I want to learn Quantum Physics/Mechanics/Field Theory

In summary, the conversation discusses the decision to pursue math and physics as a hobby rather than a dual major. The individual has already taught themselves some math and is familiar with certain aspects of modern physics. They are looking for book recommendations for learning quantum mechanics and general relativity. Suggestions include "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" and "The Road to Reality" by Penrose for GR, and "General Relativity" by Dirac and Cohen-Tanoudji for QM. Other suggestions include textbooks by Weinberg, Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler. The conversation also mentions a free textbook available online for those with a high speed connection.
  • #1
I've decided I'm not going to dual major in Math and Physics so I'm instead just going to do it as a hobby. I've already tought myself a little bit of math (Calc I-III, Diff Eq's and Complex Analysis) and I'm already pretty familiar with a few mathematical aspects of modern physics (photoelectric effect, pair production/annhilation, relativity, Schrödinger wave equation etc...) was wondering what books you guys would recommend for learning all of this (and maybe even general relativity)? Thanks in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Any book title Introduction to Quantum Mechanics would do. If you are well versed in linear algebra, diff eqns, I would recommend Wikipedia's article (half of which was written by me :), http://www.wikipedia.com/Mathematical_formulation_of_quantum_mechanics . Just follow the links of terms you don't understand.

GR is much more difficult, first get your head round tensors, and then SR in tensor form, then manifolds and all of Riemann's stuff. Then I would recommend Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, that's quite good.
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  • #3
Jim Hartle's new introductory book on general relativity is supposed to be very good indeed. I'm getting a copy soon. The back cover has all sorts of big names endorsing it, including Hartle's good buddy Hawking.
  • #4
I'm in the process of reading "The road to reality" by Penrose, and I have to say that I'm really enjoying it.
It starts out by explaining to you what is a rational number and ends with supergravity and beyond. Great read.

  • #5
The best book to learning GR,without using differential geometry at all (defining tensors in the taxonomical approach),is "General Relativity" by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac.It should provide you with the physical contents of GR.For the math part,Steven Weinberg deals pretty well.MTW book will lose u among footnotes.For the Einstein-Cartan theory (which provides the natural path to Supergravity theories),there is a chapter in Steven Weinberg's book,one in Ramond's book,an article by Kibble,a clean approach by Carmeli,a.s.o.
To Quantum Mechanics,it's not easy to give advice,as i don't know how far u will go go,and how much mathematics (functional analysis to be exact) u will need.The easiest approach is provided by Cohen-Tanoudji et al. and Messiah.But you can go deeper into mathematics behind QM with the Bible by Prugoveçki.And the list would carry on.The original book by Von Neumann (1932 in German,not Hungarian,and the English transcription 1955) should be easier than Prugoveçki.It provides the reader with the original text on Von Neumann formulation of (nonrelativistic) Quantum Mechanics.If you want the other formulation as well,you can go to Feynman,Hibbs' book.
Into field theory,depends on how much you want to understand.If you want to be shallow,u can choose Peskin,Schroeder/Itzykson,Zuber/Bailin and Love/Ryder.More rigurous approaches u find in Steven Weinberg/Zee/Ramond.Or go directly to the Bible of quantizing by Henneaux,Teitelboim.The applications are to be found in the books mentioned earlier.Standard Model applications,that is.

I think you have a list.It's not complete.Maybe i missed many books,good ones,that is.Or maybe not.

Good luck!
  • #7
I can assum he should be taking it from zero,not from top level.He's having probably no knowledge,and should follow easier,introductory books.Siegels' book should be the last on any list...

FAQ: I want to learn Quantum Physics/Mechanics/Field Theory

1. What is Quantum Physics?

Quantum Physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior and interactions of particles on a subatomic level. It describes how particles such as atoms and molecules behave and interact with each other.

2. Why is Quantum Mechanics important?

Quantum Mechanics is important because it helps us understand and explain the fundamental laws of nature at a microscopic level. It has led to advancements in technology, including the development of transistors and lasers.

3. How is Quantum Field Theory related to Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum Field Theory is an extension of Quantum Mechanics and is used to describe the behavior and interactions of particles on a larger scale. It combines the principles of Quantum Mechanics with special relativity to explain the behavior of particles in a three-dimensional space.

4. What are some practical applications of Quantum Physics?

Quantum Physics has many practical applications, including the development of computer technologies, cryptography, and medical imaging. It also plays a significant role in the development of renewable energy sources and understanding the behavior of materials at a microscopic level.

5. Can anyone learn Quantum Physics?

Yes, anyone can learn Quantum Physics, but it requires a strong foundation in mathematics and physics. It also requires a deep understanding of abstract concepts and the ability to think critically and creatively. With dedication and hard work, anyone can learn Quantum Physics.

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