What the hell kind of advantage does over-reacting to allergies have?

  • Thread starter wasteofo2
  • Start date
In summary, allergies seem to be on the rise, and there isn't a clear answer as to why. Some speculate that it may be because of our modern lifestyle, others say that it may be because of the environment we're living in. There is a therapy that attempts to desensitize the body to allergens, but it's not always successful.
  • #1
I can't understand this at all. I have bad allergies, without anti-hystamines, I would not have been able to breathe through my nose for the last 2 weeks. What the hell kind of advantage would something like this have, and why the hell hasn't this trait been selected against? You'd think when humans were still hunters/gatherers that people who couldn't breathe during the fall would die off real quickly...
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
well waste, i am sure they had their homemade remedies...along with your meds, try taking raw bee pollen that is from the area you live in...suppossedly, your body builds up an immunity against the allergens when you ingest it directly...it works for me every year.
  • #3
Kerrie said:
well waste, i am sure they had their homemade remedies...along with your meds, try taking raw bee pollen that is from the area you live in...suppossedly, your body builds up an immunity against the allergens when you ingest it directly...it works for me every year.
Sounds like a plan, I'll just find the nearest bee-hive, rip it apart and start eating it's innards.
  • #4
One other thing about fall allergies. People slow their water consumption in the fall when the weather cools. Dryer sinus passages from general dehydration are more susceptible to irritation from allergens. So, drink more water, eat less salt and histamine containing foods. Supposedly pear skins have natural antihistamines. I am sure there are more foods that counteract histamine effects. Eat spicy food, like hot sauce so that your sinuses run at least once a day. Wash your hands, and then your face when you come in from outside. Make sure your cars ventilation system is set to inside air. Hose off your porches front and back. Not to excess, but to keep the dust and pollen off your doorstep. Keep your outside clothes out of your bedroom, so that the pollen doesn't follow you into your bed. Shower before bed.
  • #5
still havn't answered his question..
  • #6
I don't know the answer, or if there is an answer, but I can speculate on a few alternatives.

From what I've heard (but haven't looked into to confirm), incidence of allergies is on the rise. So, allergies may have been more strongly selected against in the past. Prior to antihistamines and modern medicine, if you went into anaphylactic shock, you'd die. So, maybe modern medicine is permitting allergies to increase because people don't die from them anymore.

Then again, if you already had your children before the allergies got that bad, the allergies could still be passed along to the next generation. So, it could be that there isn't enough selection pressure against it because allergies slowly worsen with age, so they don't become life-threatening until you're old enough to have children already.

Or, we may be getting exposed to things ancestral humans were never exposed to, and those chemicals may predispose us to allergies or cause immune system dysfunction.

Maybe we grow up in too clean of environments, so aren't exposed to these allergens early enough in life for our immune system to know how to react to them properly.

Just a lot of possible guesses here.
  • #7
Allergic reactions are a desperate defense against substances it perceives would cause even greater harm if ingested.
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  • #8
Yes, it's the immune system gone haywire: it's setting up an immune response to things it shouldn't. The body learns which substances are foreign and dangerous, but it should also learn which substances are part of the environment and not dangerous.

As Moonbear said, allergies seem to be on a rise and it's probably because of our lifestyle. There've been studies that show that children growing up on a farm are less likely to develop an hay-fever allergy than kids growing up in the city.

A friend of mine is allergic to about anything it seems: food allergies, pet allergy, pollen allergy. He walks around with a sky high IgE, it must be a real stress on the body and frankly I'm worried about the effects it'll have.

There is a desensitization therapy, where the body is injected with low doses of the T cell epitope-containing hypoallergenic recombinant fragments of the allergen and that's supposed to bring about immuno-modulation.. Ofcourse during the course of the therapy (which takes months) you're supposed to stay clear of the natural allergen: it only works with a low dose.. that will be hard if you're allergic to what seems a very generic pollen epitope.

FAQ: What the hell kind of advantage does over-reacting to allergies have?

1. What are the potential benefits of over-reacting to allergies?

Over-reacting to allergies may have several benefits, including preventing exposure to potentially harmful substances and protecting the body from potential threats. For example, an over-reaction to pollen may result in sneezing and watery eyes, but it also prevents the pollen from entering the body and causing more serious reactions.

2. Is over-reacting to allergies a sign of a weak immune system?

No, over-reacting to allergies does not necessarily indicate a weak immune system. In fact, it can be a sign of a strong immune system that is actively responding to potential threats and protecting the body.

3. Can over-reacting to allergies be harmful to my health?

In some cases, over-reacting to allergies can be harmful to health. Severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. Additionally, constantly over-reacting to minor allergens can lead to chronic inflammation and potential damage to the body over time.

4. How can I manage my over-reactions to allergies?

There are several ways to manage over-reactions to allergies, including avoiding exposure to known allergens, taking medication to reduce symptoms, and seeking medical advice for severe reactions. Allergy testing can also help identify specific triggers and allow for more targeted management strategies.

5. Is there a difference between over-reacting to allergies and having a food intolerance?

Yes, there is a difference between over-reacting to allergies and having a food intolerance. Allergies involve an immune response to a specific substance, while food intolerances are caused by an inability to properly digest certain foods. While both may result in similar symptoms, the underlying mechanisms and treatment approaches may differ.

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