Minimizing Time with Calculus of Variation in Vertical Plane

In summary, the problem at hand involves using the calculus of variations to minimize the total time taken by a light beam to travel through a vertical plane with a refractive index function of z. The correct equation to be solved is d^2z/dx^2=1/n(z) {dn/dz+[n(z)dz/dx]/[1+(dz/dx)^2]}. The next steps would be to define a functional representing the total time and use the Euler-Lagrange equation to find its minimum.
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Im supposed to show that a ligth beam traveling in a vertical plane satisfies
d^2z/dx^2=1/n(z) dn/dz[1+(dz/dx)^2]. Using calculus of variations to minimize the total time. The vertical plane got a refracting index n=n(z) there z is the vertical position and z=z(x) there x is the horisontal direction.

I have started with to minimize the time and have used Euler-Lagrange equation. I have also simplified and got d^2z/dx^2=1/n(z) {dn/dz+n(z)dz/dx/[1+(dz/dx)^2]}. I don't think this is the same equation as above. is the right way to go or shall i do something else?

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  • #2
for your help
Thank you for your question. It seems like you are on the right track with using the Euler-Lagrange equation to minimize the total time. However, there are a few things that need to be clarified in order to fully understand and solve the problem.

Firstly, it is important to specify what the independent and dependent variables are in this problem. From the given information, it seems like the independent variables are x and z, where x represents the horizontal direction and z represents the vertical position. The dependent variable is the refractive index, n, which is a function of z. Therefore, the equation you are trying to solve is a partial differential equation with respect to x and z.

Next, it is important to note that the given equation, d^2z/dx^2=1/n(z) {dn/dz+n(z)dz/dx/[1+(dz/dx)^2]}, is not the same as the one you have simplified to. The correct equation should be d^2z/dx^2=1/n(z) {dn/dz+[n(z)dz/dx]/[1+(dz/dx)^2]}. This is because the derivative of n(z) with respect to z should not be multiplied by dz/dx, as it is a function of z and not x.

Finally, to solve this problem using the calculus of variations, you will need to define a functional that represents the total time taken by the light beam to travel through the vertical plane. This functional will depend on the variables x and z, as well as their derivatives. You can then use the Euler-Lagrange equation to find the minimum of this functional, which will give you the desired equation.

I hope this helps clarify the problem and guide you in the right direction. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Minimizing Time with Calculus of Variation in Vertical Plane

1. What is the Calculus of Variation?

The Calculus of Variation is a mathematical method used to find the optimal solution to a problem involving a functional. It involves finding the function that minimizes or maximizes the functional, subject to given constraints.

2. How does the Calculus of Variation apply to minimizing time in the vertical plane?

In the context of minimizing time in the vertical plane, the Calculus of Variation can be used to find the optimal path for an object to travel from one point to another in the shortest amount of time, while taking into account the effects of gravity and other constraints.

3. What are the key principles of the Calculus of Variation?

The key principles of the Calculus of Variation include the Euler-Lagrange equation, which is used to find the optimal function, and the principle of least action, which states that the actual path an object takes will minimize the action (a measure of energy) required for it to travel from one point to another.

4. How is the Calculus of Variation used in real-world applications?

The Calculus of Variation has many practical applications, including in physics, engineering, and economics. It is commonly used to optimize trajectories for rockets and satellites, to find the shortest path for a river or road, and to determine the most efficient way to use resources in a supply chain.

5. What are some challenges in using the Calculus of Variation to minimize time in the vertical plane?

One of the main challenges in using the Calculus of Variation for minimizing time in the vertical plane is accurately modeling and accounting for all the factors that affect the object's path, such as air resistance and changing gravity. It also requires advanced mathematical skills and computational power to solve complex problems.
