A list of mathematical physicists worldwide.

In summary, the conversation was about a person being an expert summarizer of content and only providing a summary without responding to questions.
  • #1
Gold Member
Is there a list of people who are mathematical physicists around the world, and their universities?

Thanks in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is the math PhD site that connects PhD recipients with their advisers like a math family tree.
Cant recall the link but its out there.
  • #3
The site j93 refers to is this: http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/

While you can search by Research Area, it will not tell you where the professor is teaching. Still a very fun site though.
  • #4
I know already this site, but thanks anyway.

FAQ: A list of mathematical physicists worldwide.

1. Who are some notable mathematical physicists?

Some notable mathematical physicists include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Stephen Hawking, and Niels Bohr.

2. How has mathematical physics influenced other scientific fields?

Mathematical physics has greatly influenced fields such as astronomy, chemistry, and engineering. It has provided a mathematical framework for understanding and predicting physical phenomena, leading to advancements in these fields.

3. What are some key concepts in mathematical physics?

Some key concepts in mathematical physics include calculus, differential equations, quantum mechanics, and relativity. These concepts are used to describe and explain the behavior of physical systems.

4. How do mathematical physicists contribute to scientific research?

Mathematical physicists contribute to scientific research by developing and applying mathematical models to complex physical problems. They also collaborate with experimental physicists to analyze and interpret data and make predictions based on mathematical theories.

5. What education is required to become a mathematical physicist?

To become a mathematical physicist, one typically needs a strong background in mathematics, physics, and computer science. This usually involves obtaining a bachelor's degree in a related field, as well as a graduate degree in mathematical physics or a related area of study.

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