Bra/Ket Notation: Learn Basics & Find Eigenvalues

  • Thread starter The thinker
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In summary, the conversation is about someone seeking help with understanding Bra/Ket notation for their project on Bell's Inequalities. They have gone through relevant sections of J.J Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics but are still struggling. They ask for recommendations for online resources, with a focus on understanding spin states and the probabilities/eigenvalues in Bra/Ket notation. Some suggestions are given, including a post explaining the notation, a helpful thread, and a book by Isham with a derivation of Bell's Inequalities.
  • #1
The thinker

I need to read up on Bra/Ket notation for my project on Bells Inequalities. I've been through the relevant sections of J.J Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics but have had a lot of trouble getting it all clear in my head.

Could anyone recommend me an online resource that might help?

(My priority at the moment is just the basics, understanding how spin states are described and the probabilities/eigenvalues found in bra/ket notation)

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
This post explains bra-ket notation. This thread might be helpful too (but read post #17 first, where I acknowledge a silly mistake I made in #2). Wikipedia is good too.

If you're trying to learn about Bell inequalities, you might like the derivation in Isham's book: 215, 216
  • #3

Hi there,

Bra/Ket notation, also known as Dirac notation, is a commonly used mathematical notation in quantum mechanics to represent quantum states and operators. It can seem confusing at first, but with practice and understanding it can become a powerful tool for solving problems in quantum mechanics.

First, let's start with the basics. The "bra" and "ket" symbols represent the two components of a vector in a complex vector space. The "bra" symbol, < , represents the dual vector or "row vector" while the "ket" symbol, | , represents the vector or "column vector". In quantum mechanics, the "bra" and "ket" symbols are used to represent the bra and ket vectors of a quantum state, respectively. For example, the quantum state of a spin-1/2 particle can be represented as |↑> or |↓>, where the arrow represents the spin direction.

Now, let's move on to eigenvalues and probabilities. In quantum mechanics, operators are used to represent physical observables, such as spin, energy, and position. The eigenvalues of an operator represent the possible values that can be measured for that observable. In bra/ket notation, the operator is represented by a "bra" and "ket" vector, and the eigenvalues are found by solving the corresponding eigenvalue equation.

To better understand bra/ket notation and its applications in quantum mechanics, I would recommend checking out the following online resources:

1. Khan Academy's video series on bra/ket notation:

2. MIT's OpenCourseWare on Quantum Physics I:

3. The University of Colorado Boulder's Quantum Mechanics Interactive Simulations:

I hope these resources will help you in understanding the basics of bra/ket notation and finding eigenvalues in quantum mechanics. Best of luck with your project on Bell's Inequalities!

FAQ: Bra/Ket Notation: Learn Basics & Find Eigenvalues

1. What is Bra/Ket notation?

Bra/Ket notation is a mathematical notation used in quantum mechanics to represent quantum states and operators. It uses the symbols bra and ket to represent the dual vector spaces of the quantum state and its corresponding dual space.

2. How is Bra/Ket notation used in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, Bra/Ket notation is used to represent quantum states and operators. The bra symbol represents the dual vector space of a quantum state, while the ket symbol represents the quantum state itself. This notation is used to perform calculations and derive equations in quantum mechanics.

3. What are eigenvalues in Bra/Ket notation?

In Bra/Ket notation, eigenvalues represent the possible values of a quantum state when acting on a certain operator. In other words, they are the values that the operator will return when applied to the quantum state. Eigenvalues are important in quantum mechanics as they can help determine the behavior and properties of a quantum system.

4. How can I find eigenvalues using Bra/Ket notation?

To find eigenvalues using Bra/Ket notation, you can use the eigenvalue equation H|ψ> = E|ψ>, where H is the operator, |ψ> is the quantum state, and E is the eigenvalue. By solving this equation, you can find the possible eigenvalues for a given operator and quantum state.

5. What are the basics of Bra/Ket notation?

The basics of Bra/Ket notation include understanding the symbols bra and ket, their dual vector spaces, and how they are used to represent quantum states and operators. It is also important to understand the concept of eigenvalues and how they are calculated using this notation. Practicing with simple examples can also help in understanding the basics of Bra/Ket notation.

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