Field Lagrangians as systems with infinte degrees of freedom?

In summary, there are two approaches to looking at field Lagrangian densities in relation to particle Lagrangians. The first approach considers a system with one coordinate and one parameter, while the second approach expands to systems with N coordinates and considers the limit as N goes to infinity. The second approach is commonly used in physics literature and suggests that fields have infinitely many degrees of freedom, but it raises questions about the representation of L as an integral and the role of partial derivatives with respect to x. However, a specific example, such as the harmonic chain, shows the benefits of this approach and how it can lead to a more appealing version of the Lagrangian. The first approach, on the other hand, may not fully respect the structure of
  • #1
There is nothing particular quantum about this question but I'm posting it here because I think the quantum folks are likely more familiar with the topic. Hope that's ok.

There are two ways of looking at field Lagrangian densities in relation to particle Lagrangians.

(1) A particle (one coordinate) action looks like

[tex]S=\int L\left(q(t),\dot{q}(t)\right)dt[/tex]

t is a continuous parameter. and


We can easily generalize this to 4 continuous parameters and write

[tex]S=\int L\left(q(x),\partial_{\mu} q(x)\right)d^4 x[/tex]

where now [tex]x=(x^0, x^1, x^2, x^3)[/tex] and [tex]\partial_{\mu} q[/tex] stands for all four partial derivatives. We then call q a field and L a Lagrangian density. But from this viewpoint the names suggest more distinction than is warranted. It is just a matter of how many continuous parameters we consider. The first is a system with one coordinate and one parameter, the second one coordinate and four parameters.

(2) In the second approach we first expand to systems of N coordinates and write

[tex]S=\int L\left(q_1,...,q_N,\dot{q_1},...,\dot{q_N}\right)dt[/tex]

Then we suppose that N goes to (continuum) infinity. We replace the discrete [tex]q_j(t)[/tex] with [tex]q(\vec{x},t)[/tex], where x is just a "label" to idenfity one of the infinitely many degrees of freedom. The Lagrangian becomes

[tex]L=\int \mathcal{L}\left(q(\vec{x},t),\dot{q}(\vec{x},t),\frac{\partial q}{\partial x^j}\right)d^3 x[/tex]

When we put this L into the action integral we get something like what we got in (1) above.

This second approach is common in the physics literature and is suggestive of physical signficance: fields are systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. However, I find this approach troubling in two ways. First, L is represented as an integral, which is a limit of a sum. Yet there is no summation in the definition of L in the N degrees of freedom case. So how is one the limiting case of the other?

Secondly, how do the partial derivatives with respect to x come in? They are not analogous to anything in the discrete case.

Is this approach inherently misleading? (yet historically useful in an accidental sort of way) Or am I missing something?
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  • #2
pellman said:
(2) In the second approach we first expand to systems of N coordinates and write

[tex]S=\int L\left(q_1,...,q_N,\dot{q_1},...,\dot{q_N}\right)dt[/tex]

Then we suppose that N goes to (continuum) infinity. We replace the discrete [tex]q_j(t)[/tex] with [tex]q(\vec{x},t)[/tex], where x is just a "label" to idenfity one of the infinitely many degrees of freedom. The Lagrangian becomes

[tex]L=\int \mathcal{L}\left(q(\vec{x},t),\dot{q}(\vec{x},t),\frac{\partial q}{\partial x^j}\right)d^3 x[/tex]

When we put this L into the action integral we get something like what we got in (1) above.

This second approach is common in the physics literature and is suggestive of physical signficance: fields are systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. However, I find this approach troubling in two ways. First, L is represented as an integral, which is a limit of a sum. Yet there is no summation in the definition of L in the N degrees of freedom case. So how is one the limiting case of the other?

Secondly, how do the partial derivatives with respect to x come in? They are not analogous to anything in the discrete case.

Is this approach inherently misleading? (yet historically useful in an accidental sort of way) Or am I missing something?

Yes, you're missing the benefit of a specific example. Take the harmonic chain. The discrete degrees of freedom are masses joined by springs.
The Lagrangian (proper) is
L = \sum_i \left[\frac{m}{2}\dot q_i^2 - \frac{k}{2}(q_{i+1}-q_i)^2\right]
Loosely taking a continuum limit gives
L = \int dx \left[\frac{m}{2}\dot q(x)^2 - \frac{ka^2}{2}(\frac{dq}{dx})^2\right]
where a is some lattice spacing.
The thing in square brackets is the Lagrangian density [tex]\cal L[/tex], since if you integrate it over space you get the Lagrangian.

I find this version much more appealing than the verision (1) you described - promoting the number of parameters in the way you describe in (1) is playing fast and loose with the structure of classical mechanics.
  • #3
thanks! I had forgotten how differences between different q in the discrete case can approach derivatives in the continuum limit.

peteratcam said:
promoting the number of parameters in the way you describe in (1) is playing fast and loose with the structure of classical mechanics.

I'm curious about what you mean. Please elaborate if you have time.
  • #4
pellman said:
I'm curious about what you mean. Please elaborate if you have time.

If I have more time, I will expand more, but my initial reaction is this:
The Hamiltonian is constructed as the Legendre transform of L with respect to the variables [tex]\{\dot q_i\}[/tex], or in the continuum case, [tex]\dot q(x)[/tex]. Thinking that it's ok to just increase the number of parameters from 1 to 4 doesn't respect the fact that the 1 time parameter is rather special in the Hamiltonian formalism.

FAQ: Field Lagrangians as systems with infinte degrees of freedom?

1. What is a Field Lagrangian?

A Field Lagrangian is a mathematical construct used in theoretical physics to describe the dynamics of a system with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. It is based on the principle of least action, which states that the path taken by a system between two points in time is the one that minimizes the action (a quantity related to energy) of the system.

2. How are Field Lagrangians used in theoretical physics?

Field Lagrangians are used to describe the behavior of fields, such as electromagnetic fields or quantum fields, which cannot be described using classical mechanics. They are an important tool in understanding the fundamental laws of nature, such as the laws of electromagnetism and the laws of quantum mechanics.

3. What is the role of infinite degrees of freedom in Field Lagrangians?

Infinite degrees of freedom refer to the fact that the system being described by a Field Lagrangian has an infinite number of independent variables. This is necessary because fields are continuous and can take on an infinite number of values at any given point in space. The use of infinite degrees of freedom allows for a more accurate and comprehensive description of the system.

4. How do Field Lagrangians differ from other Lagrangians?

Field Lagrangians differ from other Lagrangians in that they are used to describe systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom, while other Lagrangians are used for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Field Lagrangians also incorporate the concept of fields, while other Lagrangians typically deal with point particles.

5. What are some real-world applications of Field Lagrangians?

Field Lagrangians have numerous applications in theoretical physics, such as in describing the behavior of electromagnetic fields, quantum fields, and fluid dynamics. They have also been used in the development of various theories, such as the Standard Model of particle physics and the theory of general relativity. Additionally, they have practical applications in fields such as engineering and astrophysics.

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