Why Does Wind Change Pitch as It Blows Harder?

  • Thread starter JoAuSc
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In summary: I think it's also worth mentioning that the shape and size of the object can also affect the frequency of the sound created by the wind. For example, a thinner wire may produce a higher pitch than a thicker wire at the same wind speed. Also, the distance between the wire and the ground or other objects can also have an impact on the sound created. This is because the airflow around the object is affected by these factors, altering the pattern of vortices and thus changing the frequency of the sound produced. In summary, sound is created when air sets things vibrating and our ears interpret these vibrations as sound. The frequency and volume of the sound depend on the characteristics of the vibrations, such as the wind speed and the shape and size of
  • #1
I know the basic answer, that the movement of air sets things vibrating which makes noise, but I don't know the specifics. For example, if the wind is blowing hard, you can often hear the wind howling at a certain pitch. This seems to be dependent on velocity because the harder the wind blows, the higher the pitch is. How does this happen? Are sounds made by the wind primarily due to the air itself vibrating or to solid objects vibrating when the air blows against them? Also, is there an easy way to predict what the frequency of the howl will be based on how fast the wind is blowing?
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  • #2
JoAuSc said:
I know the basic answer, that the movement of air sets things vibrating which makes noise, but I don't know the specifics. For example, if the wind is blowing hard, you can often hear the wind howling at a certain pitch. This seems to be dependent on velocity because the harder the wind blows, the higher the pitch is. How does this happen? Are sounds made by the wind primarily due to the air itself vibrating or to solid objects vibrating when the air blows against them? Also, is there an easy way to predict what the frequency of the howl will be based on how fast the wind is blowing?

What we call sound are in fact just pressurewaves propagating through the air. Our ears and brain detect and convert these pressure waves to electric signals which we interprete as being sound. The frequency of these waves determines the altitude of the tone, while the amplitude defines the volume of the sound.

When waves (eg pressure waves) pass through openings that have about the same magnitude (or less) than the wavelength of the incident wave, diffraction will occur. Once passed through the opening, diffraction will "generate" a phase difference between waves starting from the top and bottom of the opening. This phase difference leads to interference. Phenomena like diffraction and interference of waves will alter the caracteristics of the incident wave. For example, some frequencies can be canceled out while others may become bigger. This is what happens in constructive and destructive interference. Different frequencies lead to different sounds because of the connection between frequency and sound.

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  • #3
JoAuSc said:
I know the basic answer, that the movement of air sets things vibrating which makes noise, but I don't know the specifics. For example, if the wind is blowing hard, you can often hear the wind howling at a certain pitch. This seems to be dependent on velocity because the harder the wind blows, the higher the pitch is. How does this happen? Are sounds made by the wind primarily due to the air itself vibrating or to solid objects vibrating when the air blows against them? Also, is there an easy way to predict what the frequency of the howl will be based on how fast the wind is blowing?
Adding to what marlon mentioned, noise is the result of vibrations in the air which excite the ear drums at those frequencies to which the ear is sensitive.


Anyway, when wind blows it may interact with structures or cavities, and the structures or the air in the cavities may vibrate at certain natural frequencies, which are based on mass (of structure) and geometric properties, and gas properties.

This is a particular type of fluid-structure interaction and is very complicated to model in precise detail.
  • #4
JoAuSc said:
I know the basic answer, that the movement of air sets things vibrating which makes noise, but I don't know the specifics. For example, if the wind is blowing hard, you can often hear the wind howling at a certain pitch. This seems to be dependent on velocity because the harder the wind blows, the higher the pitch is. How does this happen? Are sounds made by the wind primarily due to the air itself vibrating or to solid objects vibrating when the air blows against them? Also, is there an easy way to predict what the frequency of the howl will be based on how fast the wind is blowing?

In many cases the sound is not due to direct vibration of wires, branches or whatever. Let us assume we have a horizontal wire with the wind blowing past it horizontally. Vortices are created in the air downstream of the wire, alternately above and below the wire at a frequency which depends on the wind speed. The frequency f is given by the relation

f = Sr u/d

where u is the wind speed and d is the wire diameter. Sr is a number which is about 0.2 for a circular cylinder and is called the Strouhal number.

As an example, a wire 5mm in diameter in a wind of 10ms-1 gives a frequency of 400Hz.

The pattern of vortices is known as a von Karman street.


FAQ: Why Does Wind Change Pitch as It Blows Harder?

1. How does the movement of air create sound?

Wind creates sound through the process of vibration. As air moves over objects such as leaves, branches, or buildings, it causes these objects to vibrate, producing sound waves.

2. Why do some types of wind make louder sounds than others?

The loudness of wind sounds depends on the speed and direction of the wind. Higher wind speeds and changes in wind direction can cause greater vibrations and therefore louder sounds.

3. Can different wind speeds produce different types of sounds?

Yes, the speed of the wind can affect the pitch or frequency of the sound produced. Higher wind speeds can produce higher pitched sounds, while lower wind speeds can create lower pitched sounds.

4. What factors can affect the pitch of wind sounds?

The pitch of wind sounds can be affected by the size and shape of the objects the wind is blowing against. Smaller objects or objects with a more streamlined shape tend to produce higher pitched sounds, while larger or more irregularly shaped objects create lower pitched sounds.

5. How do different wind conditions impact the volume of sound produced?

Wind conditions such as wind speed, direction, and turbulence can all impact the volume of sound produced. Higher wind speeds, changes in wind direction, and more turbulent wind can all lead to louder and more varied wind sounds.
