Questions concerning cross products, dot products, and polar coordinates

In summary, the conversation discusses the concepts of vectors and coordinate systems, specifically the use of cartesian and polar coordinates for finding derivatives. It also touches on the relationship between force, acceleration, and movement in a circular motion. The main takeaway is that locally, there is no difference between cartesian and polar coordinates for finding derivatives.
  • #1
Question answered! Thanks!
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  • #2
Actually it is simplier to begin from (2)
Explanation of the terms: first term is the vector parallel to e, second orthogonal to e
A x e is normal to both A and e and has magnitude of the projection of A on the plane normal to e, and e x ( A x e ) has the same magnitude and is normal to e and previous vector..
(1): express X as shown in (2)
(3): pay attention that the curve is a circle (try to make sure..).. as you probably know, the force applied on a mass rotating with a constant speed is normal to the direction of its movement (and so is acceleration), so the dot product is zero..
about derivations in polar coordinates: locally, at any point you have ortogonal axes r and theta, so locally there is no difference between cartesian and polar coordinates, and that's what you need to know for finding derivatives. making dot and cross products in spherical coordinates is not nice (but there are formulas for that), so it is better to go though cartesian coordinates.
  • #3

Cross products and dot products are mathematical operations that are commonly used in vector algebra. The cross product of two vectors is a vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors and has a magnitude equal to the product of their magnitudes multiplied by the sine of the angle between them. This operation is useful for calculating the area of a parallelogram formed by two vectors, as well as determining the direction of rotation between two vectors.

The dot product, on the other hand, is a scalar quantity that is calculated by multiplying the magnitudes of two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them. This operation is useful for determining the angle between two vectors and for projecting one vector onto another.

Polar coordinates are a way of representing points in a two-dimensional space using a distance (r) from the origin and an angle (θ) from a reference axis. This system is useful for describing circular or rotational motion, as well as for simplifying certain mathematical equations.

I hope this helps clarify the concepts of cross products, dot products, and polar coordinates. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Questions concerning cross products, dot products, and polar coordinates

What is the difference between a cross product and a dot product?

A cross product is a type of vector multiplication that results in a vector perpendicular to both of the original vectors being multiplied. A dot product, on the other hand, is a type of vector multiplication that results in a scalar (a single number) and represents the projection of one vector onto another.

Why are cross products and dot products important in mathematics and science?

Cross products and dot products are important in mathematics and science because they allow us to calculate the relationships between vectors, which are used to represent physical quantities such as force, velocity, and acceleration. These calculations are essential in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

How are cross products and dot products related to polar coordinates?

In polar coordinates, a point is represented by its distance from the origin (r) and its angle from the positive x-axis (θ). The x and y coordinates of a point in polar coordinates can be calculated using the dot product and cross product, respectively, of the unit vectors in the x and y directions with the vector representing the point's position in polar coordinates.

What are some applications of cross products and dot products in real life?

Cross products and dot products have many applications in real life, including calculating the torque (rotational force) on an object, finding the direction of a magnetic field, and determining the angle between two intersecting lines. They are also used in computer graphics to calculate the shading and lighting of 3D objects.

How can I visualize cross products and dot products?

One way to visualize cross products is to imagine two vectors in 3D space, with one vector being rotated around the other. The resulting vector from the cross product will be perpendicular to both original vectors. Dot products can be visualized as the projection of one vector onto another, with the resulting scalar representing the length of the projection. There are also many interactive online tools and simulations available to help visualize these concepts.

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