Can Genes Trigger Natural Death and Is Aging Reversible?

  • Thread starter shivakumar06
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    Death Genes
In summary, a person's genes play a role in natural death due to aging, but there is no definitive answer on whether or not the aging process can be reversed by controlling the biological clock. While there are potential methods such as gene replacement or stem cell therapy, the feasibility and effectiveness of these techniques are still being studied. Additionally, there are other factors involved in aging such as cellular senescence and protein damage. It is currently not possible to create a blueprint for immortality as our understanding of aging is still limited.
  • #1
is genes responsible for natural death in animals and human beings due to aging. can aging process be reversed by controlling biological clock
Biology news on
  • #2
Look up senescence.
The short answer is: we don't know.
  • #3
shivakumar06 said:
is genes responsible for natural death in animals and human beings due to aging. can aging process be reversed by controlling biological clock

Reversing the aging process means making the genes mutate to their original form, the likelyhood of that happening is sort of like the likelyhood of walking trough a wall(quantum mechanics)

Anyways, all you need to become young are genes that are good, your genes become deteriorated with time, and get all sort of flaws... once in a million time they mutate for your good(evolution) but mostly it just causes nothing to happened... or biological faliures.

Simply do this to become young:

replace all your genes by the genes you had when you were young OR

Replace all your genes by somebodies elses genes, a young person genes, the problem is you won't be you anymore.. but you could have a brothers genes or a combination of peoples genes from your own race. Oh yeah there is the allergic reaction problem, but I've heard scientists kill all your own cells first, than put new genetically different ones.. (stem cells) sometimes they put viruses inside your body that do this.

This is something that phd. professors are just now starting to do.

More 3012 than 2012 actually, and if you want to do something on those lines it costs a lot of money, trust me I checked.
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  • #4
Jarfi said:
Anyways, all you need to become young are genes that are good, your genes become deteriorated with time, and get all sort of flaws... once in a million time they mutate for your good(evolution) but mostly it just causes nothing to happened... or biological faliures.
Evolution is a process that occurs over generations, not individual organisms.
Jarfi said:
Simply do this to become young:

replace all your genes by the genes you had when you were young
There are other factors in ageing such as cellular senescence via telomere length and tissue degradation leading to age related diseases. I highly doubt that all of ageing can be linked to accumulated DNA damage or that simply fixing said damage would cause tissue regeneration.
  • #5
Ryan_m_b said:
There are other factors in ageing such as cellular senescence via telomere length and tissue degradation leading to age related diseases. I highly doubt that all of ageing can be linked to accumulated DNA damage or that simply fixing said damage would cause tissue regeneration.
True, there are other factors such as protein damage that are also very important.
  • #6
Ryan_m_b said:
Evolution is a process that occurs over generations, not individual organisms.

There are other factors in ageing such as cellular senescence via telomere length and tissue degradation leading to age related diseases. I highly doubt that all of ageing can be linked to accumulated DNA damage or that simply fixing said damage would cause tissue regeneration.

Um okay, I'm pretty sure protein damage... AND tissue damage can all be linked to dna deterioration, the faulty dna makes for faulty tissue. And yes I know about the telemores, they are actually a defensive system that kills cells that have devided often(less* likely to be less genetically whole). And there actually is a hormone or protein that scientists have tested on mice that makes telomeres rebuild, so just combined with previously named method. Or create a fetus clone, whitch will have whole telomores(the stem cells of the clone).

Yes that's true, evolution happens slowly, but I'm pretty sure the way genetic changes that makes species get wings for example happen with many genetical mutations over time.
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  • #7
shivakumar06 said:
is genes responsible for natural death in animals and human beings due to aging. can aging process be reversed by controlling biological clock

Were the responses sufficient to address your original question?
  • #8
what causes grey hair, stoppage of growth in height and old age disease like blood pressure, etc.can man live for more than 120 year?
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  • #9
enosis_ said:
Were the responses sufficient to address your original question?

shuvakumar06 said:
what causes grey hair, stoppage of growth in height and old age disease like blood pressure, etc.can man live for more than 120 year?

That would be a "no" then?
All those questions are easily answered with a quick google: eg. that last one: - yes, it is possible.

Verified oldest person was 122 years, 164 days, when she died.

So I have a feeling you are avoiding asking the question that really interests you.
  • #10
the question that is in my mind is that is it in theory at least possible to make a blue print for immortality
  • #11
shivakumar06 said:
the question that is in my mind is that is it in theory at least possible to make a blue print for immortality
Not right now.
  • #12
shivakumar06 said:
the question that is in my mind is that is it in theory at least possible to make a blue print for immortality
Not right now - still doing the feasability studies.
  • #13
Jarfi said:
Um okay, I'm pretty sure protein damage... AND tissue damage can all be linked to dna deterioration, the faulty dna makes for faulty tissue.
Not always, much of the time the degradation is accumulated by the tissues and not healed. Think scars for instance, there's nothing wrong with the DNA but the tissue hasn't healed properly. Just fixing the DNA would not be enough.
  • #14
shivakumar06 said:
the question that is in my mind is that is it in theory at least possible to make a blue print for immortality
We don't even have a good enough understanding of ageing to take a stab at that.

FAQ: Can Genes Trigger Natural Death and Is Aging Reversible?

What is the role of genes in triggering death?

Genes play a significant role in determining the lifespan of an organism. They can influence the development of diseases and the body's ability to fight them off, ultimately leading to death.

Can certain genes cause premature death?

There are some genetic mutations that can increase the risk of developing certain diseases or conditions that can lead to premature death. However, these genetic factors are not the sole determining factor and lifestyle and environmental factors also play a role.

Are there specific genes that are linked to a higher risk of death?

There are some genes that have been identified as potential risk factors for certain diseases or conditions that can lead to death. However, the presence of these genes does not necessarily mean an individual will develop the disease or die from it.

Can death be prevented by altering genes?

Currently, there is no way to alter genes to prevent death. While advances in genetic research and technology have allowed for some diseases to be treated or managed, there is no known method for altering genes to extend lifespan.

Is there a genetic limit to how long a person can live?

There is ongoing research on the potential genetic factors that may contribute to longevity. However, at this time, there is no conclusive evidence that there is a genetic limit to how long a person can live.

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