Simple Harmonic Motion homework

In summary, a student encountered a physics problem involving a simple harmonic oscillator and used conservation of mechanical energy to solve for the amplitude. However, their teacher used a different approach and ended up with a different value for the phase constant, leading to confusion about which method was correct. Through further analysis, it was discovered that the discrepancy was caused by the possibility of a positive or negative amplitude in the original solution.
  • #1
I came across a physics problem for homework that I was able to work out on my own, however when I got to class, my teacher said that my numbers were not what the book had calculated, but couldn't tell if there was a flaw in my logic that would prevent me from getting the correct phi and therefore the correct answers.

The question:

A simple harmonic oscillator consists of a block of mass 4.20 kg attached to a spring of spring constant 200 N/m. When t = 4.00 s, the position and velocity of the block are x = 0.129 m and v = 3.415 m/s.

My approach

a.) What is the amplitude of the oscillations?

I used conservation of mechanical energy to solve this part of the problem, and got the correct amplitude this way:

(1/2)kx^2 + (1/2)mv^2 = (1/2)k(amplitude)^2

amplitude = .5114 m

b.) What was the position of the mass at t = 0 s?

For this part, I plugged the position I was given and the time I was given as well as the amplitude and omega, which I solved for, into this formula:

x(t) = amplitude * cos(omega * t + phi)

I solved for omega:

omega = (k/m)^(1/2)
omega = 6.9 rad/s

and used the amplitude from part a) and the given x and t to solve for phi

.129 = .5114 * cos(6.9 * 4 + phi)
.252 = cos(27.6 + phi)
1.316 = 27.6 + phi
phi = -26.28 rad

then I use this phi in the x(t) function to solve for x at t = 0:

x(0) = .5114 * cos(-26.28)
x(0) = .21 m

c.) What was the velocity of the mass at t = 0 s?

I use the same phi, amp, and omega from before, except in the equation:

v(t) = -omega * amplitude * sin(omega * t + phi)
v(0) = -(6.9) * (.5114) * sin(-26.28)
v(0) = 3.217 m/s

When my teacher does the problem another way, however, he got a phi that was different from mine.

Teacher's Approach

v(4)/x(4) = [-omega * amplitude * sin(omega * t + phi)] / [amplitude * cos(omega * t + phi)]
v(4)/x(4) = -omega * tan(omega * t + phi)
26.473 = -6.9 * tan(6.9 * 4 + phi)
-3.837 = tan(27.6 + phi)
-1.316 = 27.6 + phi
phi = -28.916 rad

He then proceeded to solve for the amplitude using x(t) = amplitude * cos(omega * t + phi) and x(0) and v(0) in pretty much the same way that I did.

My question is, why did using his method get the equation:

-1.316 = 27.6 + phi
phi = -28.916 rad

when my way instead gave me:

1.316 = 27.6 + phi
phi = -26.28 rad

In order to get the phi that my teacher got, I would have to alter the formula that I used to solve for phi to:

x(t) = amplitude * cos(-omega * t - phi)

which I don't think is correct. I would greatly appreciate any insight into this matter.
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  • #2
very nice post. What I think happened, is in your soln, amplitude could be
Assume you chose the negative root,
then -.252=cos(27.6+phi) which is same as since cos(pi-x)=-cos(x)
hence .252=cos(pi-27.6-phi)
  • #3
Thanks for the clarification denverdoc, I guess neither me nor my teacher realized that by taking the sqrt we had a +/- .5114. For my approach, and not knowing the answer that my teacher got, is there any other way to tell that I should have used the negative amplitude instead of the positive one?
  • #4
maybe a wave guru can help out, technically speaking the teachers approach was the more rigorous approach since it used d(y(t)/y(t) along with a snap shot of conditions at t=4, but yours would have worked as well just from knowing the argument is usually given as wt+/-phi, and then testing the soln to make sure of the sign. Overall I think you get an A+ for creative approach. Again, very nice job.

FAQ: Simple Harmonic Motion homework

1. What is Simple Harmonic Motion?

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a type of periodic motion in which an object oscillates back and forth around an equilibrium position. It occurs when a restoring force is proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position.

2. What are some examples of Simple Harmonic Motion?

Some examples of SHM include a mass attached to a spring, a pendulum swinging back and forth, and a tuning fork vibrating at its natural frequency.

3. How is the period of Simple Harmonic Motion calculated?

The period of SHM is calculated using the formula T = 2π√(m/k), where T is the period in seconds, m is the mass of the object in kilograms, and k is the spring constant in Newtons per meter.

4. What is the relationship between Simple Harmonic Motion and circular motion?

Simple Harmonic Motion can be thought of as a projection of circular motion onto a straight line. This means that the motion of an object in SHM can be described using the same equations and concepts as circular motion, such as angular velocity and centripetal force.

5. How does Simple Harmonic Motion apply to real-world situations?

SHM is a common phenomenon that can be observed in many real-world situations, such as the motion of a car's suspension system or the swinging of a grandfather clock pendulum. Understanding SHM can also help engineers design structures and machines that can withstand vibrations and oscillations.
