What Is the Explanation for Quantum Mechanics at the Quantum Scale?

In summary: This article discusses the correspondence limit. Basically, the correspondence limit is the point at which the behavior of a system described by a wave function that is good at describing small-scale phenomena (like atoms and molecules) starts to break down when the system becomes large enough. In other words, it's the point at which the wave function becomes too complicated to be a good description of the system.In summary, the correspondence limit is the point at which the behavior of a system described by a wave function that is good at describing small-scale phenomena (like atoms and molecules) starts to break down when the system becomes large enough.
  • #1
Hello everyone, thanks for reading.

We all know that Quantum mechanics can be "ignored" when working with systems in which the typical distances and energies are big enough (compared to h, or other quantum constants).
However, when I try to think of an explanation for it I'm not sure I hit the right one.

Let's say I want to work out the Earth-sun System with Quantum Mechanics. That would mean I'd have to build a wave function for every atom in the system, or generally one terrible wave function describing the probabilities of all atoms to be found in certain positions.
Well - when I think about it like that, I imagine a terribly chaotic function.

Does the resolution has to do with the fact that probable deviations of the atoms from their most probable location are in the scale of 10-10[m]? Or is it something else?

Thanks a lot.

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  • #2
Can you explain to me the quantum scale? Because I need to finish my physics essay, and I'm confused.. Thank you very much.
  • #3
Well, since no one replyed, I'm probably not the best person to answer you, but as far as I know, Quantum scale is the the scale where quantum Phenomena start showing ;)
  • #5
From what GRW theories says, it seems it is quantum all the way. As the macroscopic object is described by an equation that governs atomic particles, but just includes collapses more frequently at the macroscopic scale.
  • #6
Hi Tomer,

I think a first sensible step could be to describe the earth-sun system by using only two particles: one particle with the mass of the sun, and another particle with the mass of the earth. You're actually doing the same in QM when you're describing the proton as one particle: at that level of description (i.e. assuming normal energies and such), it's irrelevant that it is made of quarks; its interior has no effect on its exterior behaviour. Likewise to a first approximation you can assume that the evolution of the Earth around the sun is independent of the Earth being populated by humans or not, or being made mainly out of protons or neutrons.

Once you're convinced that makes sense, you can realize that the description of sun-earth is identical to the description proton-electron in the hydrogen atom model; you just have to change some symbols and thus orders of magnitude.

But how to go from describing earth-sun as a quantum mechanical atom to the classical description, I don't really know, and I would suspect it depends on what interpretation of QM you're using. That being said, I don't know if every interpretation purports to explain the transition to the classical regime. I think the relation quantum-classical is not settled.

FAQ: What Is the Explanation for Quantum Mechanics at the Quantum Scale?

1. What is quantum scale explanation?

Quantum scale explanation is the study and understanding of phenomena that occur at the quantum scale, which is the smallest scale of particles and interactions in the universe.

2. Why is quantum scale explanation important?

Quantum scale explanation is important because it helps us understand the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact with each other. This knowledge can lead to advancements in technology, medicine, and other fields.

3. How does quantum scale explanation differ from classical physics?

Quantum scale explanation differs from classical physics in that it describes the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level, while classical physics explains the behavior of larger objects. Quantum scale explanation also incorporates the principles of uncertainty and superposition, which do not apply in classical physics.

4. What are some real-world applications of quantum scale explanation?

Some real-world applications of quantum scale explanation include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensors. It also plays a crucial role in the development of new materials and technologies, such as quantum dots and superconductors.

5. Are there any challenges in studying quantum scale explanation?

Yes, there are several challenges in studying quantum scale explanation, including the complexity of the mathematics involved, the difficulty in observing and measuring quantum phenomena, and the limitations of our current technology. Additionally, the principles of quantum mechanics often defy our classical intuition, making it a challenging subject to grasp.

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