Calculating the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the minimum vacuum force required for a climbing robot to stay attached to a ceiling. The robot's body consists of a cuboid with two vacuum cups attached, and it moves using inchworm-style motion. The conversation also includes a free body diagram, a list of forces and dimensions, and several equations. The speaker makes some assumptions about the reaction force and the rotation of the robot, and arrives at a value of 6.79N for the minimum force and 9606Pa for the required pressure. There is some uncertainty about the correctness of the assumptions, but overall the conversation provides a reasonable approach to the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello. I am trying to calculate the minimum vacuum force required to keep a climbing robot attached to a ceiling. The robot body consists of a cuboid with two vacuum cups attached at either end. The robot will move using inchworm-style motion, attaching one of the cups, extending its body, attaching the second cup, retracting etc. In order to calculate the minimum vacuum force that the robot needs to generate, I have constructed the following free body diagram:


To calculate the maximum force, I am consider the situation where the robot has only one of its suction cups active, which in this case is the one on the right.

Description of forces:
  • F: The suction force produced by the vacuum cup.
  • R: The reaction force produced due to the robot pressing against the ceiling
  • uR: Force due to friction between the ceiling and the robot's suction cup
  • D: Drag force caused by fluid moving past the robot. This is 1N
  • mg: Weight of the robot. This is 0.2*9.81=1.962

List of dimensions:
  • r: Radius of the suction cup. 15mm
  • H: Distance between the C.o.M of the robot and the ceiling: 17.5mm
  • L: Distance between the suction cup centres. 56mm

In order to perform the calculation, I have made the following assumptions:
I have assumed that as the suction force decreases, the robot will not just simply fall vertically, but will behave almost as if it was hinged at point A in the diagram. Based on this assumption, I have assumed that the only reaction force is the one shown on the diagram. This is because if the suction force is at its minimum, I would imagine that the inactive suction cup would be barely touching the ceiling and so no reaction forces would be generated. Likewise, I am guessing that the side of the left hand side of the active suction cup would also be barely touching, leaving the very right hand side in firm contact with the ceiling.

Homework Equations

[tex]Pressure = \frac{Force}{Area}[/tex]
[tex]Circle area = \pi r^{2}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Resolving vertically:

[tex]F = R + mg[/tex]

Resolving horizontally:

[tex]D = uR[/tex]

Taking moments about A:

[tex]Fr = DH + mg(\frac{L}{2} + r)[/tex]

Solving the above equation gives a value of [tex]F = 6.79N[/tex]

Substituting this value back into the first equation gives a value of [tex]R = 4.83N[/tex]

Finally, inserting this value into the second equation gives a value of [tex]u = 0.2[/tex]

In order to calculate the pressure required in the suction cup:

[tex]P = \frac{F}{A}[/tex]
[tex] A=\pi 0.015^2 = 7.069*10^{-4}m^2[/tex]

giving a pressure of


What I am unsure about is whether this is the correct way of calculating the minimum force. I am especially unsure about the assumption I have made regarding the reaction force. Should there be reaction forces on both suction cups? Should I consider those forces as one force for each cup, or would I need to consider the reaction forces on both sides of each cup? Am I correct in assuming that the robot would rotate around point A as the suction force decreases? Would I then need to consider any friction produced at the inactive suction cup?


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  • #2
Well... I think you made a reasonable decision to consider the force when only one suction cup is touching the ceiling. That's when the full reaction force from the suction needs to be used, so it determines what the minimum suction pressure needs to be. Obviously, if one cup is not touching the ceiling, there will be no reaction force or friction on it.

The assumption that the robot would rotate around point A also seems reasonable, I think - definitely the rotation would be taking place around some point within the suction cup. You could try doing the calculation assuming that the axis of rotation is at the forward edge of the suction cup, just to see how much your answer for the pressure differs; if the difference is small, that tells you that the assumption about the rotation axis probably doesn't matter that much.
  • #3

I would first commend you on your thorough approach to calculating the minimum vacuum force for your climbing robot. Your free body diagram and list of dimensions are well-organized, and your use of equations and assumptions show a good understanding of physics principles.

In terms of your question about the reaction forces on the suction cups, it is important to consider the forces on both cups as they are both attached to the robot and play a role in its stability. This means that you should consider the reaction forces on both sides of each cup, as well as any friction produced at the inactive suction cup. This will give you a more accurate calculation of the minimum force required to keep the robot attached to the ceiling.

Furthermore, I would suggest considering the weight and dimensions of the robot itself in your calculations. As the robot extends and retracts, the distribution of its weight and center of mass may change, affecting the forces acting on it. It may also be beneficial to consider the angle at which the robot is climbing and how that affects the forces.

Overall, I believe your approach is a good starting point for calculating the minimum vacuum force for your climbing robot. However, I would recommend further considering the reaction forces and weight distribution in your calculations to ensure accuracy. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Calculating the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot

1. What is the purpose of calculating the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot?

The purpose of calculating the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot is to determine the minimum amount of force needed to maintain suction and allow the robot to climb vertically on a surface. This is important for designing and optimizing the climbing mechanism of the robot.

2. How is the minimum vacuum force calculated for a climbing robot?

The minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot is calculated by considering the weight of the robot, the weight of any payload it may carry, and the coefficient of friction between the robot's suction cups and the climbing surface. This calculation can also take into account factors such as air pressure and the size and number of suction cups.

3. What factors can affect the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot?

Several factors can affect the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot, including the weight and design of the robot, the surface material and texture, air pressure, and the number and size of suction cups. Additionally, environmental factors such as dust or moisture can also impact the effectiveness of the vacuum force.

4. How is the minimum vacuum force tested and verified for a climbing robot?

The minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot can be tested and verified through experiments using a prototype of the robot. This can involve measuring the amount of force needed for the robot to climb different surfaces with varying weights and payloads. Computer simulations and calculations can also be used to verify the minimum vacuum force.

5. Can the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot be adjusted or optimized?

Yes, the minimum vacuum force for a climbing robot can be adjusted and optimized through various means such as changing the design of the suction cups, adjusting the weight of the robot, or altering the number and placement of the suction cups. Additionally, using different materials for the climbing surface or incorporating sensors to monitor and adjust the vacuum force can also optimize the climbing performance of the robot.

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