck

A general method of solving the levels on this site,
1> note down the url of the page
atleast anything after
2> note down the title of the page
3> carefully peruse the image and see for peculiarities and note them down
4> look at the source code of the page (if u have html experience , it could be highly useful) there are hints on the source code of the page included as comments.
5> last and not totally necessary , a browser with google opened.

for level 3,
first see the image,
why do u think the image was taken ... do u see anything peculiar? i mean why would anyone take a pic of a monitor , its useless but if the pic of a monitor is given then it must have some clue maybe a picture or some text?
once u found what the image has, concentrate on url.

-- AI
  • #15
by the way,
if anyone has made it beyond level 23
please help me :cry:

i have found clues , but i am not making any sense out of them ... yet! :cry:

-- AI
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  • #16
No worries i solved 23! ---> onto 24!

-- AI
  • #17
Oh wow, I just gave up after #7. I didn't think anyone followed the link. You guys are good.
  • #18
Well I can't get past level 3 ! I can't make out what it says on the monitor?
  • #19
ok I got 3. But now WTF is 4 all about?
  • #20
Oh, how do I save a level, or do I have to redo all previous levels if I exit.
  • #21
the picture looks a little dark, how about you save it and then open it with photoshop and brighten it up.

I got to level, I think 10/11/12. I can't remember, but I gave up after that.
  • #22
Ok. I have the password but where do I enter it? and is there a way to save what you have it would suck when you get tho the higher levels and you have to do everything over again when you exit. :cry:
  • #23
Enter the password by clicking on the drawer I think.

For saving your progress: Once you get to a certain level just bookmark the url and then come back to it later, I think that will work.
  • #24
yes bookmarking the url works but sometimes u may have to enter the username and password of the previous stage to get through so keep saving them as solve them.

-- AI
Status : Currently on level 34
  • #25
How do you get past 8. I am so lost. I checked the source, found backwards backwards, but, that isn't the password, I am so lost
  • #26
8 was really tough, I just passed it and now I`m stuck on level 9.

Did you say JAY PACK loudly and proudly? It really helps.
There's also something in the source code.
  • #27
Been playing this for a few hours now and I got stuck on screen 6 I found some numbers, but they don't work for the username or password. Don't know what else to do.
  • #28
this riddle is h-core cool, stuck on 9 here
  • #29
I fell like a total idiot, but I can't get past 2! :cry:
  • #30
:mad: &%$*(&$#!# @ level 7
  • #31
PLLLLZZZEEE! Help wih lvl 5! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #32
Oh man. This game rocks! I am hooked. I stopped at 5 but I am not giving up on it, just need a break.
  • #33
  • #34

666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 :cry: :cry: o:) :cry: :rolleyes: :biggrin: :zzz:
  • #35
6 is easy. Always remember to look EVERYWHERE everyhow.

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