Are These Set Closure and Interior Properties True or False?

  • Thread starter proplaya201
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It's still possible that you just got lucky and picked a "nice" set A. So you should really try to prove it in general.In summary, the conversation discusses proving or finding counterexamples for various statements involving interior and closure of sets. Some of the statements require finding counterexamples, while others can be proved directly. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of considering general cases rather than just finding specific examples.
  • #1

Homework Statement

6) Prove or give a counter-example of the following statements
(i) (interiorA)(closure) intersect interior(A(closure)):
(ii) interior(A(closure)) intersect (interiorA(closure)):
(iii) interior(A union B) = interiorA union interiorB:
(iv) interior(A intersect B) = interiorA intersect interiorB:
(v) (A union B) (closure) = (closure) A union (closure)B:
(vi) (A intersection B)(closure) = (closure) A intersection (closure)B:

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

i just don't know how to do any of them
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  • #2

Your first two aren't even statements. Aren't you supposed have an = sign or something? So we'll pass on those. And it's pretty weak to say "no idea on ANY of them". Try iii). Suppose A=[0,1] and B=[1,2]. Conclusion? Try to find a counterexample first. If you can't find a counterexample, then try to prove it. Some of those are not all that hard.
  • #3

my mistake
for the first one i meant to say write

the closure (interior A) is a proper subset of the interior (closure A)

i took A = [1,2]

then the right side would equal [1,2] and the left would be (1,2).


the (closure (interior A)) is not a proper subset of the (interior (closure A)), right?
  • #4

proplaya201 said:
my mistake
for the first one i meant to say write

the closure (interior A) is a proper subset of the interior (closure A)

i took A = [1,2]

then the right side would equal [1,2] and the left would be (1,2).


the (closure (interior A)) is not a proper subset of the (interior (closure A)), right?

That's the idea. Just remember if it had come out to be true, that doesn't prove it's true in all cases.

FAQ: Are These Set Closure and Interior Properties True or False?

What are closure math problems?

Closure math problems are mathematical equations or operations that result in a specific number or set of numbers. They are called "closure" problems because the answer always "closes" or completes the original set of numbers or operations.

Why are closure math problems important?

Closure math problems help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They also reinforce the concept of mathematical closure and help students understand how numbers and operations are related to each other.

How do you solve a closure math problem?

To solve a closure math problem, you need to first identify the numbers or operations involved. Then, you need to determine which operation or combination of operations will result in the given number or set of numbers. Finally, you can solve the problem using basic mathematical principles such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

Can closure math problems have more than one solution?

Yes, closure math problems can have more than one solution. This is because there can be different combinations of numbers and operations that result in the same answer. However, there is usually one most efficient or simplest solution for each problem.

What is the difference between closure math problems and other types of math problems?

Closure math problems focus specifically on the concept of mathematical closure, while other math problems may involve multiple concepts and require more steps to solve. Additionally, closure math problems often have a set answer, while other math problems may have a range of possible answers.

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