Is It Natural for the World to Have Zero Angular Momentum?

  • Thread starter mrblint
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In summary: I still wonder though if there are any planetary systems out there where all this isn't the case, and where the planets are not just in one disk but varying planes of their orbits - and then why that could be?It's possible that there are planetary systems like that, but it's not very likely.
  • #1
What makes the world spin?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Hello, mrblint.

Why won't you tell us what do you think it is, so we know where to start explaining?
  • #3
I think that as the world travels around the sun in an elliptical orbit, there is a force pulling away from the sun (the centrifugal force) and also the sun is also pulling the mass of the Earth towards itself (the sun being the more massive body). As the Earth moves in the elliptical orbit, the slightly changing orientation of the pull results in spin of the planet on its axis. That's what comes to mind just thinking about it. But I'm wondering now if the Earth spins at different speeds as it moves through the elliptical orbit.
  • #4
Yes. The speed increases as Earth gets closer to the Sun. The orbit is only very slightly elliptical though so it's not a big change.
  • #5
The reason the world spins on its axis has to do with the conservation of angular momentum.

As the dust gathered that formed our planet the dust collisions imparted inertia. As the diameter decreased the angular momentum increases much like a spinning figure skater.
Nearby large gravitational bodies can affect the spin in a fashion called "tidally locked"
  • #6
Mordred said:
The reason the world spins on its axis has to do with the conservation of angular momentum.

As the dust gathered that formed our planet the dust collisions imparted inertia. As the diameter decreased the angular momentum increases much like a spinning figure skater.
Nearby large gravitational bodies can affect the spin in a fashion called "tidally locked"

Correct. May I add that it would be extremely unlikely to have a huge primordial dust cloud with a very small or zero angular momentum. So the rotation of the entire solar system was pretty much there since it formed. Otherwise one would expect the whole thing collapses in one blob point without rotation. As far as I know, all planets move in the same direction in the disc around the sun and the sun itself rotates in that direction. There are, as far as I know, only a few captured moons for the big planets that rotate in other ways, and there is just one "misbehaved" planet, Uranus, where the axis of rotation is almost parallel to the planetary disk. (Well, Uranus also got a weird name, at least in English ;-).

I still wonder though if there are any planetary systems out there where all this isn't the case, and where the planets are not just in one disk but varying planes of their orbits - and then why that could be?
  • #7
rewtnode said:
I still wonder though if there are any planetary systems out there where all this isn't the case, and where the planets are not just in one disk but varying planes of their orbits - and then why that could be?

Planets that have been thrown out of their original systems and hurtle through space and end up in other systems could be such cases. Among the gazilions of stars there surely must be numerous examples of such planets.
  • #8
I thought love made the world go around!
  • #9
HallsofIvy said:
I thought love made the world go around!

if its any consolation it will still make your head spin lol
  • #11
Roflmao now there is a correlation I never would have thought of lol
  • #12
rewtnode said:
I still wonder though if there are any planetary systems out there where all this isn't the case, and where the planets are not just in one disk but varying planes of their orbits - and then why that could be?

Could be, but it probably wouldn't last long. The mutual interactions between the planets in all of those strange orbits would tend to either kick some of them out of the system or settle them into one plane.
  • #13
mrblint said:
What makes the world spin?
Would you really consider it "natural" if the world happened to have exactly 0 angular momentum?

FAQ: Is It Natural for the World to Have Zero Angular Momentum?

1. Why does the world spin?

The Earth spins on its axis due to its angular momentum. This is caused by the Earth's initial rotation when it was formed and its continued rotation due to the conservation of angular momentum.

2. What is the Earth's axis of rotation?

The Earth's axis of rotation is an imaginary line that runs through the North and South poles. This is the line around which the Earth rotates, causing day and night.

3. How fast does the Earth spin?

The Earth rotates at a speed of approximately 1,037 miles per hour (or 1,670 kilometers per hour) at the equator. This speed decreases as you move towards the poles.

4. Does the Earth's spin ever change?

The Earth's spin is constantly changing, but these changes are very small and imperceptible to humans. Factors such as earthquakes, ocean currents, and atmospheric conditions can affect the Earth's rotation, but these changes are only measurable with specialized equipment.

5. Does the Earth's spin affect us?

Yes, the Earth's spin has a significant impact on our daily lives. It determines our day and night cycle, affects the Earth's climate and weather patterns, and even plays a role in the formation of our planet's magnetic field, which protects us from harmful solar radiation.

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